Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1549: Zhang Ziling's confusion

Wasteland, on the stars!

Zhang Ziling and the heaven seeker overlooked the wasteland below, and everything in the wasteland was reflected in Zhang Ziling's sight.

The area of ​​the wasteland is already much larger than that of the earth, and there are countless creatures in one area, and the Jiu Yaoshang Shenzhou, which includes the wasteland, has more than a dozen areas that are almost the same as the wasteland. Endless.

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the fog-filled earth, and his spiritual power flowed.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a sight." Tianxunyi muttered, with emotion in his eyes.

"Whenever I stand in the starry sky and look down on the earth, I feel refreshed and happy... Even the giants, which are as high as hundreds of meters, are smaller than rice grains under this huge territory." Xun Tianyi was intoxicated.

"Okay, draw out the blood formations of the ancient gods in the wasteland. After these are resolved, the matter in the wasteland should come to an end." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

"Isn't there still the Cao family that hasn't solved it? They are also servants of the ancient gods?" Xun Tianyi asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry about the Cao family. When we went to Extreme Snow City, the Mu family had already taken action against the Cao family. My inner demon helped a little bit. Now the Cao family is probably in ruins." Zhang Ziling said calmly. , Did not take the Cao family seriously.

"It seems that you didn't absorb the last heart demon, the boss is still the right decision. At least it is much easier to do things. Many things don't need to be done by yourself." Tianxunyi smiled at Zhang Ziling while running the spiritual power in his body.

"His role is more than that, it's just what I asked him to do." Zhang Ziling glanced at Xuntianyi, "Trust me, he can play an unimaginable role in the future."

"Haha! Boss, you are probably the first person in the world to play with the demon so slippery. People can't avoid it. The boss actually summoned his own demon. I think that It's not a demon anymore. It is said that your incarnation is almost the same as the boss." Xun Tianyi looked at Zhang Ziling and joked.

"The heart demon is the heart demon, and there is still a big difference from the incarnation." Zhang Ziling shook his head slightly, "If it weren't for the help of Tianxuan, the ten heart demon would have become my nightmare."

Speaking of Tianxuan, the two suddenly fell silent, feeling inexplicably complicated.

At that time, they watched Tianxuan leave, knowing that Tianxuan would be taken away but did nothing...

The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

"Xuntian..." Zhang Ziling looked at the scarlet formations that appeared one after another in the wasteland below, and his eyes became a little confused.

"What's the matter, boss?" Xun Tianyi noticed Zhang Ziling's expression and asked quickly.

"The Xuanxiao Continent has a history of hundreds of millions of years, and it has existed since the beginning of the Primordial Chaos. The old monsters that have lived on this continent for tens of thousands of years don't know where they are. She has lived for more than 8,000 years... and was fooled by the fellow Xie Wushuang..."

"Compared with the long history of this continent, the time that I have existed on the Profound Sky Continent is not even a splash. I I need to take on so many responsibilities?" Zhang Ziling muttered. "Why does Tianxuan believe in me so much? Why does Xie Wushuang bring me from the earth...what the **** do I need to do?"

"Boss..." Xun Tianyi looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, only to find that he didn't know how to answer.

In the history of the Xuanxiao Continent, the great emperors who have existed are unknown, and even the supreme may not have been born... But those who stand on the top of the world either flee into deep space to find deeper mysteries, or flee in the Xuanxiao Continent After an era, disappeared inexplicably.

Even the emperor who had overthrown the gods had never carried the responsibilities of heaven in his flesh, and disappeared with history.

Obtaining the authority of the heaven and earth means to maintain the order of the heaven and the earth, and even to resist the erosion of the heaven and earth in other worlds.

Even more...Zhang Ziling had to resist the pressure of the unknown forces behind Heavenly Dao.

Zhang Ziling kept sighing in his heart, finding various reasons for himself to force him to do it.

When Zhang Ziling stood in the starry sky again, looking at the vast continent below, and watching the many beings with their own stories, Zhang Ziling suddenly didn't know what to do.

Even the Supreme Supreme will become a loess in the end, so why do you go desperately?

The blood formation in the wasteland has been drawn out by the heaven seeker, and the vast starry sky was illuminated with blood red. Zhang Ziling stood calmly in the starry sky, silent.

"Boss... Your Royal Highness Zi You, Master Tianxuan... They are still waiting for you." Suddenly, the voice of Xuntianyi sounded in Zhang Ziling's ears.

Zhang Ziling's body shook slightly.

"I know that boss you are very tired. In fact, with your boss's personality, playing the world is what you dream of most... But there are always things in this world that need someone to do."

"Boss, your shoulders have resisted those responsibilities." Xun Tianyi looked at Zhang Ziling seriously with a solemn voice, "There are countless people who believe in you."

"Just like on earth, when the boss overthrew the gods, those people shouted ‘Nine Emperors’. It was they who believed in you, boss."

"If you didn't come to the Xuanxiao Continent, the boss, you are still on Earth, studying, working, marrying, having children, getting old... in just a few decades, maybe you have all been working for life and you can't see this vast world. , Boss, do you like that kind of life?"

"Boss, are you willing, this vast world?"

Zhang Ziling stared at his hands in a daze, with aura in his eyes.

"Furthermore, for your boss, His Highness Ziyou willingly followed Xie Wushuang to the chaos in the future, Master Tianxuan was willing to be caught by a group of people in a dark place that didn't know which dark place to go to... even if it wasn't for others, it was for Ziyou. Your Royal Highness and Master Tianxuan, boss, you should all go ahead!"

"Perhaps you are right..." Zhang Ziling's eyes gradually became firm, "Perhaps I have no intention of exploring the ultimate of this world, but for the trust of the person in my heart, I have to go..."

"I promised Ziyou and Tianxuan that they would find them, based on this alone...the ancient gods, the heavens and the ultimate...the ones that stop me must be erased!"

"And... I can't bear this vast world."


The origin of the Three Thousand Avenues manifests around Zhang Ziling, like the sky full of stars, the Three Thousand Avenues conjoined!

The scarlet circle in the wasteland shattered one after another, and all the restrictions imposed by the ancient gods in this wasteland were removed!

In a place extremely far away from the wasteland, another Shang Shenzhou, with extremely terrifying spiritual power shaking.

A divine light rushed straight into the sky from the earth, broke through the clouds, and sank into the depths of the universe.

"Boss, look!" Xun Tianyi excitedly pointed to the divine light in the distance, with excitement in his eyes.

Zhang Ziling was surrounded by colorful gods, looking at the divine light in the distance, with a faint smile on his mouth.

that place……

It is the **** of heaven.

"God's lair, found it..."

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