Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1550: Hundred House Conference


The Hundred House Conference was officially held, but unlike the past, only the Mu and Lin families held the Hundred House Conference this time.

After experiencing the things of the ancient gods, only two of the four major families in the wasteland were left, and the corresponding spare resources were also eaten by the Mullin family. The other forces only drank some broth.

With Zhang Ziling standing behind the Mu family and the Lin family, many forces have also become obedient and dare not come out to be demon.

The deeds of the Devil Emperor fighting the Seven Emperors alone in Extreme Snow City have been spread in the wasteland, and now there are no unsightly forces that dare to covet the position of the Mu Family and the Lin Family.

The Mu Family and the Lin Family have obviously become the two strongest families in the wasteland.

After Zhang Ziling solved the blood formation buried by the ancient gods in the wasteland, he took the time to clean up the Tiandi Academy.

Zhang Ziling discovered that the so-called First College of the Wasteland had already become Tianshu's stronghold in the wasteland, and many monks were even imprisoned in the dungeon for dozens of hundreds of years, never seeing the light of day, and finally rescued by Zhang Ziling.

When Zhang Ziling went to the Tiandi Academy, Tianshu had already left Jiuyao to go to Shenzhou, and Zhang Ziling had only cleaned up the evil of the ancient gods.

At this point, Tiandi Academy was removed from the wasteland, Ye Nan and Bai Xiaoxiao were missing, and most of the teachers at Tiandi Academy were recruited by other colleges.

Because the news of the return of the Devil Emperor Zhang Ziling dispersed from the Extreme Snow City and quickly spread to the entire wasteland, there was also news that the Devil Emperor had joined the Baishi Academy, which caused the reputation of the Baishi Academy to rise, and most of the saints in the Tiandi Academy joined With the addition of Baishi Academy, the strength of Baishi Academy has been improved by leaps and bounds.

Baishi Academy has a faint tendency to become an emperor school.

Now Baishi Academy can even compete with Tiansheng Academy, but the specific ranking will not be known until the end of the Baishi Academy.

Because Zhang Ziling temporarily lived in the Mu's house in Hongye City, countless monks who wanted to pay homage to the Devil Emperor rushed to Hongye City from all over the wasteland, making Hongye City overcrowded.

And because all the colleges wanted to behave in front of the Devil Emperor, this time the Hundred Colleges Conference became unprecedentedly grand, and all the students were gearing up and preparing to show off.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling was sitting on a high platform temporarily built in the center of Hongye City, watching group after group of students enter the burial site of Emperor Yinwu, quite leisurely.

Emperor Yinwu is still suppressed by Zhang Ziling in the small world. Although there are still many dangers in the burial ground of Emperor Yinwu, the absolutely deadly traps have been cleaned up by the Mu and Lin families. There will be no natural disasters in the funeral competition.

Mu Changqing and Lin Ye sat in the lower seats on the high platform, looking at the scene cast by the mirror from the burial ground with satisfaction, their faces flushed.

They never thought that one day they could sit on the same stage with the devil and watch the game.

The surroundings of Jian Tian Jing are very lively, but most of the monks did not look at the pictures from the burial site. Instead, they stared directly at Zhang Ziling. There were even many beauties in costumes. Zhang Ziling favored.

"My lord, it seems that you are even more beautiful than the Hundred Academy Conference!" Mu Changqing laughed loudly and teased.

After spending some time with Zhang Ziling, Mu Changqing has probably figured out Zhang Ziling’s character. Zhang Ziling is not the kind of person who is not easy to get along with. On the contrary, he is very approachable. If Zhang Ziling’s identity is not taken into consideration, Mu Changqing will even consider Zhang Ziling. Treat it as a normal friend.

Zhang Ziling smiled, already used to looking like that.

Unlike the people around, Zhang Ziling was very interested in the situation in the burial ground.

In order to experience Xingyu, Zhang Ziling also sent Xingyu to the burial ground, letting him compete with people of his generation in Xuanxiao Continent.

There are many talents in this barren land, and there are not a few outstanding people. If Xingyu wants to win in the burial ground with Xingyu's current strength, he must step by step, otherwise he may roll over at any time and eventually fail and be sent out of the burial ground.

At the exit below the Jiantian realm, students came out from time to time. Those were the losers who failed in the battle in the burial ground and then crushed the jade medals and were sent out. There were students from all colleges.

In fact, Zhang Ziling has nothing to do in the wasteland, and now he still wants to finish watching the Hundred Academy Conference.

When the match is over, Zhang Ziling should set off to go to the Heavenly Sage.

The Heavenly Sage Upper Shenzhou is not only the lair of the Divine Court, but the Heavenly Sage Upper Shenzhou is in the center of the Xuanxiao Continent, where geniuses gather, and the overall strength of the monks may be several grades higher than that of the Shenzhou.

More importantly, the place occupied by the Three Hundred Sacred Lands of the Heavenly Sage Upper Divine Region is now the sacred land for cultivation in the Xuanxiao Continent. Whether it is business or culture, it is the most developed place in the Xuanxiao Continent, and it is extremely prosperous.

Zhang Ziling used to travel to the Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State when he was a monk in the Heavenly Palace Realm, but he met many people there and many stories happened. Zhang Ziling didn't know whether he would be able to meet his deceased when he returned to the Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State this time.

"My lord? My lord?"

Just when Zhang Ziling was distracted, Mu Changqing whispered to Zhang Ziling, pulling Zhang Ziling back from his thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziling returned to his senses and asked Mu Changqing.

"Mu Ke is out." Mu Changqing said to Zhang Ziling with an ugly expression, and pointed to the exit of the burial site.

The saint of their Mu family came out so quickly, Mu Changqing felt a little bit uncontrollable on his face.

"Why did that girl come out?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly when he saw Mu Ke looking around at the exit of the burial site.

Now that the Hundred Academy Conference has just begun, although Mu Ke is not the strongest among his peers, he is also the best. There is no reason to be eliminated at this time.

But before Zhang Ziling could think about it, Mu Ke saw Zhang Ziling and flew toward Zhang Ziling.

"Teacher!" Mu Ke fell in front of Zhang Ziling and smiled sweetly.

"Why did you come out?" Zhang Ziling looked at Mu Kona without any scars, and was quite curious.

Obviously, Mu Ke came out without experiencing a battle at all, which means that Ming Mu took the initiative to abandon the Hundred House Conference.

"I want to accompany the teacher more." Mu Ke walked around behind Zhang Ziling, pinched Zhang Ziling's shoulders, and whispered, "I don't want to participate in the Hundred Academy Conference or something."

When Mu Changqing heard what Mu Ke said, his face immediately became stern, and he shouted to Mu Ke in a deep voice: "You girl... nonsense!"

Mu Changqing was trembling with anger. If it weren't for Mu Bing in the burial ground, Mu Changqing would be fainted with anger.

Mu Ke grimaced at Mu Changqing, then hid behind Zhang Ziling.

"You!" Mu Changqing patted the armrest, trying to make Mu Ke stand up.

"It's okay." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, "Ke'er don't go if you don't want to go. Anyway, it doesn't make sense for her to be in the funeral."

"It's the teacher who treats me best!" Mu Ke coquettishly said to Zhang Ziling, quite proud.

"Master Devil, are accustomed to this girl!" Mu Changqing didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh.

Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his head, without saying anything.

Zhang Ziling had taken Mu Ke to the burial site once, and there was nothing in the burial place that could promote Mu Ke, and Mu Ke didn’t want the fame. Naturally, Mu Ke’s ranking in the Baiyuan Conference It is useless.

Lin Ye, who was on the side, kept chuckling, never speaking, and seemed to understand Zhang Ziling's love for Mu Ke.

"Teacher, are you leaving after the Hundred Academy Conference?"

Suddenly, when Mu Ke asked such a sentence, Zhang Ziling was slightly taken aback.

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