Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1555: Be involved

Seeing Xia Ning'er stand up, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but withdraw his movements to stare at Xia Ning'er, wanting to see what Xia Ning'er was doing.

To be honest, Zhang Ziling was quite surprised that Xia Ning'er dared to stand up. After all, Tian Fu had just killed one person. As an ordinary person, Xia Ning'er was able to stand up, which required great courage.

Moreover, Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er were not acquainted. Xia Ning'er was able to stand up for a stranger in such a dangerous situation. Such a character was really precious.

Although he had only been in contact with Xia Ning'er not long ago, Zhang Ziling discovered that although Xia Ning'er stole something, the essence was not bad, and Zhang Ziling felt Xia Ning'er cute.

"This girl is really kind, boss, I like her more and more." The Heaven Seeker inside Zhang Ziling joked.

"Shut up!" Zhang Ziling whispered, then looked at Xia Ning'er quietly.

Zhang Ziling could see that Xia Ning'er's legs were trembling now, and she was completely braced now. It is estimated that her body is soft.

Master Tian Fu squinted his eyes and looked at Xia Ning'er, and finally a smile appeared on his face, and he said gloomily: "The old man has been looking for you for so long, but I didn't expect you to come out by yourself."

"I, I just stole a horse from you, the big deal is to return it to you, why are you murdering!" Xia Ning'er said to Master Tianfu with courage.

Although Xia Ning'er wanted to be tough, but now Xia Ning'er was trembling even when she spoke, without any aura at all.

"A savage horse, the old man doesn't care about it."

Master Tian Fu's tone was calm, he didn't come here because Xia Ning'er stole the horse.

On weekdays, the price of a meal in Master Tianfu was comparable to the price of a stubborn horse. Even if Xia Ning'er stole ten more horses from him, Master Tianfu wouldn't blink.

"Then, what do you want? This matter has nothing to do with that guy. You just come to me." Xia Ning'er shouted to Master Tianfu. Although Xia Ning'er hated Zhang Ziling, Xia Ning'er didn't want it. Because I involved innocent people.

Master Tianfu is going to kill!

Xia Ning'er would be guilty for the rest of her life if she let others die because of herself.

Of course, the dog eggs are not counted, he asked for it.

"Yeah! I kind of take care of your little lover!" The old man of Tianfu laughed, and then a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, "Take it all for me!"


A group of family members drew out long knives and surrounded Xia Ning'er and Zhang Ziling together.

"Boss, don't you do it?" Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not show any signs of action, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but ask.

"No hurry, let's go and see the situation first. This is not that simple." Zhang Ziling said calmly, letting the guard's knife rest on her neck without resisting.

If Xia Ning'er didn't stand up, Zhang Ziling would naturally kill all of these people, and give Xia Ning'er some chances and leave.

And now Xia Ning'er took the initiative. Although she didn't help Zhang Ziling, she was still kind to Zhang Ziling in a sense. Zhang Ziling's affection for Xia Ning'er had also improved a lot, so Zhang Ziling naturally wanted to help Xia Ning. Check this out.

The poor in a slum area were suddenly targeted by the wealthy family, and the incident itself was full of weirdness.

And the death on Xia Ning'er's face appeared from the evening, which means that Tian Fu decided to do something against Xia Ning'er this afternoon.

Perhaps it was because someone from Tian Fu said something to Master Tian Fu, which caused Xia Ning'er's disaster.

"It's up to you." When Xun Tianyi heard Zhang Ziling's words, he ignored the matter and watched the play quietly.

In Xuntianyi's eyes, no matter how Tianfu jumped, he was nothing more than a grasshopper, so there was no need to worry.

Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er were escorted together. Xia Ning'er looked at Zhang Ziling apologetically, and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry... for involving you."

Although Xia Ning'er didn't know why she was targeted by Tian Fu, Xia Ning'er still apologized to Zhang Ziling.

After all, the cause of this incident was her.

Whatever the reason.

Zhang Ziling glanced at Xia Ning'er and said, "You could have not stood up."

"No way...I don't like to hurt others. Although I want to save you, I will eventually hurt you." Xia Ning'er barely squeezed a smile on her face to conceal her fear, "But you don't need to be afraid, their goal is I, when the matter is resolved, they will let you go."

Hearing Xia Ning'er's unassuming comfort, Zhang Ziling couldn't help laughing silently.

It's hard to protect her own self, and she is still thinking about others, this girl's heart is really big!

Too naive.

From beginning to end, Tian Fu never thought of letting them go.

Zhang Ziling never thought of letting go of Tian Mansion.

In the Xuanxiao Continent, killing is the main theme. People like Xia Ning'er are actually not suitable for survival in the environment of the Xuanxiao Continent.

However, Zhang Ziling was quite willing to protect such people when he met Xia Ning'er.

There is always some character that is worth protecting.

"You guys go in and search, take these two people back!"

After finding Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er, Master Tian Fu didn't seem to want to let Xia Ning'er's wooden house go and send someone to search for things.

"Hey, what are they looking for? There are only a few things in this girl's house, which are not worth a lot of money..." Xia Ning'er watched as a group of people rushed into her house and whispered to Zhang Ziling.

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Zhang Ziling gave Xia Ning'er a white look. "This time you have made me tired, how can you compensate me?"

"Hey! Why are you like this?" Xia Ning'er looked at Zhang Ziling and shouted in a low voice, "This girl has spared her life to save you, and you actually talked to this girl about compensation!"

"Besides, if you didn't insist on living in my house, would you have encountered these things?" Xia Ning'er and Zhang Ziling murmured theories, trying to choke Zhang Ziling to death, "You asked for this!"

"I don't care, anyway, I am because you were arrested, you have to pay me!" Zhang Ziling retorted, so angry that Xia Ning'er couldn't even speak.

Xia Ning'er glared at Zhang Ziling a few times, opened her mouth, and finally only spit out two words from her mouth: "Rogue!"

"Don't dawdle! Go!"

At this time, the two patriarchs urged Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er, Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er also ended their conversation, were taken into the city, and taken into the dungeon of Tianfu.

"Master, I didn't find anything." Outside Xia Ning'er's wooden house, a guard walked out of the wooden house and said respectfully to Master Tianfu.

"No?" Hearing the words of the guard, Master Tianfu frowned slightly, "Are you sure you have found them all?"

"Back to master, the whole house has been rummaged."

"Then dig out the ground for me, and you must find it for me!" Master Tianfu*, shouted loudly, making everyone around him startled.

"Yes, yes..." the guard hurriedly responded.

"By the way! Not only Xia Ning'er, but all the residents in this slum area, I searched it all for me, and all suspicious things were found for me. People who don't cooperate...

Guard: "Yes!"

Tian Fu Jia Ding took his orders, and the whole slum area was very noisy tonight.

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