Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1556: prison Break

In the Tianfu Dungeon, Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er were locked in the same cell.

Zhang Ziling didn't worry about his situation at all. He just found a haystack in the cell and sat down comfortably.

Before Zhang Ziling became emperor, he also offended many people. Zhang Ziling has not experienced this kind of jail time, but he is used to it.

Now that Zhang Ziling is being locked up in the dungeon with Xia Ning'er, Zhang Ziling still feels very nostalgic.

"How do these **** guys keep me locked up with a man?" Xia Ning'er glanced at Zhang Ziling complainingly, and then slapped the iron prison several times, attracting the jailer not far away.

The Tian Jia jailer walked over with an impatient look and looked at Xia Ning'er and scolded, "What is the noise?"

Xia Ning'er didn't care about the Tianjia jailer's attitude. She put a smile on her face and asked the jailer in a gentle voice, "Brother guard, can you change me a room?"

Xia Ning'er thought she still had a bit of beauty, and if she were gentle, she should be able to impress the jailer.

However, things did not develop in the direction Xia Ning'er imagined.

The jailer frowned and glanced at Xia Ning'er, who was full of ash, his eyes could not hide his disgust, he slammed the iron prison in front of Xia Ning'er with a long stick, and roared unceremoniously: "You treat this as an inn. Stay here, don't play tricks on Lao Tzu."

Without hesitation, the jailer refused Xia Ning'er's request and left without looking back.

"Hey!" Xia Ning'er still wanted to call the jailer, but this time the jailer ignored Xia Ning'er.

"What kind of people are this..." Xia Ning'er began to mutter low when she saw that she had to live in the same cell with Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xia Ning’er’s back and laughed, and said, “It’s better to be quiet. It’s no shame to live in the same house with me. There are many people in the world who want to live in the same house with me without anything. The way!"

Xia Ning'er gave Zhang Ziling a blank look, and said disdainfully: "Just blow it up, just you? This girl kindly saves you, and in the end you have to ruin this girl, this girl doesn't bother to be with you, a liar! "

Zhang Ziling smiled and said, "Aren't you also a thief? Are you qualified to speak of me?"

Xia Ning'er was anxious, stomped her foot suddenly, and pointed to Zhang Ziling and said, "You! Unreasonable!"

"be quiet!"

The jailer roared outside the cell, and Xia Ning'er did not dare to make any noise anymore, and ignored Zhang Ziling. She walked to another corner of the cell and lay down with her back facing Zhang Ziling.

The cell suddenly became quiet.

Seeing that Xia Ning'er stopped talking, Zhang Ziling also began to sit cross-legged with his eyes closed, his spirit spreading outward.

Now Zhang Ziling is not in a hurry to escape from prison. Zhang Ziling is very interested in the secrets of Tianfu.

In the outer city outside Qingyan City, the fire was already flooding the sky, and the people from Tian Mansion rummaged the entire slum area, and there were crying people everywhere.

Team after team of Tianfu's family members searched every room rudely, not letting go of every piece of land.

Master Tian Fu stood in front of Xia Ning'er's wooden house with a gloomy expression, and the crying around him did not affect him at all.

At this time, a guard walked quickly to the master of Tianfu and said respectfully: "Master, the entire slum has been rummaged through, and I did not find what you wanted, master."

"Not really? It's impossible...Shang Xian can't be wrong." Seeing that the entire slum had been rummaged through, the Master Tian Fu was still unable to find what he wanted, so he fell into deep thought. "This Xia Ning'er Where did you hide that thing?"

"Master, is it on Xia Ning'er?"

Master Tianfu nodded slightly: "It's possible, I'm too tired, so let's do it today. Tomorrow, bring Xia Ning'er over, and I will interrogate myself."


"What are they looking for?" Zhang Ziling took the soul back, muttered in a low voice, and glanced at Xia Ning'er, who was still facing her back.

Zhang Ziling on Xia Ning'er was also swept through with the spirit. There was nothing peculiar in her body. Just an ordinary purse was filled with some profound silver coins. It is estimated that those profound silver coins were still the money Xia Ning'er stole today.

"Xuntian, are you going to search for any suspicious people in Qingyan City?" Zhang Ziling had no clues for the time being. Zhang Ziling could only temporarily put it down, and after instructing Xun Tianyi to go to the city to find clues, he waited quietly.

In this matter, Master Tian Mansion was a small character at best, and Zhang Ziling was not even in the mood to search for the soul of Master Tian Mansion.

As the night gradually deepened, Master Tianfu also took Jiading back to the mansion and rested separately.

The jailer guarding the dungeon began to doze off and might fall asleep at any time.

At this moment, Xia Ning'er moved.

Without making any sound, Xia Ning'er quietly turned around and saw Zhang Ziling also closed his eyes, thinking that Zhang Ziling was also asleep.

"It's really a pig, I can fall asleep in this situation!" Xia Ning'er whispered to Zhang Ziling, then quietly stood up and took out a wire from her inner pocket.

Xia Ning'er's job is a thief, and he will be caught one day when he keeps everything, so the guy who eats to save his life, Xia Ning'er never leaves.

After walking to the door of the iron jail, Xia Ning'er also began to use the wire to open the lock after making sure that the jailers were asleep.

"I want to trap your aunt, grandma, and me, it's hundreds of years too early!" Xia Ning'er muttered with her little tiger's teeth, and soon the door of the iron prison was opened by Xia Ning'er.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of skill."


As soon as Xia Ning'er called out, Zhang Ziling suddenly covered Xia Ning'er's mouth to prevent Xia Ning'er from making a sound.


After Xia Ning'er nodded repeatedly and signaled that she would stop speaking, Zhang Ziling let go of Xia Ning'er.

"You scared me to death!" Xia Ning'er glared at Zhang Ziling and whispered.

Zhang Ziling didn't seem to reflect at all, and smiled perfunctorily: "Blame me."

Originally, Zhang Ziling planned to wait behind the scenes in Tianfu to give instructions, but Zhang Ziling did not expect that Xia Ning'er still had the ability to unlock the locks, and Zhang Ziling's plan had to be changed accordingly.

Zhang Ziling can't let Xia Ning'er escape by himself while still carrying him in the cell, right?

"Weirdo! I warn you, you will follow this girl later, if you are arrested, this girl will not give up her life for the second time!" Xia Ning'er warned Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling smiled and said: "Okay!"

"Come with me!"

Xia Ning'er opened the door gently, probed out and looked around. After confirming that the jailer was asleep, she gave Zhang Ziling a gesture and tiptoed out of the cell.

Zhang Ziling still had a faint smile on his face, and wanted to play a "prison escape" with Xia Ning'er, but soon the smile on Zhang Ziling's face turned into a sneer, and his eyes flashed cold.

"Those bugs, come a little faster!"

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