Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1557: Mysterious shadow

"What are you talking about?" Xia Ning'er looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, and asked in a low voice.

Zhang Ziling's expression returned to normal, shook his head, and whispered: "It's nothing, let's go."

Xia Ning'er gave Zhang Ziling a blank look, but did not delve into this matter too much, and concentrated on breaking out of prison.

Although the jailer guarding the door of the dungeon was dozing off, he was not asleep. If he accidentally made some noise, he would still wake the jailer.

Xia Ning'er didn't believe that Zhang Ziling's body could beat that tall jailer.

Xia Ning'er brought Zhang Ziling close to the jailer cautiously, and also took an iron rod from the wall to respond.

Zhang Ziling didn't follow Xia Ning'er and walk slowly, but followed Xia Ning'er leisurely.

As long as Zhang Ziling thought, even if Zhang Ziling ran forward, he wouldn't make any footsteps.

Just as Xia Ning'er and Zhang Ziling were slowly approaching the entrance of the dungeon, in the dormitory of Master Tianfu, a dark shadow stood by the bedside of Master Tianfu, his eyes twinkling with dim light.

At this moment, Master Tianfu was sleeping soundly, snoring loudly, and beside him was a beauty who only wore a bellyband. There was a pile of messy clothes on the ground. It was obvious that Master Tianfu had only experienced a big battle before.

The black shadow looked at Master Tianfu calmly, and his hands gradually became pitch black under the icy moonlight, dazzling with black air.

Those black qi turned into claws and crawled towards Master Tianfu's neck, gradually tightening.

Soon, Master Tianfu felt breathing difficulties, awakened from his sleep, and suddenly opened his eyes.

When Master Tianfu saw the dark shadow on the bedside, his eyes widened suddenly, full of fear.

"Master, what are you doing? You let people not sleep!" The beauty on the side was awakened by Master Tianfu's movement, and said coquettishly.

But when the beauty got up and saw the dark shadow on the bed, she was taken aback.


A harsh scream came from the beauty's throat, causing the dark shadow to frown slightly.

The black gas around the black shadow's palm turned into sharp claws and directly pierced the beauty's chest, dug out her heart, and the scream stopped abruptly.

The hot blood of the beauty splashed on the body of Master Tian Fu.

However, Master Tian Fu didn't care about the life and death of the beauty at this moment. He quickly climbed down from the bed, kneeling in front of the black shadow covered in blood, and said tremblingly: "The villain does not know the arrival of the immortal. crime!"

The black shadow looked at Master Tian Mansion indifferently, and asked in a cold voice, "What happened to what this seat gave you to do?"

Master Tianfu was trembling violently with fat, sweat mixed with blood, and the whole person was terrified.

"Hui, Huishang, I have captured people and people, and I will find them tomorrow!"

"So, you didn't find what you wanted?" Sombra asked indifferently, making the Master Tianfu even more frightened.

"Shang Xian, please! Shang Xian, please!" The Master Tian Fu quickly kowtow to the shadow, shaking his whole body.

Despite the wealth of the Master Tianfu, he is still an ant that can be easily pinched to death in front of the monk, and he does not dare to be presumptuous.

The task that Shadow gave to Master Tianfu was to find Xia Ning'er and get what he wanted, but Master Tian thought that Xia Ning'er had been caught, and there was a beauty waiting in bed at home, Tianfu The master did not choose to interrogate Xia Ning'er overnight, but returned to Wenrou Township.

The black shadow looked at Master Tianfu indifferently, and the black air in his palms turned into paws and grabbed Master Tianfu's neck, and lifted Master Tianfu up.

"I would like to remind you again. Before dawn, I have to see what I want, won't keep any of them in this field!"

When the voice fell, the black shadow turned into black energy and dissipated, allowing the Master Tianfu to fall to the ground.

Master Tianfu coughed loudly, the fear in his eyes had not disappeared.

No longer looking at the beauty whose heart was hollowed out on the bed, Master Tian Fu shouted, "Come on!"

Tianfu went up and down, instantly becoming noisy.

Xia Ning'er, who had just opened the door of the big prison with a wire, had not had time to be happy. The two jailers who were still dozing off were awakened by the noise outside and suddenly saw Xia Ning'er and Zhang Ziling who were about to escape.

Zhang Ziling didn't wait for the jailer to scream, he picked up the iron rod on the table to greet one of the jailers, and directly beat the jailer to death.


"Shut up." Zhang Ziling said indifferently.

The other jailer immediately closed his mouth, staring blankly at Zhang Ziling who was holding an iron rod pointing at him, swallowed slightly, and raised his hands.

"Rao, Rao..."


Before the jailer had time to beg for mercy, Xia Ning'er had already walked around behind the jailer and gave the jailer a stick, and directly knocked the jailer out.

"Just dared to shout at this girl and see how this girl teaches you!" Xia Ning'er rolled up his sleeves and said to the jailer who passed out.

This jailer was the hapless guy who just refused to change Xia Ning'er.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xia Ning'er in surprise, but didn't expect Xia Ning'er to be so sturdy.

Xia Ning'er threw the iron rod in her hand aside, glared at Zhang Ziling, and hummed: "What are you looking at? Why don't you go!"

After all, Xia Ning'er didn't care about Zhang Ziling and rushed out of the cell.

Seeing Xia Ning'er's windy figure, Zhang Ziling also shook his head and smiled, then rushed out.

Tianfu has already made a mess, the master Tianfu has changed his clothes at this moment, and walked with people to his dungeon.

Xia Ning'er took Zhang Ziling and hid on the side, and saw Master Tianfu rushing into the dungeon with his own eyes.

"It's dangerous, I almost got hit! I can't stay here for long, leave quickly!" Xia Ning'er patted his chest, and then ran out with Zhang Ziling.

Master Tianfu rushed into the cell when he saw the two jailers lying on the ground. He almost fainted out of breath, and his body began to shake.

"Master!" A group of patriarchs hurriedly helped Master Tianfu, looking panicked.

"A bunch of rubbish... don't hurry up and find people out for me!" The Master Tianfu roared, his eyes cracking.

If Xia Ning'er ran away... none of them would survive!

"Haha! That stupid pig still wants to catch this girl, in the next life!" Xia Ning'er jumped out of Tianfu over the wall and laughed.

Zhang Ziling followed closely and jumped out of the wall with Xia Ning'er.

Following Xia Ning'er hiding from Tibet like an ordinary person, Zhang Ziling also experienced a feeling that he had not experienced for many years, quite fresh.

"Liar, let's go! It's still dangerous here!" Xia Ning'er stretched out and said to Zhang Ziling.

"Okay, female thief."

I don't know when, Xia Ning'er called Zhang Ziling a liar, and Zhang Ziling also changed his name to Xia Ning's son and daughter thief, and the two had a bit of an enemy.

Xia Ning'er and Zhang Ziling were far away from Tian Mansion, and a dark figure on the top of a tall building somewhere in Tian Mansion was watching Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er leaving behind.

"A bunch of... trash!"

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