Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1558: Xia Palace, the blood of the imperial clan!

"Running so far, they should not be able to catch up?"

In Qingyan City, Xia Ning'er hid in an alley with Zhang Ziling, panting.

Xia Ning'er didn't expect that the entire Tian Mansion was going crazy tonight. People in the brigade searched in and out of the city, and the whole mortal area was disturbed.

"A little further ahead is the area where the gods are. We can't cross the boundary." Xia Ning'er pointed to the street in front to remind Zhang Ziling.

In Xuanxiao Continent, the place where mortals and monks live is strictly separated, and ordinary monks will not come to the mortal area, and ordinary people are expressly forbidden to enter the place where monks are.

Unless an ordinary person brought by the monk himself can enter the monk’s living quarters, if the other ordinary people go in and are discovered by the monk, they will basically be killed or captured as slaves.

For ordinary people, the monastery area is their forbidden area, and people like Xia Ning'er who live in the slums do not dare to step into the monastery area.

Zhang Ziling looked at the street in front, where the spiritual energy was hazy and the fairy mist lingered, like a fairyland.

But those places are undoubtedly **** for ordinary people.

Wherever a monk is, there will always be a gathering of spirits, where the strength of spiritual power is much higher than that of ordinary people living in the area. The difference in concentration of spiritual power between the two areas is too large, so look at the monk’s area in the area where ordinary people are. You will see the phenomenon of hazy spiritual mist enveloping.

Therefore, many ordinary people call the area where monks are located as fairyland, and monks as gods.

Most of the cultivating forces in the Xuanxiao Continent are cultivating families, and the disciples of the sects are basically looking for disciples from the cultivating families. Although ordinary people live in the Xuanxiao Continent, they want to enter the world of cultivation, but it is as difficult as the sky. .

If it weren't for a big chance or for the monks who were traveling outside to fancy the roots and bones taken away when they were very young, otherwise few ordinary people could step into the world of cultivation.

After all, if you have to practice as early as possible, and then practice it a year later, the practice speed will be much slower than that of peers.

Moreover, ordinary people don't have the huge resources of the cultivation world at all, and they can get the opportunity of getting elixir for bones, demon pill to raise yuan from an early age... they lose to others at the starting line.

Without the inheritance of their ancestors, even the shrines are extremely fragile, unable to compare with the children of the family.

Over time, the cultivation family will become stronger and stronger, and it will become increasingly difficult for ordinary people to step into the cultivation world.

Even Zhang Ziling can't change the situation in Xuanxiao Continent. The only thing he can do is to build a magic palace and recruit ordinary people as much as possible.

That's it.

"Do you want to go over and take a look?" Zhang Ziling glanced at the street in front of him, and then asked Xia Ning'er.

"Are you crazy?" Xia Ning'er glanced at Zhang Ziling in surprise, "I don't want to die if you want to die! What are you going to do when you run into the fairyland?"

Without even thinking about it, Xia Ning'er rejected Zhang Ziling, then pointed in another direction and said, "Go here, I know there is a path out of the city!"

Seeing Xia Ning'er so simply, Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly, and didn't insist on taking Xia Ning'er to the place where the monk was, and followed Xia Ning'er to the other direction.

"Search this place thoroughly, and you must not let those two people escape!"

Before Xia Ning'er got out of the alley, he heard the voice of Tian Fu Jiading coming from outside, and a burst of fire light came in.

"Why are they so fast?" Xia Ning'er quickly retreated, looking at Zhang Ziling in a panic, "What should we do now?"

"Here, there is only another way." Zhang Ziling pointed to the spiritually stricken street on the right and smiled.

"This, this..." Xia Ning'er looked around nervously, looking for a new way out.

"There are smooth walls on both sides of this alley. Don't say you can't climb it. Even if you can climb it, I am afraid that you will be beaten down by Tianfu people before you climb halfway." Zhang Ziling smiled at Xia Ning'er. Look confident.

"You can still laugh at this time?" Xia Ning'er glanced back, she could already see the shadows of the people in Tianfu.

"Found it! They are here!" Arita House Ding came to this alley and saw Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er, and immediately shouted out.

"Forget it, just die!"

Xia Ning'er made a decision in a hurry and ran to the monk area first.

Zhang Ziling chuckled and followed Xia Ning'er.

"They want to flee to the place where the gods live, don't let them escape!" The people in Tianfu shouted, and hurriedly pursued Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er.

However, the people in Tianfu didn't catch up with the two people after all, and watched Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er disappear into the fairy mist.

"What should I do now?" A group of Tian Fu Jiading stood in the alley and looked at each other, not knowing what to do next.

They dare not keep chasing.

In the cultivator area, even a guard can easily slaughter a group of them.

"How courageous!"

In mid-air, the black shadow watched Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er enter the boundary of the monk, with a strange arc in the corner of his mouth.

"It's also good...if you start in the monk area, this seat is not easy to expose."

"This group of **** pigs should die."

A black demon fire appeared in the palm of the black shadow, and then the demon fire split into hundreds and flew everywhere in Qingyan City.

More demon fire still flew towards Tian Mansion.

He could have said that Tian Mansion could not find what he wanted, so he killed Guang Tian Mansion.

"This seat has always kept its promises." The shadow Jiejie smiled, turning into a black mist and dissipating.

There were screams everywhere in Qingyan City. All the people in Tianfu were burned by the black flames. The master of Tianfu was burning with fat, and the whole person rolled on the ground, and the rich fragrance of meat filled Tianfu.

Overnight, the farmhouse evaporated, and there was no gentry, tyrant or bully in the village. The people clapped their hands and shouted for the gods to appear.

Of course, those are things for tomorrow morning.

After Xia Ning'er rushed into the monk area with Zhang Ziling, she regretted it. Although the spiritual power was strong in the place where the monk was, Xia Ning'er even took a breath of air and felt refreshed.

However, the strong pressure from the houses on both sides of the street made Xia Ning'er feel tremendous pressure.

"Hey liar, what should we do now?" On the empty street, Xia Ning'er hugged her hands and asked Zhang Ziling in a low voice.

If discovered by a god, they will all die!

"Go ahead." Zhang Ziling did not continue to scare Xia Ning'er, but said to Xia Ning'er.

Zhang Ziling discovered that after Xia Ning'er entered this area with sufficient spiritual power, a phoenix totem appeared on her left shoulder behind her back.

And when Zhang Ziling and the Xia clan of the Xia Palace had a good relationship, they knew...

In the Xia family, all tribesmen who inherited 90% of the blood of their ancestors will have a Phoenix Totem!

As for Prince Xia Mansion, hundreds of thousands of years ago... it was also the Taoism of Emperor Sect, but later because of the disappearance of the great emperor within the clan, the Xia clan has already declined.

In Zhang Ziling's time, Prince Xia's Mansion had already declined, and there was not even a person in the clan who possessed a Phoenix Totem.

At that time, Zhang Ziling's friend, the top genius of King Xia's mansion, was nothing but a young phoenix totem, and only activated 50% of the ancestral bloodline.

Zhang Ziling did not expect that this Xia Ning'er as an ordinary person...

It has become the first genius in the Palace of Xia for hundreds of thousands of years!

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