Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1559: Emperor Danxin

Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er walked hundreds of meters in the street. Xia Ning'er was in front and Zhang Ziling was behind. There was nothing between them.

Zhang Ziling stared at the Phoenix Totem behind Xia Ning'er almost all the time.

The pattern on the back of Xia Ning'er's shoulder reminded Zhang Ziling of the days when he lived and died with that friend in the Palace of Xia.

"Once the top family in the middle domain has been reduced to one person, one wooden house, this time... it is really merciless." Zhang Ziling sighed in a low voice, sighing.

Zhang Ziling didn't feel deeply about this before, but when Zhang Ziling discovered that Xia Ning'er was really a descendant of the Xia clan, the situation of a power in two eras caused an extremely huge impact on Zhang Ziling.

After leaving the Xuanxiao Continent for more than five thousand years, everything is right and wrong.

"What are you talking about?" Xia Ning'er didn't hear what Zhang Ziling was saying, turned and asked Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling shook his head: "Nothing."

"Hey! It's sneaky, you don't feel at ease at first sight!" Xia Ning'er just stunned Zhang Ziling, and then continued to move forward.

Although Xia Ning'er felt very worried about the way ahead, Xia Ning'er was extremely calm at least on the surface.

I don't know why tonight, the streets are so quiet, there is not even a watchman who is watching the night, and Xia Ning'er has not found a half-person figure after walking for a long time.

Xia Ning'er walked hundreds of meters on the street without being noticed by the monks. On the contrary, the pressure on Xia Ning'er's body was getting less and less, almost disappearing.

"I always hear people say how terrible the place where the fairy lives. As long as we mortals step in, we will be discovered by the fairy within a few steps."

"But from now on, it's no big deal here!"

Xia Ning'er spread her arms around the center of the street and turned around, the hem of the little skirt spinning like a flower.

Seeing Xia Ning'er getting more courageous, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

Had it not been for Zhang Ziling to hypnotize all the surrounding monks with his spirits, I am afraid that Xia Ning'er would have been discovered by other monks when he stepped into this monk area.

And Zhang Ziling knew that although it seemed very peaceful on the surface, there was always a little mouse following them behind it.

As for when this little mouse will do it, Zhang Ziling is also waiting.

After knowing the identity of Xia Ning'er, Zhang Ziling could also guess what the people behind the scenes were seeking.

Among the Xia people, there has always been a treasure that is famous all over the world.

It is rumored that the ancestors of the Xia clan personally dug out their own hearts before they disappeared and even became the emperor's heart, and passed on as the family treasure.

However, for hundreds of thousands of years, no one of the Xia clan had ever activated the emperor's loyalty, and as a result, the emperor's loyalty has truly become the treasure of the inheritance.

The person behind the scenes must be the attention of the Xia clan emperor.

What Zhang Ziling needs to know now is that it is the forces behind this man behind the scenes.

"I don't know if there is anything to eat here..." Soon, Xia Ning'er felt the hunger, and began to look around.

She has never eaten a grain of rice since the afternoon, and her belly is already empty.

It seems that Zhang Ziling can't bear Zhang Ziling's walking so slowly, Xia Ning'er couldn't help turning around and holding Zhang Ziling, and urged: "Can you go faster? It's very dangerous for us to walk around the street all the time. In case a fairy comes out, we will I don't even know how to die!"

However, Zhang Ziling had been looking straight ahead with a strange light in his eyes.

Seeing the dangerous look in Zhang Ziling's eyes, Xia Ning'er was slightly in a trance.

"A liar?" Xia Ning'er looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, and her heart suddenly shook.

Zhang Ziling didn't answer Xia Ning'er, Xia Ning'er was puzzled, and turned around slowly.

When Xia Ning'er turned and saw a dark person who appeared not far behind her, she didn't know when she appeared, she was shocked, her legs almost didn't weaken.

"Wh, when?" Xia Ning'er's voice trembled, and she asked Zhang Ziling, touching her hands up and down behind her, trying to grasp something to relieve her fear.

"Just when you turned around." Zhang Ziling grabbed Xia Ning'er's hand and pulled Xia Ning'er behind her.

"Liar, liar, this, this seems to be the rumored fairy... is dead!" Xia Ning'er hid behind Zhang Ziling, clutching Zhang Ziling's sleeve tightly, her body trembling slightly.

Although Xia Ning'er said just now that there is no big deal in the monk area, when Xia Ning'er saw a monk appearing, she was still scared.

Black Shadow glanced at Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er indifferently, then his mouth grinned slightly, revealing snow-white teeth, and his eyes were full of sneers.

"Boy, if you want to survive, give the girl behind you to this seat." Sombra looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled, and a powerful aura filled his body.

When Hei Ying said these words, Zhang Ziling felt that Xia Ning'er was holding her sleeve a little harder, and Xia Ning'er's muscles became tense.

"Liar, liar, if you, if you abandon me at this time, I, I... will not let you go as a ghost!" Xia Ning'er clutched Zhang Ziling's sleeve tightly, for fear that Zhang Ziling would really hand over herself. .

Xia Ning'er did a lot of things when his head became hot.

For example, Xia Ning'er stood up with a hot head when Tian Fu caught Zhang Ziling.

Now Xia Ning'er saw the black shadow appearing in front of her, she regretted it a bit.

If he hadn't stood up to rescue Zhang Ziling at that time, he would not have come to this place to meet that fairy.

She and Zhang Ziling are not related to each other, and she has no responsibility to rescue Zhang Ziling.

Conversely, Zhang Ziling is not obligated to put his life in here for her...

Xia Ning'er's mood is extremely complicated now, but Zhang Ziling's heart is as calm as water, with only a faint sneer on her face.

"What if I don't?" Zhang Ziling sneered looking at the shadow.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xia Ning'er couldn't help but shake, and then she trembled and laughed: "You, you liar are quite loyal!"

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was not threatened by him, the black shadow couldn't help flashing a trace of surprise in his eyes, and then he turned into joking.

"Interesting mortal, it's a pity... you don't even know what you are facing."


Dark flames began to surround the shadow.

"If you put it in the past, this seat must teach you well, and you should be thankful. Time is running out now... this seat has no time to play with you."

"That girl has the loyalty of the emperor. From the beginning, you are not in the same world as you. You want to save the beauty... but never thought that you are not a hero at all."

The black shadow's voice fell, and his figure was suddenly blurred. The next moment he appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, and his five fingers formed claws to grab Zhang Ziling.

The black flames are enchanting and ferocious.

"Remember, don't do anything beyond your ability in your next life, it will only speed up your death."


Zhang Ziling stretched out his hand and easily grabbed the hand of Sombra, grinning slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Really?"

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