Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1560: Are you the devil?

Zhang Ziling easily squeezed the palm of the black shadow, with a slight joking at the corner of his mouth.

A cold wind blew around, awakening the paused consciousness of Xia Ning'er and Sombra.

"A liar, a liar?" Xia Ning'er stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, her brain blank for a moment.

Zhang Ziling's aura suddenly changed like a person, which made Xia Ning'er a little uncomfortable.

"you you?"

The black shadow's expression completely changed, and he looked at Zhang Ziling in shock, unable to believe it.

He can feel Zhang Ziling's extremely powerful and terrifying power from Zhang Ziling's palm...

I couldn't break free from Zhang Ziling's grasp!

"What a joke!" Because of the fear in his heart, the black shadow roared at Zhang Ziling, and the black flames all over his body turned into a unicorn and bite towards Zhang Ziling.

Looking at the black fire unicorn that invaded him, Zhang Ziling's five fingers pressed slightly and directly crushed the palm of the black shadow.


"Return the things you just said!"

Zhang Ziling gave a chuckle, grabbed the hand of Sombra's palm and pulled back, then Zhang Ziling gave Sombra a knee-knee.


"Hmm!" Sombra spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the pain made him unable to maintain the shape of the black fire unicorn. The black flames dissipated. Sombra covered his abdomen and knelt in front of Zhang Ziling with one hand, his eyes barely protruding.

A knee hit by Zhang Ziling just now almost didn't make the black shadow lose consciousness directly.

Zhang Ziling still held the palm of the black shadow, and his eyes were filled with brutal smiles.

"Let's talk about it, who sent you here? The power that can drive the True Martial Realm cultivator is certainly not a small power in this middle domain. Maybe we have the fate?"

"You, who are you?" Sombra looked up at Zhang Ziling with difficulty, and asked weakly.

The two hands Zhang Ziling had just exposed had already made Sombra deeply understand Zhang Ziling's strength.

I... definitely not Zhang Ziling's opponent!

Where did such a strong come from?

Sombra's brain is running fast.

Xia Ning'er, who had been pulling on Zhang Ziling's sleeve, didn't know when he let go of Zhang Ziling, stepped back slightly, and looked at Zhang Ziling with a little fear in her eyes.

It turns out... "liars" are also fairies!

Xia Ning'er's eyes became complicated, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhang Ziling's strength completely exceeded Xia Ning'er's expectations.

The thought of what Zhang Ziling and himself had done before, and being imprisoned with him in the Tian family, followed by "clumsy" escape from prison...Xia Ning'er was a little angry.

Didn't this liar play her like a monkey?

With such a powerful force, the people of Tianfu simply have no ability to catch Zhang Ziling!

Zhang Ziling hadn't noticed the change in Xia Ning'er's mood. He was now wholeheartedly thinking about the identity of the shadow.

It is possible to find out that an ordinary person Xia Ning'er has the power of the emperor's heart, at least it is also a heavenly holy land, and the two have a very good understanding of the Xia clan...

And in this Heavenly Sacred State, the Heavenly Sacred Lands basically belonged to the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands, in other words...that is, Zhang Ziling should focus on the object of care.

The Devil’s Palace was destroyed at the time, and the Palace of Xia, which had been close to the Devil’s Palace, was probably affected by the defeat of the Devil’s Palace.


Zhang Ziling put his foot on Sombra's abdomen again, Sombra spit out a big mouthful of blood again, the spiritual power in his body began to be disordered, and his shrine was on the verge of breaking.

Finding that his shrine was about to be kicked to pieces by Zhang Ziling, a flash of fear flashed in the eyes of the black shadow, and he dared not let Zhang Ziling continue the fight. He quickly said: "I am the staff of the three princes of the ancient kingdom of Azure. In order to obtain the emperor's loyalty for the three princes, and to celebrate the birthday of the ancient country sage!"

"The three princes of the ancient kingdom of Azure?" Zhang Ziling raised his brows slightly. "I remember that Prince Xia was the founder of your ancient kingdom of Azure. Now that the Xia clan has fallen, your royal clan will not let go even the last seedling of the Xia clan?"

"Big, sir... As early as the war that the Demon Palace was destroyed three thousand years ago, the Xia Clan was used as an alliance of the Demon Palace and was trampled down by the Holy Land. The Palace of Xia is no longer a hero of the ancient country!" Although the shadow is very surprised by Zhang Ziling Why don't you even know this, but he has a faint feeling...maybe there is a misunderstanding!

"So...this is a'good thing' done by your ancient royal family! If it weren't for the Xia clan's pleading, I would have slaughtered your Azure ancient royal family long ago. I never expected... the Xia would save you such a group of wolves. s things!"

Hearing Zhang Ziling’s words, Black Shadow’s eyes changed abruptly, and she trembled: "Ge, your Excellency, is there some misunderstanding in this? The Xia clan saved the royal clan only once ten thousand years ago. It's untestable. And the three princes also tried their best to find the remnants of the Xia clan...Your Excellency, is the "Xia clan" in your mouth not the "Xia clan" of our ancient country?"

"The world is so big and there are so many empires, there must be more than one Xia Palace!

"Misunderstanding? Then do you know what this is?" Zhang Ziling's palm was surrounded by a cold black magic flame, with an extremely pure breath.

Seeing the pure black flame in Zhang Ziling's palm, the shadow of the shadow suddenly shrank.

"Devil, Demon Flame?"

Soi Ying swallowed slightly, feeling dry.

Zhang Ziling looked at the shadow indifferently, and said coldly: "The Treading Devil Sutra you have cultivated is the emperor technique I once gave to the Xia clan."

"If it wasn't for your ancient royal family to destroy the Xia clan, can you learn this emperor art?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the black shadow suddenly showed endless fear on his face, and his body trembled violently.

Demon, Demon Emperor?

Now the black shadow is full of the word "Devil Emperor", feeling that the sky is about to collapse.

The royal family of the ancient kingdom of Azure knows that the Xia clan has made a good relationship with the magic palace, and the supreme treasure that the Xia clan had coveted by all forces in addition to the emperor's heart, there is also a supreme emperor!

Created by the Devil Emperor himself...Treading the Devil Sutra!

Now the Tatian Devil Scripture has been received in their Tibetan Scripture Pavilion by the royal family of the Azure Ancient Kingdom, and the great power of the royal family has simplified the Tatian Devil Sutra as the highest method of rewarding subordinates, so it has absorbed a large number of capable people and strangers.

The technique that Heiying cultivated was a simplified version of the Treading Devil Sutra.

Now he heard Zhang Ziling personally say that "Treading the Devil Scripture" was the exercise method he gave to the Xia clan, and the meaning of it could not be clearer.

Black Shadow's body was trembling violently, looking at Zhang Ziling in horror, opening his mouth unconsciously.

"You, you are... the Devil Emperor?"

The Devil Emperor is back... If this information is released, it will probably become a shocking bomb, causing the entire Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State to fall into endless panic!

"That's right," Zhang Ziling grinned at Sombra, "It's a pity that there is no prize!"



Black flames lingered, the strong man from the royal family was burned to ashes amid the screams!

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