Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1561: Come to the city that never sleeps!

The street quickly became quiet, and there was a pile of ashes left at Zhang Ziling's feet, and it was completely invisible that he was once alone.

At this moment, Xia Ning'er didn't know where she went, and she was nowhere to be seen.

"Boss, that girl ran away, won't you chase after him?" The Celestial Seeker reminded in Zhang Ziling's body.

"Fine, let her calm down first, I really did this wrong." Zhang Ziling shook his head, but did not go to Xia Ning'er.

In this Qingyan City, Zhang Ziling was able to completely ensure the safety of Xia Ning'er.

Previously, Zhang Ziling only thought that Xia Ning'er was a passerby. Although Zhang Ziling wanted to give Xia Ning'er some opportunities, Zhang Ziling actually had a little bit of fun.

After Xia Ning'er saw Zhang Ziling's move, a feeling of being deceived would inevitably appear in her heart, and it was normal to feel uncomfortable.

According to Zhang Ziling’s original plan, it was originally intended to prevent Xia Ning’er’s calamity, and then teach Xia Ning’er a technique so that she would leave without worrying about food and clothing in the future, so that the two would not have too many fetters, Xia Ning Children will not have any burden.

But now, after Xia Ning'er was an old friend, Zhang Ziling could no longer watch Xia Ning'er living alone in this Qingyan city.

In the future, Zhang Ziling may still have a lot of contact with Xia Ning'er, so now we must eliminate the grudge in Xia Ning'er's heart.

Now I have to give Xia Ning'er some buffer time first, otherwise... Xia Ning'er might not be able to receive so much information at once.

"I told the boss before that you don't do this, boss, you don't listen to me, is this all right?" Xun Tianyi teased.

Zhang Ziling warned: "How poor are you?"

Xuntianyi immediately persuaded him, and quickly changed the subject: "Then what should we do now? Should we take advantage of this free time to destroy the royal family of the ancient sky?"

"Anyway, this royal family is also the fangs of the Jinjiao tribe. After pulling them out, it will make the Jinjiao tribe very uncomfortable, and the affairs of the Xia Palace and the magic palace... definitely can't be so easy!"

Hearing the words of the Heaven Seeker, Zhang Ziling slightly nodded and whispered: "This is a good way. Anyway, I have to give Xia Ning'er some time. I will take this opportunity to help the Xia clan revenge. If you have time, kill the Jin Jiao Clan by the way."

"Then what about me?" Xun Tianyi was very interested in killing people, but it didn't hear about its arrangements from Zhang Ziling's words.

"You?" Zhang Ziling summoned the heaven-seeking instrument from his body, "Now Xia Ning'er is wandering in this monk's quarter alone, why don't you stay there?"

"But I want to kill too..." Xun Tianyi looked at Zhang Ziling grievously, protecting people or something... the most boring.

Zhang Ziling nodded: "Also."

Tianxun's eyes lit up.

"You go to slaughter the royal family of the ancient sky, if you have time, go to the Jinjiao clan's boundary and bring some heads over." Zhang Ziling told the heavenly hunter, "I am here to guard Xia Ning. child."

"Don't, boss!" Xuntianyi hurriedly called out. Although Xuntianyi is the supreme divine weapon, Xuntianyi does not have any offensive power. It is good for protecting people. If you want it to go to extermination alone... Then It's no different from beating a dog with meat buns.

Those top holy places are not vegetarian, and some are ways to win the heaven seeker.

"Since you won't go, then you can watch Xia Ning'er well. If she hurts a hair, you will suffer!" Zhang Ziling knocked the sky seeker on the head, and then the figure gradually distorted and disappeared in place.

"What kind of person is this..." Xuntianyi muttered while holding his head as he watched Zhang Ziling left, with a grieving expression on his face.

However, Tian Xun Yi did not slack off, and began to hide in the dark to protect Xia Ning'er.

"big liar--!"

I don't know when, Xia Ning'er walked to the side of a spiritual pond and shouted at the empty spiritual pond.

Xia Ning'er felt frustrated by Zhang Ziling's powerful strength.

"Obviously he is an immortal, and he still mingled with a thief with me, do you want to be shameless!" Xia Ning'er looked at herself in the spirit pool and cursed Zhang Ziling, venting her depression, "Looking at me was stunned. Are you happy?"

But soon, Xia Ning'er couldn't see the ashes and dust on her face, and began to wash her face with water in both hands, washing the ashes off her face.

Soon, a face with delicate but exhausted features was reflected in the spiritual pond.

"Xia Ning'er, Xia Ning'er... What happened to you? I was tricked by a liar to the place where the immortal lived. Not to mention. On the way back, there were people from Tianfu watching. Where else could you go... "Xia Ning'er sat by the spiritual pond, holding her knees and looking at the starry sky.

There are many willow trees by the Lingchi, all around are quiet, only the cicadas neigh.

Xia Ning'er didn't know how long she hadn't sat down quietly like this. She worries about her livelihood almost every day, and she has no time to calm down and think.

Although Xia Ning'er was very hungry now, she rarely wanted to eat anything.

"Emperor Danxin, Prince Xia Mansion, Demon Emperor...what are these? Father, mother...can you tell Ning'er..." Xia Ning'er muttered, her eyes full of confusion, "Who am I? "

"That liar fairy...why did you come into my life?"

Not far behind Xia Ning'er, Xun Tianyi looked at Xia Ning'er with a complicated expression, and sighed slightly.

"Boss... Look at you, what kind of evil you have done!"

At the same time, the ancient azure imperial city, the city that never sleeps!

The imperial city is supposed to be mighty and mighty, but tonight the imperial palace is full of lights and colorful, so lively!

Today, it coincides with the day when the three princes married the sixteen princesses of the Jinjiao clan.

This is a major event for the Wen family in the ancient country of Azure.

The Jinjiao Clan is the largest clan in the Central Region, the top heaven-level holy land, and the leader of a region with extremely powerful strength.

The marriage between the Wen family and the Jin Jiao clan also means that the relationship between the Wen family and the Jin Jiao clan has improved. Any force that wants to move the Wen family depends on the expression of the Jin Jiao clan.

The imperial city is very noisy. Almost all the nobles in the ancient kingdom of Azure entered the palace to participate in the wedding banquet of the three princes. The people gathered in the palace tonight are not the leaders of the local power, but the ministers in power in the ancient kingdom of Azure!

All are big people who can shake the earth three times with a stomping.

Even the elders of the Jinjiao tribe have two!

In order to host this wedding banquet, the Wen family has almost exhausted its treasury, and all the rare birds and animals that are cherished on the table are worth a thousand dollars.

"This time the three princes are getting married, it's so grand!" At the gate of the palace, several guards gathered together to chat.

Tonight the palace powerhouses gather, and no night dare to offend. They ordinary guards have nothing to do. Most of them are acting and have the right to rest.

Besides, there are also the delicacies rewarded by the palace, and the guards do nothing.

"That's not it! Our Ancient Azure Kingdom is married to the Golden Jiao Clan. What kind of power is the Golden Jiao Clan? That is the top sacred place...If this wedding banquet is not enough, can the Golden Jiao Clan pass?"

"And I heard that the sixteen princesses of the Jinjiao clan are so beautiful. Men will be fascinated by just seeing them. The three princes killed all their original wives in order to marry the sixteen princesses of the Jinjiao clan!"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"Don't believe me, I heard..."

A group of guards ate the delicacies delivered from the palace while gossiping about the various dark histories of the three princes.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling slowly walked towards the gate of the palace.

"Hey, who are you? This is the forbidden area of ​​the imperial palace, so you don't want to leave quickly?" A guard yelled out when he noticed Zhang Ziling.

The other guards also quickly grabbed their weapons and stared at Zhang Ziling.

Now that the wedding banquet is going on for most of the time, the guests have already been seated, and it is impossible for any guests to come over at this time.

Hearing the guard's words, Zhang Ziling raised his eyes slightly and looked at the magnificent palace with a wicked smile.

"It's here."

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