Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1564: I still want to kill your Wen family


When Wen Changqing saw Wen Zhao's corpse, his eyes were cracking, and he roared out loud.

The entire palace began to vibrate violently, and the mighty power of the saint permeated all around, making the entire palace extremely depressing.

The expressions of the two elders of the Jinjiao clan were also very ugly at the moment, and they kept cursing Zhang Ziling in their hearts.

They did not hesitate to let Jin Ying marry here, just to get Wen Zhao's emperor's heart, but now that he didn't get the emperor's heart, Wen Zhao died again...

Now the sixteen princesses of the Jinjiao clan have become widows who have just married and have not had time for the bridal chamber. This is definitely a huge blow to Jin Ying’s reputation. From now on, they will not be able to raise their heads in the clan and will suffer. fling in teeth.

This time, they can be said to have lost their wife and lost their troops, and the loss was huge!

However, before the two elders of the Jin Jiao tribe attacked Zhang Ziling, Wen Changqing rushed out first.

Although Wen Changqing is a saint, his offspring are not useful. After having nine children, Wen Zhao’s talent can be seen in the past. In addition, Wen Zhaoqing’s abilities are far superior to other brothers in all aspects. Wen Changqing is natural. It is a love for Wen Zhao.

Now that Wen Changqing's favorite child is killed in front of him, how can Wen Changqing not be angry?

"I want you to die!" Wen Changqing's spiritual power surged, and the terrifying shadow turned into a dragon, rushing towards Zhang Ziling.

The stars in the sky were covered by dark clouds, thunder roared, and the warm, long, and powerful momentum made the complexions of all the guests in the palace changed greatly, and they retreated far away.

At this moment, Jin Ying was also attracted by the movement of the outside world, and rushed out of the wedding room, looking anxiously at the situation outside.

She still doesn't know that Wen Zhao is dead, but Wen's long-lasting riot made her feel a little uneasy.

"No matter what, take advantage of the chaos to find the Emperor Danxin!" Jin Ying had initially looked down on Wen Zhao. This time Jin Ying chose to commit himself to Wen Zhao and only wanted to get the Emperor Danxin and restore her position in the family.

If it weren't for the fact that Jin Ying's lineage was already in a critical situation in the clan, Jin Ying's status plummeted, and the elders in the clan would not be able to agree to Jin Ying marrying the prince of her own subsidiary power.

This is a surrender status.

When Jin Ying ran towards Wen Zhao's room, Wen Changqing also attacked Zhang Ziling.

Wen Changqing didn't care if there were other monks around Zhang Ziling, he just wanted to pour all the anger in his heart on Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling stood calmly on the ground, watching the black dragon pounce on him, his hair dancing.


The demonic energy around Zhang Ziling began to dance wildly, and the sickle transformed from the demonic energy in his hand turned into a long sword, with a strong momentum.

Without making any extra moves, Zhang Ziling drew a complete circle in the void with a long sword, and then gently pushed.

A circle of light quickly rushed towards the dragon, and easily restrained the dragon.


Zhang Ziling spit out a word indifferently, the aperture suddenly tightened, the dragon hissed, and then the dragon head was cut off, and the dragon body turned into smoke and dissipated.

At this point, Wen Changqing's angry attack was easily resolved by Zhang Ziling.

The monks who were sitting on the ground stared blankly at the thunderclouds in the sky, and the galaxy reappeared in their eyes.

The feeling of escaping from the dead makes everyone feel quite illusory.

If Zhang Ziling hadn't blocked this blow, then with the destructive power of the saint Wen Changqing's full blow, few people in this palace could survive.

After everyone was fortunate, their emotions quickly turned into hatred of Wen Changqing and fright at Zhang Ziling's strength.

If Wen Changqing had that blow just now, all of them would have to die...

But Zhang Ziling was able to easily resolve such a terrifying attack from Wen Changqing.

This means that Zhang Ziling's strength far exceeds Wen Changqing!

Just now Zhang Ziling said that he would slaughter the Wen family, and he was not joking at all!

Wen Changqing, who was standing in the void, was also stunned at this moment, staring at Zhang Ziling in a daze, confused.

Wen Changqing hadn't figured out how Zhang Ziling defeated his attack...

This complete strength crushed Wen Chang's emotions to a bit suffocated.

"When did such a character appear in this ancient country?" On the high platform, the two Jinjiao clan elders frowned, shocked by Zhang Ziling's strength.

"No! We can't stay in this place anymore, we have to leave with Jin Ying quickly!" Jin Changxing quickly made a decision and said to the Sixth Elder.

The two of them are no more than the Ninth Level of the True Martial Realm, and the reason why they can sit and talk with Wen Changqing is entirely because of the light of the Golden Jiao Clan.

Now the invaders are opponents that even Wen Changqing can't defeat, and the invaders are coming fiercely. The Wen family is over. Not only will they not get any benefits if they stay here, they might even get themselves in.

"What the Seventh Elders said is that we should go to Jin Ying first, and the emperor's loyalty will then make long-term discussions." The Sixth Elders can naturally see the severity of the situation.

The Wen family is just a subsidiary force of their Jinjiao clan, they don't need to provoke a top powerhouse because of the Wen family!

A strong person who can crush the warm and long-lasting love is enough to fight against the patriarch of their Jinjiao clan. If it is not necessary, it is better not to provoke...

The two made a decision quickly, and they stopped looking at Wen Changqing and ran directly in the direction of Jin Ying.

"Two idiots!" Wen Changqing couldn't help but explode when he saw the Jinjiao people withdraw.

Wen Changqing has now been locked by Zhang Ziling's Qi, and he has nowhere to run. The only thing he can do now is to fight or negotiate with Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling's powerful strength has completely awakened Wen Changqing from the grief and anger of the murder of his son.

Compared with the dead, Wen Changqing felt that his own life was more important.

With caress in his mind, Wen Changqing took the initiative to fall in front of Zhang Ziling and salute Zhang Ziling: "Your Excellency, where did the rebellious son Wen Zhao offend you? He is dead, and there may be some misunderstandings between us..."

The surrounding monks couldn't help but feel a little bit chilled when Wen Changqing said such words.

Even his own son can give up so easily, so wouldn't they be more like goods?

Wen Changqing does not have the heart to care about other people's thoughts. Now their Wen family is at stake, and it is difficult for them to protect themselves. How can they care about other families?

The only thing Wen Changqing can do now is to bear the humiliation and keep the Wen family.

As for revenge, I will talk about it later.

Zhang Ziling looked at Wen Changqing with great interest. Only then did Wen Changqing see Zhang Ziling's eyes full of hatred and anger. Now Zhang Ziling can't find any resentment in Wen Changqing's eyes...

Wen Changqing even apologized to Zhang Ziling in her eyes!

Wen Changqing completely covered up his emotions...

"Interesting!" Zhang Ziling looked at Wen Changqing and chuckled, "We may really have some misunderstandings."

Wen Changqing's face immediately put on a smile, but Zhang Ziling's next sentence instantly solidified the smile on Wen Changqing's face.

Zhang Ziling said: "But...I still want to kill your Wen family."

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