Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1565: Make up for the mistakes of the year

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, Wen Changqing's face turned green. He stood still and didn't know how to deal with Zhang Ziling.

How can... be so direct?

Wen Changqing didn't understand why Zhang Ziling had to kill his family?

"Your Excellency, are you serious?" Wen Changqing asked Zhang Ziling in a deep voice. Although his strength is not as good as others, others are bullying and come to the door. If Wen Changqing still stretches his neck to let others chop, then Wen Changqing Love cannot become the king of a country.

The spiritual power in Wen Changqing's body began to surge, and there was a faint wind around him.

"Even if your strength is strong, my Wen family is not easy to bully!"

"I'm not serious, do you think I'm joking?"

When the words fell, Zhang Ziling grabbed Wen Changqing's neck with lightning speed, and directly lifted Wen Changqing into the air.

The violent power of the emperor poured into Wen Changqing's body, suppressing Wen Changqing's shrine.

The eyes of the surrounding monks were almost staring, and Zhang Ziling's current behavior almost didn't scare them to death!

No matter how Wen Changqing is a saint, his strength should not be underestimated.

However, Zhang Ziling just grabbed Wen Changqing so easily...

Everyone thinks this is very unrealistic.


The other princes finally invited all the strong people in the clan over, and saw Zhang Ziling clutching Wen Changqing's neck, his eyes were about to split, and his eyes looked at Zhang Ziling with hatred.

"Come on, save the Lord!"

The powerhouses did not hesitate at all, drew out their weapons to slaughter Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the people swarming around, and looked at Wen Changqing with a sneer: "Today, let you taste what it's like to be annihilated!"

Wen Changqing's pupils shrank suddenly.


The black energy around Zhang Ziling burst out, turning into countless sharp claws piercing the heart of the Wen Jiaqiang around him, and blood mist filled the sky!

The rest of the guests had already hid in the distance, watching the massacre in shock, their bodies trembling slightly.

At this moment, the lives of Wen's family are dying at an unimaginable speed.

In the past, the aloof royal family became so vulnerable at this moment,

A strong smell of blood quickly permeated the surroundings, and the surrounding princes and dignitaries witnessed a person's slaughter brain blank.

"You, who are you...?"

After being pinched by Zhang Ziling's neck, Wen Changqing felt that his body was weak, and even the spiritual power in his body could not be mobilized.

Zhang Ziling's strong suppression of him made Wen Changqing completely desperate.

This enemy... simply cannot be defeated.

Wen Changqing didn't understand why his Wen family provoked such a strong man!

The Ancient Azure Kingdom has always been a vassal force of the Jinjiao tribe, and would never take the initiative to provoke those who are absolutely strong, and their Wen family basically only act within the scope of the Ancient Azure Kingdom.

If there are strong people traveling through the ancient sky, their Wen family has always treated each other with courtesy.

Wen Changqing Now, I really want to know what the Wen family did that caused the genocide!

On the Xuanxiao Continent, no matter how long the history and how strong the background, the forces are actually fragile.

As long as they provoke the absolute strong, any of their accumulation will be wiped out overnight.

The mood of the surrounding guests was extremely complicated. should have been the day of the Wen family's rejoicing. After climbing the Jinjiao clan, they all flew up and down, and they all slapped Wen's flattery.

But with less than a stick of incense, the powerful Wen family was on the verge of extinction, and the strongest of the Wen family was pinched like a chicken.

Those noble princes were covered in blood, with blood red eyes, and watched one after another strong family members being slaughtered.

The Wen family... it's over.

Tears of blood slid from Wen Changqing's cheeks, and his eyes were full of endless resentment when he looked at Zhang Ziling.

"I curse you... the whole family will not die! If there is an afterlife, I will not let you go!" Wen Changqing cursed at Zhang Ziling, his eyes bloodshot.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about Wen Changqing's curses. There are so many people who hate others in this world, and Wen Changqing can't even rank.

Zhang Ziling threw Wen Changqing on the ground, stepped on Wen Changqing's face, and asked: "Are you wondering now, why should I slaughter your Wen family?"

Wen Changqing's ten fingers all grabbed into the ground, his arms violent.

"I'm going to kill you!"

At this moment, the Wen family was dead and wounded. Those princes who had brought rescuers were also penetrated by Zhang Ziling's devilish energy. Their pupils were hollow and they had lost their vitality.

The guests around stared blankly at the palace full of corpses, and even forgot to breathe.

Wen Changqing's face was grim. Judging from his tight muscles, Zhang Ziling knew... as long as he let go of Wen Changqing, Wen Changqing would violently rush towards Zhang Ziling.

"Remember, Prince Xia Mansion three thousand years ago?" Zhang Ziling asked indifferently, stepping on Wen Changqing, with an extremely indifferent tone.

Wen Changqing's body shook suddenly.

"You! Are you from the Xia family?"

Wen Changqing roared at Zhang Ziling: "Impossible! The Xia family has long been wiped out, there can be no one else, you can't belong to the Xia family!"

Three thousand years ago, Wen Changqing personally led an army to defeat the Xia Palace, and even turned Qingyan City into a dilapidated small city...

The people in the Palace of Xia are absolutely impossible to make a comeback in the East!

Zhang Ziling let go of Wen Changqing, a long sword transformed from devilish energy, slowly condensed in Zhang Ziling's hands.

Wen Changqing immediately violently violently, but slumped on the ground because of his weakness.

"Of course, I'm not from the Xia family...but I still remember clearly that it was the Xia family who pleaded with me to spare you the Wen family."

"But now your Wen family slaughtered the Xia family yourself. This time I came here to make up for the mistakes I let go before. I... shouldn't keep you."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Wen Changqing's pupils shrank suddenly, and fear began to grow in his heart.

"You, you are..."

Wen Changqing tremblingly pointed at Zhang Ziling, and even ignored the genocide, and was completely swallowed by fear.

In history, there was only one thing that pleaded for the Wen family in summer...

Back then, the Wen family angered the Devil Emperor and brought the disaster of extermination. If it weren't for the Xia family to plead with the Devil Emperor, the Wen family would have already become the dust of history.

Now that Zhang Ziling said such words, Wen Changqing also knew Zhang Ziling's identity.

"No, it's impossible... They all say you are dead, you, you will never come back!" Wen Changqing sat up in a panic, looking at Zhang Ziling with horror, completely devoid of saint demeanor.

"Yes! You are can't come back!" Wen Changqing roared, falling into extreme anger because of fear.

"You can't come back! Otherwise I would never do that!"

"This is impossible!"

The people around looked at Wen Changqing questioningly, wondering why Wen Changqing became like this.

"Yes, I just want you to be so scared and so desperate..." Zhang Ziling chuckled and picked up the sword, pressing the tip of the sword against Wen Changqing's chin, "Now you are also the last person in the Wen family... Savor this last moment. Despair?"

Wen Changqing's mind was full of fear, and his body was trembling violently, and he kept muttering: "Impossible... It is absolutely impossible!"

"You... why are you coming back?" Wen Changqing raised his head dullly, and asked Zhang Ziling with a trembling voice.

Zhang Ziling chuckled, his eyes flashing red.

"Kill you guys!"

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