Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1567: Big plan!

Zhang Ziling was leaning against the door of the room, watching Jin Ying and the three leave.

Zhang Ziling did not expect Jin Ying to have such a rare gem as Space Jade, which was quite surprised.

Space jade can only be produced by the strong who understand the avenue of space. This is very rare on the Xuanxiao Continent, who understand the law of space, and space jade is extremely rare. Few people can have this kind of life-saving jade. treasure.

However, even if Jin Ying had space jade, it did not mean that Jin Ying could escape from Zhang Ziling's palm.

After all, the origin of Space Avenue is still on Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling knows Jinying's whereabouts.

"Look at that girl..."

Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, his body gradually distorted, and his whole body disappeared in place.

With Zhang Ziling's departure, the palace of this ancient country has completely become a dead place.

Not far from the city of Evernight, the space was distorted, and the three of Jin Ying walked out of the void.

"Damn it, hate it! I must kill that guy!" Jin Ying bitterly kicked the stones under her feet, her eyes full of anger.

She originally wanted to force Zhang Ziling back with a tough attitude, after all, the face of the Jinjiao clan is still very good in the middle domain.

However, Jin Ying didn't expect Zhang Ziling to be the kind of smelly stone that doesn't get in with oil and salt, so she was determined to trouble her.

After calming down, Jin Ying asked Jin Changxing and the seventh elder again: "The sixth elder and the seventh elder, who is that guy and why is he hostile to us?"

Jin Ying had no impression of Zhang Ziling at all, nor did they know where they provoke Zhang Ziling.

"This son is terrifying in strength, and he must not be an unknown person, and he is really hostile to us. It is estimated that he is the enemy of our Jinjiao clan. We should be able to find out when we return." Jin Changxing said, yes. Jin Ying's view has changed quite a bit.

If Jin Ying doesn't have room for jade, then everything Jin Ying did just now is naturally looking for death, and the gods will not be able to save them.

But Jin Ying has space and jade is different. In the case of life worry-free, they naturally have to take into account the face of the Jin Jiao clan, and their attitude needs to be tough.

"Well, let's go back quickly, we can't stay longer here." Jin Ying nodded, and didn't want to stay here any longer.

The emperor's heart is definitely not available now, and can only find another way in the future. The top priority now is to return to the clan to find the strong and kill Zhang Ziling.

"Ying'er, the two of us misunderstood you before, so I apologize to you first." The Sixth Elder smiled on his face and thanked Jin Ying.

If it weren't for Jinying's space jade this time, they wouldn't be able to escape.

"The elders are welcome, let's hurry, let's talk about everything when we go back!" After Jin Ying recovered her calm, she seemed to have changed a lot, and became more stable.

"I said you guys, the matter between us hasn't been resolved, why are we walking in such a hurry?"

Zhang Ziling's voice suddenly sounded around, making Jin Ying's body stiff.

Jin Changxing and the sixth elders quickly became alert and scanned the surroundings.

They didn't expect Zhang Ziling to catch up so quickly.

A hint of fear flashed in Jin Ying's eyes, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

She doesn't have a second space jade!

Before there was a life-saving talisman on her body, Jin Ying was confident, but now that the life-saving talisman is gone, Zhang Ziling has caught up again.

The situation became severe in an instant.

Zhang Ziling slowly walked out from the dark, with a faint smile in his eyes and a faint smile on his mouth.

Watching Zhang Ziling come out, Jin Ying felt that Zhang Ziling was more horrible, swallowed slightly, and clenched her palms.

"I misunderstood you before. It seems that you still have a little brain and can recognize your own situation." Zhang Ziling walked to a stone in front of the three and sat down and said, looking at Jin Ying.

Jin Yingjiao frowned slightly and asked, "Who are you... on earth?"

Zhang Ziling can also catch up with the space jade. Jin Ying now has no idea to escape, she simply asks Zhang Ziling, looking for a chance.

Now even a fool can see that Zhang Ziling's visit to Evernight City to sweep the Wen family was not just directed at the Wen family. Their Jin Jiao clan... was also among Zhang Ziling's goals.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is...Do you want to live?" Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying and asked.

Jin Ying frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Literally, seeing you are so smart, I also changed my mind and want to give you a way to survive." Zhang Ziling said with a light smile.

"Why should I believe you?" Jin Ying asked in a deep voice, completely different from her previous angry look.

Before, it was because there was room for jade, that Jin Ying dared to take the room of Wen Zhao boldly, and dared to get angry when facing Zhang Ziling.

But now that the life-saving things are gone, Jin Ying also knows that she no longer has the right to be angry.

"Because you have no choice."

Zhang Ziling's index finger hooked slightly, and four black chains suddenly rushed out from the ground, tied the hands of the sixth elder and Jin Changxing, and hung them from the sky.

"Elder?" Jin Ying could not help screaming when seeing the sixth and seventh elders tied up, and then suddenly looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Let you calm down."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, and then another black chain rushed out of the ground and directly penetrated the head of the sixth elder.

Killed instantly!

Seeing the six elders' heads pierced by chains, Jin Changxing was shocked. He didn't expect Zhang Ziling to act so decisively and harshly!

That's the powerhouse of the nine layers of True Martial Realm!

"You!" Jin Ying saw that the Sixth Elder was killed, and her eyes were about to split.

"Calm down?" Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying and smiled. The sixth elder's body was thrown on the ground at random, while Jin Changxing was brought to the side of Zhang Ziling by a chain and hung in the air.

When she heard Zhang Ziling's words, Jin Ying took a deep breath, resisted the anger and fear in her heart, looked at Zhang Ziling, and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple... I'll help you sit in the position of the patriarch of the Jin Jiao clan, and then you can do one thing for me." Zhang Ziling said lightly, as if to say something trivial.

Jin Ying's pupils shrank suddenly, and her muscles became tight.

The words Zhang Ziling said contained too much information...

Jin Ying felt a little dazed, and then she forced herself to calm down and asked again: "Let's not talk about whether you have the ability to make me the patriarch. If I become the patriarch of the Jinjiao clan, what do you want me to do?"

Jin Ying felt more and more that she seemed to be involved in a huge whirlpool.

"It's very simple..." Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying with a light smile, his eyes flashing red, but the smile on his mouth became more and more weird.

"I want you to release a word in the name of the patriarch of the Jin Jiao clan..."

Jin Ying's eyes flashed, and she asked in a deep voice, "What?"

"You Jinjiao Clan, found the body of the Devil Emperor."

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