Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1568: Not on earth

"Find and find the body of the Devil Emperor?"

Jin Ying looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, and didn't understand what Zhang Ziling meant for a while?

"Yes, but the specific details require you to sit in the position of the patriarch of the Jin Jiao clan before I can tell you." Zhang Ziling didn't say much, just staring at Jin Ying, the deep eyes seemed to Jin Ying dragged into the dark abyss.

Jin Ying's mind is very confused now, she does not understand what Zhang Ziling is going to do. But she knew that on this day of the Holy Land, as long as it is something that involves the Devil Emperor, no matter how small it is, it can cause a big shock in the cultivation world!

"It's not difficult to release this sentence, but why did you let me be the head of the family?" Jin Ying was already a little moved. In fact, her current position in the clan is very embarrassing. As the sixteenth princess, she There is not much status, and people in their line are even rarer, and they are almost leaving the power center of the Jinjiao tribe.

In other words, Jin Ying basically has no relationship with the head of the house.

Jin Ying is very willing if she can become the Patriarch of the Jin Jiao Clan at some price.

But Jin Ying didn't believe that Zhang Ziling could help her.

To sit as the head of the Patriarch, it is more than just strength. All the elders of the Jinjiao clan are old antiques, and their strength is extremely strong. Jin Ying believes that even if Zhang Ziling goes to the Jinjiao clan, it will not be pleased. .

"I naturally have my way. Now you only need to agree to my request. You don't have to worry about all the next things." Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying calmly, and the chains that bound Jin Changxing became tighter and tighter. Jin Changxing whole person 'S expressions began to become savage.

Jin Ying saw Jin Changxing's painful look, her eyes flashed with anxiety.

Her supporters were only the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder. Now the Sixth Elder had been killed by Zhang Ziling. If the Seventh Elder had any shortcomings, Jin Ying would not be able to stay in the Jinjiao Clan.

Jin Ying's heart became more and more tangled, she always felt that Zhang Ziling had dug a huge hole for her, and now she was waiting for her to jump in by herself.

But if you refuse...

A black chain has been wrapped around Jin Changxing's neck, and it will take Jin Changxing's life at any time.

"Ying'er, you must never agree to him! Anything that involves the Devil Emperor is beyond your control and it may even be related to the survival of our family!" Jin Changxing said to Jin Ying with his voice, letting Jin Ying Reject Zhang Ziling.

The Heavenly Sage is basically the power of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands, which means that every top power on this land has participated in the war to destroy the Devil Palace.

They are all enemies of the Devil Emperor, and they are also very sensitive to matters related to the Devil Emperor.

Jin Changxing could see that Zhang Ziling was not at ease with their Jin Jiao tribe, and their cooperation with Zhang Ziling was tantamount to seeking a tiger's skin.

If Zhang Ziling can really make Jin Ying ascend to the position of patriarch, it also means that the death date of the Jin Jiao clan is not far away.

When she heard Jin Changxing's words, Jin Ying woke up suddenly, looked at Jin Changxing and said, "Don't worry, elder, I..."

"Really talkative!" Zhang Ziling waved his hand gently, and another chain rushed out of the ground and penetrated Jin Changxing's lungs.


Jin Changxing roared out in pain, his expression savage, his breath was weakening at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing that Jin Changxing was about to be killed by Zhang Ziling, Jin Ying quickly changed her words: "I promise you!"

"Wise choice."

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth was slightly hooked, and then Zhang Ziling took a white pill from the space ring and said to Jin Ying: "Eat it."

"What is this?" Jin Ying asked.

"Eat it."

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't mean to explain at all, Jin Ying couldn't help but feel anger in her heart.

But Jin Ying knew that she was the fish on the cutting board of others, and she had no room for bargaining.

Without asking more questions, Jin Ying directly grabbed the pill in Zhang Ziling's palm and swallowed it, and then stared directly at Zhang Ziling and said, "I have done what you said and let the seventh elders go."

After seeing Jin Ying swallowing the pill, Zhang Ziling's expression became indifferent again, and said lightly: "I hope you will understand one thing in the future. As long as I say, you must do it without hesitation... ...Also, you are not allowed to point fingers at me. This time, I will give you a small warning first."

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and the chains that bound Jin Changxing suddenly tightened, directly cutting off Jin Changxing's head!

With blood splashing, Jin Changxing was killed instantly!

"Seven elders!" Jin Ying roared out about tearing her eyes.

Seeing that Jin Changxing was killed without warning, Jin Ying's whole body collapsed instantly, and she asked Zhang Ziling loudly, "Why did you want to kill him? Didn't I promise you?"

Zhang Ziling sneered, not caring about Jin Ying who collapsed.

"What I want is just obedient you. Those two old foxes are not easy to control, and it would only be a bad thing to let them live."

"I'm going to kill you bastard!" Now Jin Ying couldn't listen to anything Zhang Ziling said, and directly sacrificed her long sword to rush towards Zhang Ziling.

The death of the two elders dealt a huge blow to Jin Ying.

Seeing Jin Ying rushing over, Zhang Ziling easily clamped Jin Ying's long sword with only two fingers, and then easily broke it.

The long sword broke, and Jin Ying rushed towards Zhang Ziling because of inertia, and wanted to plunge into Zhang Ziling's arms.

However, Zhang Ziling directly stretched out his hand to pinch Jin Ying's neck, and powerful spiritual power burst out of Zhang Ziling's body and poured directly into Jin Ying's body, destroying Jin Ying's body meridians.

Jin Ying instantly became a waste person, weakly pinched by Zhang Ziling's neck and hung in the air.

Zhang Ziling threw Jin Ying on the ground, his eyes still indifferent.

"The lesson this time is to let you remember that no matter what I do, you must never run into me."

Jin Ying trembled her hands, tears gushing out uncontrollably, her shrines and meridians were all shattered, and now her whole person was a waste.

Endless despair swallowed Jin Ying completely.

"Why, why... why are you treating me this way?" Jin Ying cried and looked at Zhang Ziling, "Didn't I already promise you? Why are you treating me this way?"

"What did I do wrong?"

Jin Ying let out a heartbreaking roar, her heart filled with hatred for Zhang Ziling.

She didn't understand what she had done, she would be treated like this by Zhang Ziling!

Jin Ying has now become a useless person. In the Profound Sky Continent where the strength is supreme, her current situation is not as good as dead.

"You really did nothing wrong..." Zhang Ziling's expression = calm, looking at Jin Ying indifferently, "I just did this to make you understand..."

"When you slaughtered the women and children of the Devil's Palace at the Three Hundred Holy Lands, they did nothing wrong."

"I just took one thousandth of the despair of my Demon Palace disciple... I let you taste it in advance."

"The real abyss of despair," Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed red, "When I stepped into the Holy Land of Heaven, I was ready for you three hundred holy by one!"

"You will not be in the world if you go to the Divine State in this heaven."

Jin Ying's whole body was sluggish.

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