Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1569: God King now!

The words Zhang Ziling said were too shocking for Jin Ying.

The war that the Three Hundred Sacred Lands launched in the past is known to everyone in the Holy Land, and as a princess of the Jinjiao clan, Jin Ying understands the secrets of the war three thousand years ago better than anyone else!

Those strong men who slaughtered the four directions in the Profound Sky, there are still many alive!

"You, you are..."

The hatred in Jin Ying's heart suddenly disappeared, replaced by endless fear.

If that person really came back... Jin Ying's body trembled slightly, her eyes hollow.

In fact, all the major forces in the Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State have thought about the day when the Devil Emperor returns...

The debts they owed before should also be repaid.

Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying's sluggish appearance, and said no more, the origin of life in his body began to surge.

What Zhang Ziling needs is an absolutely obedient puppet, so it is necessary to brainwash Jin Ying and let Jin Ying absolutely obey her orders.

The white pill is just a piece of insurance to ensure that Jin Ying is under his control at all times. Zhang Ziling needs to control Jin Ying more from a spiritual level.

Obviously, fear is the most effective means of controlling people.

The Jinjiao Clan is the top power in the Heavenly Sage, and has a great influence in the Heavenly Sage. If Zhang Ziling controls the Jinjiao Clan, it will obviously be easier to gather the three hundred sacred places together.

Zhang Ziling wasn't going to look foolishly one after another, and gather them all at one go. That was the best choice for Zhang Ziling.

After all, Zhang Ziling came to the Heavenly Saint to go to Shenzhou mainly to find the lair of the ancient gods. Dealing with the minions of the ancient gods of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces was just Zhang Ziling doing things by the way. Zhang Ziling would not put too much energy into this matter.

Soon, the surrounding space began to be filled with a strong aura of the law of life, and Jin Ying, who was still in a trance, suddenly felt that her broken meridians had begun to be repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye, even the power of the law of life in the palace Remodeling.

"This..." Before Jin Ying had time to figure out what was going on, she was shocked to see that the vitality of the dead sixth and seventh elders was quickly recovering, and the broken body was put together again.


Such a word suddenly appeared in Jin Ying's heart.

Only the strong who mastered the law of the Great Way of Life can resurrect a person shortly after death.

Rumor has it that the Devil Emperor has mastered the magic way, and he has crossed the world.

Now Jin Ying saw that Zhang Ziling still mastered the way of life, Zhang Ziling's strength... Jin Ying could not imagine.

Definitely more than ever!

In the face of such a powerful enemy, perhaps the brilliance of the Three Hundred Holy Land will stop here.

In the face of absolute strength, Jin Ying knew very well that no matter what she did was meaningless, she couldn't save the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands.

The only thing Jin Ying can do now is to protect herself, nothing more.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's methods, Jin Ying understood...maybe she could never escape Zhang Ziling's control in this life.

Jin Ying accepted her fate.

Soon, the sixth elder and the seventh elder were resurrected by Zhang Ziling, but their eyes were godless.

When Jin Ying saw the appearance of the sixth elder and the seventh elder, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, but Jin Ying did not dare to ask Zhang Ziling.

Jin Ying still remembers the lesson Zhang Ziling taught her just now.

Now Jin Ying has almost been tamed by Zhang Ziling.

"Although the two of them were resurrected by me, I made some tricks on their souls. They are humanoid puppets. They are absolutely obedient to you and can be your guards."

"In normal times, you can still treat them as the sixth elder and the seventh elder, and their performance in front of others will not make any difference."

"But behind the people, you can tell them to do anything!" Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying and said, his eyes twinkling.

Jin Ying glanced at the sixth and seventh elders, sighed slightly in her heart, and then nodded to Zhang Ziling and said, "Subordinates understand."

Zhang Ziling reached out and grabbed Jin Ying's white chin and lifted it slightly.

A panic flashed in Jin Ying's eyes.

Zhang Ziling looked at Jin Ying with a chuckle, and said: "You need to remember that everything you have in the future will be mine, including your people, understand?"

Jin Ying looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, swallowed slightly, and replied: "Understood..."

"Very good!" Zhang Ziling let go of Jin Ying, "You first take them back to the Jin Jiao Clan to stand by, and when I am ready, I will naturally come over to see you."

When the voice fell, Zhang Ziling's figure began to twist and quickly disappeared in place.

Jin Ying looked at the place where Zhang Ziling disappeared by herself, with an extremely complex expression.

Although the sixth and seventh elders were resurrected next to them, Jin Ying could not see the slightest emotion in their eyes, it was really like a cold puppet.

"This going to change." Jin Ying smiled bitterly, and left with the sixth and seventh elders.

God, just Mengmengliang.

Zhang Ziling stood in the void calmly watching Jin Ying leave, Zhang Ziling's black robe screamed as the cold wind blowing in the sky was blowing.

After Jin Ying walked away completely, Zhang Ziling's mouth raised a weird smile, arms spread out, her body leaned back, and the whole person fell vertically.

"Come all..."

Then Zhang Ziling's whole body lit a black flame, and Zhang Ziling's body disappeared in the flame...

Heavenly sage on Shenzhou, holy heaven!

Shendao League, deep in the uninhabited area of ​​Tianshen Forest, there is a giant crystal gate there.

Inside the giant gate, there is another vast world, and in the center of the world stands a towering mountain.

There are countless temples built on the mountain, thousands of ancient gods haunt the temple, and countless believers kneel down and chant under the mountain.

At the highest peak of the mountain, closest to the Sun, Moon and Xinghe, there is an ancient nameless temple, surrounded by the Milky Way fairy mist.

An old man with white beard sat lazily on the crystal throne in the temple, looking at the spiritual ball floating in the center of the temple.

The terrifying divine power surged all over the white-bearded old man, and the whole Xuanxiao continent appeared in the spiritual ball, which contained thousands of stars.

In the middle of the hall, there was still a white-haired man in fur knelt down.

"Tianshu, you have failed in the matter of Jiuyao going to China," the white-bearded old man said faintly, and his voice sounded like a nine-day star river falling from all directions, and the surrounding divine power was rhythmic with the white-bearded old man's tone.

"Return to the King of God... the minister is incompetent, and all the layouts were destroyed by the Devil Emperor at the last moment, and the results fell short." Tianshu kneeled and said respectfully.

The old man with white beard listened to Tianshu's words and calmed down, but his eyes were still lazy, without any change.

On the suspended spiritual ball in the main hall, Zhang Ziling's appearance automatically manifested.

"Zhang Ziling..." The white-bearded old man tapped his finger on the crystal throne, "I heard that he, he has come to the Divine State of Heaven."

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