Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1571: Activate emperor core

"Come to Fenglou? This is a good one, let's choose this one!"

Standing in the market center, Xia Ning'er saw a very luxuriously decorated restaurant, and there was a sly in her eyes.

Xia Ning'er hadn't eaten those fine wines from Immortal Zhen'er. Now that Zhang Ziling is in a treat, Xia Ning'er will naturally kill Zhang Ziling severely.

Xia Ning'er was still afraid of Zhang Ziling's remorse, and deliberately said aggressively: "If you don't have so much money, we don't necessarily go to eat here, just find a small stall and make do with it."

Seeing the sly in Xia Ning'er's eyes, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, and said, "Just this one, don't choose it."

The mysterious gold coins in Zhang Ziling's spatial ring are all in the hundreds of millions. It is a matter of one sentence to buy Fenglou here, let alone eating a meal here.

However, I have to say that Xia Ning'er's vision is very vicious. Zhang Ziling swept around with his soul. Fenglou is basically the best restaurant in Qingyan City, and ordinary monks are not even qualified to enter this restaurant.

Those who dine in Laifeng Tower are either the rich or powerful in the city, and they are extremely distinguished.

When Zhang Ziling took Xia Ning'er into the restaurant, even the welcoming Xiao Er had the strength of Nirvana, and Xia Ning'er could not breathe because of his cultivation. If it weren't for Zhang Ziling to help Xia Ning'er share the pressure, Xia I'm afraid Ning'er can't walk anymore.

Although Qingyan City has fallen, this is after all in the Divine State of the Heavenly Sage. Now the sacred land for cultivation in the Xuanxiao Continent, where powerful people are everywhere, the monks in Nirvana are basically cannon fodder, and the monks in the Qi Gathering and Condensing Palace are more Is not even qualified to deal with miscellaneous matters.

Seeing Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er come in, the second person in the restaurant hurried forward, ignoring Xia Ning'er, and smiled at Zhang Ziling and asked, "The guest officer is on the tip or staying in the restaurant?"

The second person in the restaurant naturally saw that Xia Ning'er was just an ordinary person, but Zhang Ziling couldn't see through the depths, and he could still recognize who was the master.

In Xuanxiao Continent, the status of ordinary people is quite low, even if a monk in the Ning Palace realm kills hundreds of ordinary people, no one will care.

Although Xia Ning'er hadn't seen too many cultivators, she had also heard of a lot, knowing that most cultivators were dismissive of ordinary people, so Xia Ning'er's attitude towards the restaurant's second child was still acceptable.

Xia Ning'er is not a face-saving person, for long as she is full, it is enough.

Zhang Ziling took out a bag of mysterious gold coins from the space ring and threw it into the hands of Xiao Er in the restaurant, saying: "The best room, the best cuisine, the fastest speed."

The young second of the restaurant squeezed the purse in his hand, and instantly understood the weight of the guest in front of him, with a more serious smile on his face, and said respectfully: "Please, please from the guest officer!"

Soon Xiao Er from the restaurant brought Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er to the best room in Laifeng Tower, and then quickly retreated.

Although Xiao Er from the restaurant didn't know why Xia Ning'er was qualified to sit with Zhang Ziling, but the big man's idea was not something he could figure out.

After the restaurant Xiao Er collected the excess money in the purse, he diligently asked the cook to prepare the wine and the food, and he did not dare to be negligent.

For a customer who can easily come up with so much money, Xiao Er in the restaurant also knows that it is not something that he can provoke.

"Hey big liar! Where did you get so much money?" Xia Ning'er asked Zhang Ziling in a low voice after Xiao Er from the restaurant, looking shocked.

For Xia Ning'er, who had "borrowed" money from others for a long time, she could see at a glance how much money was in the purse given by Zhang Ziling.

For Xia Ning'er, that was undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

Xia Ning'er panicked at the thought of spending such a large sum of money on a meal.

This is really...too extravagant.

"Why? Can't bear it?" Zhang Ziling looked at Xia Ning'er's dazed expression and found it quite funny, "We can also change the house."

"Who, who said I can't bear it anymore? This is not to spend my money, this girl must eat you!" Being so excited by Zhang Ziling, Xia Ning'er immediately patted the table and said, quite a feeling that she would die if she didn't eat Zhang Ziling. momentum.

While Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er ridiculed each other, time soon passed. Laifeng Restaurant almost gave Zhang Ziling all the signs in their building, and the whole table was filled.

Flying from the sky to swim in the sea, Xia Ning'er was immediately dazzled by what she wanted on the table. The rare and exotic beasts on the table were all Xia Ning'er had never seen.

"I'm going!" Xia Ning'er picked up the chopsticks and gobbled it in disregard of her image. The dishes that were ordinary to the extreme in Zhang Ziling's eyes were delicacies that Xia Ning'er had never tasted.

"Even this plate is made of jade, what you gods eat is really extravagant!" Xia Ning'er said to Zhang Ziling while stuffing food in his mouth.

"This child is starving..." Xun Tianyi shook his head and smiled in Zhang Ziling's body, a little distressed about Xia Ning'er's gorging appearance, "But she is gorging like this, boss, are you sure you are okay?"

Xuntianyi was a little worried. These dishes are great tonic for monks. Xia Ning'er, an ordinary person, might be overwhelmed by the essence of the dishes after just a few bites.

"Don't worry, she will be fine." Zhang Ziling naturally knew about this, but since Zhang Ziling brought Xia Ning'er over to eat, Zhang Ziling would not worry about Xia Ning'er overfilling his head.

After Zhang Ziling knew that Xia Ning'er had the emperor's heart, Zhang Ziling thought of a way to help activate the emperor's heart in Xia Ning'er.

The emperor's heart is the top treasure refined by the great emperor with his own heart. It contains all the inheritance and power of a great emperor. It needs to be refined by the great emperor with a lifetime of cultivation. However, getting the emperor's heart does not mean that The monk can obtain the inheritance in the heart of Emperor Pill.

If you want to obtain the inheritance of the emperor's core, you need to untie the restriction set by the emperor who refining the emperor's core, and forcibly activating the emperor's core... will only cause destruction.

Therefore, to other monks, Emperor Danxin is no different from tasteless.

The strong man who can activate the emperor's heart does not need the power of the emperor's heart... the monk who needs the emperor's heart can't untie it anyway.

Therefore, the emperor's heart can also be said to be the most useless inheritance of the emperor. In history, few emperors use the emperor's heart as their inheritance.

From ancient times to the present... Zhang Ziling knew only two emperor cores, including the one on Xia Ning'er.

As an ordinary person, Xia Ning'er had a weak body and could not bear too much power. The delicacies made of exotic animals contained considerable energy, which was just right for Xia Ning'er, just enough for Xia Ning's. The weak spiritual power flowed in the child, Zhang Ziling used to activate the emperor's heart.

With Zhang Ziling's current state, any prohibition is meaningless to Zhang Ziling.

Although Xia Ning'er was starving, there were too many dishes on the table, and Zhang Ziling basically didn't move his chopsticks much, Xia Ning'er gobbled it up for a long time, and there was no shortage of dishes on the table.

"Eating like you do now, I'm afraid that I won't be able to eat it all my life." Zhang Ziling smiled and handed Xia Ning'er a tissue, jokingly.

"You need to take care!" Xia Ning'er gave Zhang Ziling a blank look, and then gritted her teeth and looked at the other dishes on the table, her eyes full of dismay, although Xia Ning'er wanted to continue, it was a pity that she had more than enough heart and energy.

"How are you feeling now?" Zhang Ziling asked softly when Xia Ning'er had eaten well.

"Satisfied, what else can you do?" Xia Ning'er patted her slightly bulging belly, then looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "I tell you, don't want to buy me with a meal, but I... "

Halfway through Xia Ning'er's words, she felt a burst of sleepiness, and then she fainted.

Zhang Ziling saw Xia Ning'er fainting, but the corners of his mouth kept smiling.

"You can start..."

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