Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1572: Big misunderstanding

"Guest, guest officer, it's nothing to do with our restaurant!" After seeing Xia Ning'er fainting, the restaurant's young man guarding the side was ready to obey instructions.

In this case, if it is really a problem with the restaurant's food, then he, a restaurant second-hand, will definitely be angered by the guests, and there will be no place to reason when he is killed.

The people who come here are all big people, and the second person in the restaurant has no guts to provoke.

Therefore, the restaurant Xiaoer knelt down first, trying to get rid of the relationship for himself.

Zhang Ziling didn't even look at Xiao Er at the restaurant, but said indifferently: "Go out, no one is allowed to come in..."

"Yes Yes!"

Xiao Er in the restaurant didn't dare to stay in the elegant room, and quickly retired.

Zhang Ziling waved his hand, and the door in the room was closed by Zhang Ziling. Zhang Ziling placed his gaze on Xia Ning'er, his eyes softened.

A gentle spiritual power filled Zhang Ziling's body, and lifted Xia Ning'er into the air.

Under the deliberate guidance of Zhang Ziling's spirit, the energy Xia Ning'er absorbed from food began to flow through her meridians.

Because Xia Ning'er had not experienced systematic training, and Xia Ning'er had passed the best age for cultivation, almost all of Xia Ning'er's meridians were blocked, and the flow of spiritual energy in Xia Ning'er's meridians was extremely slow.

"This can't do it, boss! Xia Ning'er's meridians are all blocked, thin, small, and extremely fragile. You have to run those spiritual powers for a week, I am afraid that it will not work for a year or a half!" Noting the condition of Xia Ning'er, he said to Zhang Ziling.

"I know this, but I don't need those spiritual powers to operate a week." Zhang Ziling said softly, not caring about it.

"The boss, how do you activate the emperor's heart?" Xun Tianyi asked Zhang Ziling, "Why don't I have a clue?"

"If you have a clue, will you be the boss?" Zhang Ziling said angrily, "Be quiet!"

After that, Zhang Ziling no longer paid attention to the Heaven Seeker, and moved the weak spiritual power in Xia Ning'er to Xia Ning'er's heart.

If it weren’t for Xia Ning’er that the meridians had become fragile and fragile because they had never practiced, Zhang Ziling might also help Xia Ning’er broaden and strengthen the meridians, and at the same time, dredge the impurities that blocked Xia Ning’er’s meridians, making the process of activating the emperor’s heart more fragile. It's easier.

To broaden Xia Ning'er's meridians cannot be done overnight, so Zhang Ziling can only choose to forcibly activate the emperor's heart.

As long as the emperor's heart is activated and fully integrated into Xia Ning'er's emperor blood, Xia Ning'er's meridians will be strengthened naturally, and Zhang Ziling will help Xia Ning'er dredge and widen the meridians more easily.

The time for a stick of incense passed, and the spiritual power in Xia Ning'er still did not flow to the heart, but Zhang Ziling was not in a hurry, everything was slow.

With Xia Ning'er's current physical fitness, everything is in a hurry.

Zhang Ziling helped Xia Ning'er activate the emperor's heart in the room, but the restaurant Xiaoer outside the room was already dizzy, and he had no idea what was going on in the room.

Those who come to dine here are all big people in the city. If something happens to a customer in the restaurant, then they will be a big deal in Feng Restaurant.

"No! I have to find the shopkeeper!" The restaurant Xiaoer didn't dare to stay here any longer, and hurriedly went to the restaurant shopkeeper to handle the matter.

Soon, the whole restaurant became a mess.

"Where is the guest you're talking about?" The shopkeeper hurriedly followed the shop Xiaoer to the private room where Zhang Ziling was located, frowning.

"In the Qingqiu elegant room, the guest fainted after eating, and another guest blasted me out directly." The restaurant Xiaoer said anxiously to the restaurant shopkeeper.

"Is there any problem with today's ingredients?" The shopkeeper asked again.

"I've checked them, they are all fresh ingredients, and the chef also asked about it. They are very careful when cooking, and there will be no problems!"

The customers of Feng Restaurant here are all big shots, and they naturally dare not cheat on the ingredients, otherwise they will not survive on this soil.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant came to the door of Yajian and took a deep breath: "Then why is there a problem?"

"That's right! The customer who fainted was an ordinary person." The restaurant Xiaoer said to the restaurant shopkeeper.

Hearing what the restaurant Xiaoer said, the restaurant owner was taken aback for a moment, and then slapped the restaurant Xiaoer's face with a slap.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" The shopkeeper pointed at the restaurant's second child and cursed, "The ingredients in our restaurant are all spirit beasts and rare birds. Can ordinary people eat it?"


The second person in the restaurant knelt down immediately: "The little one is wrong! The little one sees the customer's strong cultivation base, but keeps watching the girl eating. The little one thinks that the customer has a good mentality, but he didn't expect..."

"You mean... the guest deliberately let the mortal eat it?" The restaurant shopkeeper suddenly thought of something, and asked the restaurant second.

"Yes! The guest is still laughing, I think about it now, the guest seems to be planning something, deliberately let the girl eat." The restaurant Xiaoer said tremblingly, the shopkeeper is a strong heavenly palace, He did not dare to offend.

"Do you know that guest?"

"They're here for the first time, the little one doesn't know him!"

The restaurant shopkeeper's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he whispered: "It's broken! This guy is probably deliberately trying to eat people in our restaurant. The dirty water is spilled on us and our reputation is bad!"

"Who is so wicked?" The restaurant Xiaoer felt that he was about to cry. He was involved in this matter inexplicably, and was unlucky.

"Perhaps it was the people of Qingfenglou. They have been robbing us for business recently. Bad our reputation is good for them." The restaurant owner said in a deep voice, a fierce flash in his eyes, "No! I have to Stop them! People can never die with us!"

After all, the restaurant owner opened the door and entered, but before the restaurant Xiao Er could follow up, the restaurant shopkeeper flew out of the private room, rolled down the stairs, and the private room door was closed again.

"The shopkeeper!" Watching the restaurant shopkeeper roll down the stairs, the restaurant Xiaoer hurriedly chased the restaurant shopkeeper.

The whole restaurant was attracted by the movement here.

"The shopkeeper, are you okay!" The restaurant Xiaoer helped the restaurant shopkeeper and asked hurriedly.

"No, nothing..." The shopkeeper shook his head, then looked at Qing Qiu Yajian ferociously, "I saw that guy was offering sacrifice to the girl just now. I guess he would do something to blame our restaurant. It's poisonous. Heart! We must not let him succeed, go and call the guys over!"

"Yes!" Xiaoer from the restaurant hurriedly left to move rescue soldiers.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant stood up with difficulty, looked at the room where Zhang Ziling was coldly, and said to himself: "Humph! No matter what you want to do at Qingfeng Restaurant, I will accompany you one by one!"

In this way, the entire Laifeng Restaurant was agitated because of Zhang Ziling, and the guests who were going to come to the Feng Restaurant to have a meal were all confused, not understanding what had happened in Laifeng Restaurant.

I'm afraid Zhang Ziling would never think of it. When he focused on activating the emperor's heart, the misunderstanding outside...

It's getting bigger and bigger.

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