Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1573: The parties have assembled and made a big fuss!

In the elegant room, Zhang Ziling’s action to activate the emperor’s heart has reached a critical moment. Zhang Ziling’s full attention is on the emperor’s heart, and Xuntianyi has never seen how others unlock the emperor’s heart, and his attention is also all Put it in Xia Ning'er's body.

At Xia Ning'er's heart, all her emperor blood boiled, Xia Ning'er's heart turned golden, and an extremely large blood energy surged in it.

The heart of the emperor is originally the heart of the emperor and can be refined into a pill.

Zhang Ziling doesn’t know why. Xia Ning’er has been fully integrated with the emperor’s heart of the ancestors of the Xia clan. Now Xia Ning’er’s heart is the heart of the great emperor of the ancestors of the Xia clan. Now Xia Ning’er’s entire body strength is in It is increasing at an extremely terrifying speed.

Even Xuntianyi was amazed. At this moment, Xia Ning'er's energy and blood power were too huge, so huge that it envied it.

"Now Xia Ning'er is completely a human-shaped pill. If any monk captures Xia Ning'er, I'm afraid he will be tempted to swallow Xia Ning'er directly!" Xun Tianyi sighed, and now the emperor's pill is relieved. The strength is only a little, but the blood strength in Xia Ning'er has reached an unimaginable level.

"Either you help or shut up! Don't disturb me!" Zhang Ziling said, and the Heaven Seeker suddenly closed his mouth.

The complexity of the restriction of the emperor's heart in Xia Ning'er surpassed Zhang Ziling's imagination, and the more complicated it became later, even Zhang Ziling now had to concentrate all his attention to unlock the restriction in the heart of the emperor.

Zhang Ziling can’t figure it out. After all, this emperor's heart is also a medium for inheritance. The ancestors of the Xia clan made the restriction in the Emperor's heart so complicated, even Zhang Ziling would take a lot of effort to untie it... It's not like inheritance.

Few people in this world can untie it!

Zhang Ziling feels even more that the Xia ancestors refined the emperor's heart to hide some secrets.

The complexity of the emperor's heart in Xia Ninger's body was beyond Zhang Ziling's imagination, which on the contrary aroused Zhang Ziling's resilience even more, making Zhang Ziling become excited.

Just as Zhang Ziling was engrossed in explaining the prohibition in Emperor Dan's heart, the shopkeeper of the restaurant outside the Yajian had already gathered the folks from Fenglou and Gu's thugs with a serious expression.

Just now the shopkeeper of the restaurant probably knew Zhang Ziling's strength, and he didn't dare to ask for a big one. He must be fully prepared to break into the elegant room.

"The shopkeeper, everything is ready, do you want the brothers to rush in?" The restaurant Xiaoer solemnly said to the restaurant shopkeeper, his voice trembling a little.

They are all running errands, and have not really fought with Biren. This time they are going to fight with the real strong, and the restaurant Xiao Er still feels a little worried.

"Listen to my orders and rush in together!" The restaurant shopkeeper has already turned the spiritual power in his body to the limit, and it will burst out at any time.

"Hey, what do you say they are doing?" Beside the restaurant mate, a group of guests curiously looked at the heavily armed restaurant mate and talked in a low voice.

"I'm not very clear, but I heard them talking about Qingfeng Restaurant. Maybe something is going wrong with their two families?"

"I'm here to fight in Fenglou. It's estimated that today's business is going bad. I watched the two Liangzi get married!"

A crowd of guests were smiling and talking, watching the excitement one by one, and they were not afraid of big things.

This Qingyan city was originally a small city, and the powerful and nobles in the city would not encounter any major events on weekdays. Now there is a lot of excitement to watch. Naturally, there are two friends calling for friends, and many people are coming to Fenglou.

For a while, Qingyan City, which was originally calm and peaceful, became bustling with the incident of Fenglou.

"!" The shopkeeper of the restaurant yelled out loudly, and a group of restaurant staff and big hands roared towards the room where Zhang Ziling was.

However, Zhang Ziling, in order to concentrate on explaining the restriction in Xia Ning'er's body in the Emperor Dan's heart, he also placed a restriction around the room, isolating all the connections between the room and the outside world, and all those who tried to break into the room would be mercilessly restricted. The bomb flew out.

Although prohibition does not hurt people, it will be painful.

So when the large group of restaurant guys really wanted to rush into the private room where Zhang Ziling was located, everyone was bombed out by the prohibition imposed by Zhang Ziling, and one after another flew out of the restaurant and crashed into the street and wailed. Many people exclaimed.

Many of the guests who watched the excitement are dudes. They usually like chaos. When they see that the restaurant guys didn’t even touch the door of the room, they were bombed off, and their hearts also gave birth to that room. Curious, I walked over to see what happened to Naya.

However, those dudes didn't have any accidents, they were not allowed to fly out and fell on the street before they got close to the room.

Things got worse now.

Those dudes were bombed and furious, and they all greeted their hands and forced their way into the private room where Zhang Ziling was to get people out. However, as a result, more and more powerful men were prohibited from flying, and the streets were full. It's a rolling man.

The whole Laifeng Tower was messed up.

After hearing that their son had been beaten by someone, some of the leaders of the forces who were already arrogant also rushed to Fenglou with a group of men aggressively to find a place for their children.

However, there was still no change in the result. Those strong men who brought people to find places were still banned by Zhang Ziling. People were lying on the streets of Fenglou, and some people kept popping out of Fenglou and falling on the street. Wailing and screaming.

The prohibition of Laifeng Tower alarmed one after another. The big figures in Qingyan City and their disciples surrounded Laifeng City, trying to force Zhang Ziling out of the room.

Even the shopkeeper of the restaurant has not yet reacted, and the evolution of the matter has exceeded his imagination.

This inexplicable incident has already caused all the big figures in the city to bring people over.

For a while, the shopkeeper and the little second in the restaurant were trembling on the sidelines, afraid to go out to explain.

Things have been out of their control.

Countless casual repair stations were far away, looking at the flags of various forces flying around Laifeng Tower, they didn't know what happened to Laifeng Tower.

However, things are getting more and more outrageous. People have spread word of mouth that when what happened in the Laifeng Tower was spread to the City Lord’s Mansion, it had already become a demon cultivator’s method of setting up an altar in Laifeng Tower, and he planned to use the monks in the whole city. In order to stop the big demon, the leaders of the major forces spontaneously assembled the powerful people in the clan to come to Fenglou and prepare to kill the demon!

Hearing that there was a demon blood sacrifice, the city lord did not dare to neglect, and quickly threw out the tiger charm, and rushed to the Fenglou with the army guarding the city.

At this point, the various forces gathered in Laifeng Tower by mistake, the big figures of the major forces gathered together, and the flags of all parties fluttered in the wind, and the whole scene developed into a grand gathering of demons.

And Zhang Ziling, who contributed to all of this, has now reached the final step of understanding Kaidi's loyalty restriction!

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