Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1575: Shadow Palace!

"The emperor spent most of his life exploring the root cause of the emperor's disappearance, and even escaped into the stars, traveled the universe, and visited major civilizations."

"And this emperor discovered that no matter which civilization it is, no emperor can exist for more than one era, even a new emperor... as long as it disappears at the end of the era! In the depths of the universe, there are countless people who have lived for endless years. Saints, but there is no great emperor who has existed for more than one era."

"After that, this emperor spent another ten thousand years to search for the root of the Great Emperor's disappearance, and finally let this emperor discover...The disappearance of the emperor-level powerhouses in the major worlds are all related to the forces behind the Dao of Heaven."

Xia Qingyue said to Zhang Ziling, her tone becoming more and more solemn.

"Ultimate." Zhang Ziling said to herself, frowning slightly.

Zhang Ziling did not expect that Xia Qingyue actually found the ultimate existence.

The forces behind the various heavenly realms.

Whether Zhang Ziling is on the earth or on the Xuanxiao Continent, during the conversation between Zhang Ziling and Heavenly Dao, Zhang Ziling realized that there is a more powerful existence on top of Heavenly Dao that manages everything.

The disappearance of Tianxuan now confirmed this.

"This emperor is not the first to know the existence of the ultimate. In the ancient times of major civilizations, countless ancestors discovered the existence of the ultimate, and successively looked for ways to defeat the ultimate to prevent the deadly reincarnation."

"Can you find something?" Zhang Ziling finally waited until Xia Qingyue said the point, his eyes lit up.

Whether it is to find Ziyou or Tianxuan, Zhang Ziling has only one way to defeat the ultimate!

Now Zhang Ziling has no clue about how to deal with the ultimate, and now that the ancient gods are rampant, Zhang Ziling now focuses on the ancient gods, hoping to find a way from the ancient gods.

"Fortunately, when the emperor was at a loss, he finally found an organization that had begun to fight against the ultimate force since ancient times. It was an organization created by countless ancestors at a huge price!"

"You have been fighting against the ultimate forces since ancient times?" Zhang Ziling's heart beat slightly when she heard Xia Qingyue's words, quite shocked.

Is there such a powerful force in this world?

"Yes, that force is dedicated to finding the talented monks among the major civilizations in the cosmos, hoping that those monks can surpass the emperor and serve as the ultimate force against the emperor." Xia Qingyue nodded, "this emperor has been caught Invited to go to the headquarters of that force and met the existence of no less than ten transcendent emperors."

"No less than ten supreme? This is impossible!" Tian Xun Yi exclaimed, what Xia Qingyue said was too shocking.

For so many years, the Xuanxiao Continent has produced a supreme of Zhang Ziling, but there are no less than ten supreme horrors among the forces that oppose the ultimate?

So many strong people have not won the ultimate?

Xuntianyi began to doubt the authenticity of what Xia Qingyue said.

Zhang Ziling also had doubts in his heart. Although Zhang Ziling did not believe that he alone broke through to the supreme in this world, there are ten supreme presences in a power, which is really incredible.

Moreover, why are those supreme beings gathered together?

Xia Qingyue did not respond to the celestial seeker's question, and said to herself: "Among the forces, the existence of the transcendent emperor is called Dao Zun by many members of the force. It is said that they have found the ultimate place, and Always preparing to accumulate strength to fight the ultimate."

"For this reason, that power seeks the cultivation of Tianjiao from all major worlds, and accepts it as one of them. The emperor is fortunate to be invited to join that power."

"Boss..." Hearing what Xia Qingyue said, Xuntianyi couldn't help looking at Zhang Ziling, with doubts in his eyes.

The more Xia Qingyue said, the more outrageous she was, and the Heaven Seeker didn't believe in such existence.

If there is such a force that has been dedicated to fighting the ultimate force since ancient times, then why don't they find Zhang Ziling?

With Zhang Ziling's talents, Tian Xun Yi did not believe that the forces would easily leave Zhang Ziling alone.

Zhang Ziling nodded slightly, but did not speak, but stared at Xia Qingyue, wanting to know what Xia Qingyue would say next.

There are too many doubts in this.

Who is that sacred force? Since Xia Qingyue joined the forces, why did she choose to refine the emperor's heart? Xia Qingyue used such a complicated restriction just to tell Zhang Ziling this?

Zhang Ziling didn't believe it.

Sure enough, after speaking those words, Xia Qingyue's conversation turned, and even her momentum became fierce!

"For posterity, you must remember everything that the emperor will say next. It will not only concern your destiny, but also the destiny of the entire Profound Sky Continent and the entire primordial universe!"

"The emperor only discovered after joining the forces that they have been dedicated to fighting the ultimate since ancient times, and they have paid a lot to fight the ultimate. But in the era of the emperor, the high-levels of that force have already deteriorated and become The ultimate puppet!"

"Ultimately use that power to find the variables of the world, and use them as an excuse to bring them into the power, and eventually be brainwashed and become the ultimate tool!"

"Almost half of the Dao Venerables in that power are geniuses who have been brainwashed!"

Xun Tianyi's eyes widened, always feeling that he had heard some earth-shattering conspiracy!

"Although those Dao Venerables have become the ultimate tools, they still give us a chance... Those Dao Venerables know where the ultimate is and have mastered the way to the ultimate. If future generations encounter Dao Venerables, don’t Believe their nonsense!"

"If you can defeat Dao Zun for future generations, you will do everything possible to pry away from Dao Zun's mouth to find the ultimate method, go to the ultimate, and end this cycle."

"If you can't defeat Dao Zun for posterity, then you pretend to join them and find a chance to get to the ultimate way. If you can break through the prohibition set by the emperor, then it means you are qualified to join them, and joining them is not difficult. "

"After discovering their secrets, the emperor is ready to go to the ultimate as an undercover agent. If you can successfully find the ultimate, and if the emperor is still alive at the ultimate, then the emperor will do his best to help you."

"But if you can't defeat Dao Venerable, and your actions are still discovered by Dao Venerable... I implore you to refine the emperor's heart, pass on the words of the emperor, and find someone who can truly defeat Dao Venerable!"

"The emperor... will always wait for that person to arrive at the ultimate place, no matter how long!"

Xia Qingyue said to Zhang Ziling, her expression extremely serious.

"The Emperor hopes that you... can do something for this world."

Xia Qingyue's voice fell, and the figure gradually disappeared.

"Remember, the signs of their Dao Venerables are all masters of the law of nirvana! That power is called the Shadow Palace. And the Protoss of the Xuanxiao Continent... is the first Dao Venerable to take refuge in the ultimate in the Shadow Palace. Offspring!"

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