Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1576: make up

As Xia Qingyue's figure disappeared, this white space gradually faded, and Zhang Ziling and Tianxunyi reappeared in the elegant room.


Tian Xun Yi looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze. The call Xia Qingyue said just now made Tian Xun Yi feel dizzy.

Prior to this, the heaven seeker had always felt that the ultimate was very powerful, but the heaven seeker had no idea how powerful the ultimate is.

Until Xuntianyi heard what Xia Qingyue said.

Even a power with no less than ten supreme powers on one side has become the ultimate puppet. In such a vast world of the primordial cosmos, all the powerhouses above the emperor will not survive an era...

How far is the ultimate hand extended?

Take the enemies closest to Xuntianyi, those ancient gods...Xuntianyi didn't expect even the gods to be descendants of Dao Zun.

Until now, Xuntianyi hadn't forgotten the eyes of the **** king.

In the end, it is likely to be several levels stronger than the **** king...

The scalp feels numb just thinking about it.

Xun Tianyi didn't dare to imagine how powerful the enemy they were about to face.

For a while, the heaven seeker became quite confused...

Zhang Ziling didn't have time to worry about Dao Zun. Zhang Ziling's goal was the ultimate.

All enemies below the ultimate, Zhang Ziling shouldn't, and can't put them in his eyes!

If Zhang Ziling had to do his utmost to deal with Dao Zun, then Zhang Ziling could imagine himself rushing into the ultimate lair.

Although Xia Qingyue said to help Zhang Ziling, after so many years, it is uncertain whether Xia Qingyue is alive or not, so... Zhang Ziling's ultimate plan for dealing with the ultimate plan must definitely not take Xia Qingyue into consideration.

Even Zhang Ziling is still not sure whether Xia Qingyue is an enemy or a friend.

Therefore, Xia Qingyue's help can only be used as icing on the cake, and Zhang Ziling still has to follow his own plan.

"Xuntian, did you hear the last sentence Xia Qingyue said just now?" Zhang Ziling frowned, looking at Xuntianyi and asked.

"Those ancient gods are the sons of Dao Zun?" Xun Tianyi was still in a trance, and replied without thinking.

Zhang Ziling shook his head and said in a condensed voice: "No, it was the last sentence... Xia Qingyue said that the force was named Shadow Palace."

"Shadow Palace? Why do I hear so familiar?" Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xuntianyi suddenly felt that Zhang Ziling's name was familiar.

Suddenly, Xuntianyi's face changed abruptly, and he pointed to Zhang Ziling excitedly: "This, this... isn't this Xie Wushuang's power?"

When they were against Xie Wushuang in the past, Xie Wushuang's power in Xuanxiao Continent was called the Shadow Palace!

At that time, Xuntianyi did not deal with the people of the Shadow Palace less.

Even when it was on Earth, the Shadow Palace was divided into Shadow Pavilion.

It can be said...The Shadow Palace is a familiar force to Zhang Ziling.

Now, things become interesting.

"This can't be a coincidence... Xie Wushuang should know the Shadow Palace in the universe, and Xie Wushuang is probably from the Shadow Palace." Zhang Ziling said in a deep voice, "It's just why Xie Wushuang wants to build a new one in Xuanxiao Continent. Shadow Palace, this is worth thinking about."

"But this Shadow Palace disappeared after we came back, and there is no news about the Shadow Palace activities on the mainland. What exactly does Xie Wushuang want to do?" Xun Tianyi asked, feeling that the water behind this incident is getting more and more. Muddy, "Is that Xie Wushuang Dao Venerable?"

"No." Zhang Ziling shook his head, which is quite certain, "If Xie Wushuang is really the ultimate person, then it is impossible for him to try his best to guide me to deal with the ultimate."

"It's unclear what exactly he wants to do, but our current goals are the same. The fighter will finally solve it, but..."

"But what?" Xun Tianyi asked. Now Zhang Ziling is the backbone. If Zhang Ziling is worried, then things have definitely become terrible...

"I hope I think too much." Zhang Ziling shook his head, and did not explain to Heaven Seeker.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling did not answer, Tianxunyi also sighed and stopped questioning.

Zhang Ziling did not say that there was a reason why he did not. Xun Tianyi didn't want to entangle Zhang Ziling in this regard, and cause Zhang Ziling to worry.

"Then boss, what should we do now?"

"Everything is going according to the original plan. When we get the news, we don't know if Xie Wushuang deliberately arranged it, and Dao Zun is still too strange to us, and it is not necessarily when we encounter it."

"Since the ancient gods are the descendants of Dao Zun, we can naturally find Dao Zun along the line of the ancient gods." Zhang Ziling said quickly, and let Xia Ning'er still suspended in the air.

Now Xia Ning'er was still in a coma, but the tired look on Xia Ning'er's face was quite distressing.

"Boss, that Xia Qingyue didn't die, and there was no inheritance in this emperor's heart. Isn't this Xia Ning'er suffering in vain?" Xun Tianyi looked at Xia Ning'er lying on the ground, her eyes flashed. Distressed.

Xia Qingyue went to the place where the ultimate was, although in a sense, Xia Qingyue still no longer exists in this world, but Xia Qingyue is still alive.

As long as she wants to live, Xia Qingyue will not pass on her inheritance to the emperor's heart.

Even if a great emperor loses his heart, it is still easy to survive.

Zhang Ziling didn't even think about Xia Qingyue's still alive, but the facts were already the case, Zhang Ziling couldn't change it, so he could only think of another way to compensate Xia Ning'er.

"Don't worry, I will make up for her... This time we untie the imperial danxin's restraint and she suffers a lot of crimes. I will pass on my inheritance to her?" Zhang Ziling looked at Xia Ning'er's eyes softer.

"Boss, you!" Xun Tianyi was startled.

The inheritance of the Devil Emperor can only be given to three people. Zhang Ziling has given Xingyu an inheritance before. Now Zhang Ziling's inheritance can be said to be extremely precious, and the inheritance disciples must carefully choose!

"Xia Ning'er has imperial blood and is barely qualified to accept the inheritance, and this is my compensation. We can't be too stingy." Zhang Ziling smiled, but didn't care.

Inheritance was originally intended to cultivate a stronger next generation, and Zhang Ziling would not be stingy in this regard.

"But before that, I have to deal with all the foreign fish."

After Zhang Ziling came out of the illusion in Emperor Dan's heart, he immediately noticed the situation outside. The forces of the entire Qingyan City gathered together and threatened to crusade Zhang Ziling.

If it hadn't been for Zhang Ziling to set a ban on the surroundings and let them rush in to disturb Zhang Ziling, I am afraid that the emperor's heart in Xia Ning'er would also explode because of loss of control.

When Zhang Ziling was about to take action, a large number of monks had gathered outside Laifeng Tower.

The strong from all parties gathered together to discuss how to break the restrictions imposed by Zhang Ziling.

Almost everyone now believes that there is a bloodthirsty demon hidden in the Laifeng Tower, but just now everyone has seen the dazzling golden light erupting from the emperor's heart.

That is the vision of the birth of the treasure.

What all the forces like to do most is to slogans to kill demons and then kill people for treasure.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling in the elegant room...

Has become the big fat sheep in everyone's eyes.

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