Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1577: Master Mo Yu

Outside the Laifeng Tower, City Master Qingyan was riding a horse looking sadly at Laifeng Tower. Now this situation is beyond his control.

Several big families in Qingyan City are all entrenched here, and those family disciples are gearing up, and an indispensable fight may erupt at any time.

With the army brought by Qingyan City Lord, he can stand up to two families at most, and he is powerless for the rest.

"City Lord, this magic repair has been in the Laifeng real estate for a long time. When will we attack? Would you give me a word?"

It was Shang Guanxiong, the Patriarch of the Shangguan Family of the Qingyan City Da Clan, a strong man of the first level in the True Martial Realm, who has a heavy weight in this Qingyan City.

The words of other families also looked at Castle Lord Qingyan, waiting for the answer from Castle Lord Qingyan.

If it were placed in the past, the major families might look at Qingyan City Lord as a member of the ancient kingdom of Azure and give Qingyan City Lord a bit of face. But now, what happened in the city of Evernight has spread, and even the royal family Wen family has been destroyed. Naturally, this ancient country will collapse, and the deterrent power of the city lord will naturally not be much.

The reason why several big families are still dominating the Qingyan City Lord is just that they are afraid of the powerful group of defenders behind the Qingyan City Lord.

But if they really want to fight, few families would really be afraid of Qingyan City Lord.

Now Qingyan City Lord's forehead is covered with fine cold sweat, and his heart is full of anxiety.

If several big families are forced to attack Fenglou, I am afraid that the entire Qingyan City will have to be buried.

Although Qingyan City Lord thought he was not a good person, the interests of Qingyan City were tied to him. If Qingyan City is destroyed... several big families can still live well in another city, but he is a city lord... without Qingyan City, it is equal to losing everything.

"Wait, the strength of this magic repair is unknown. If it is acted rashly, it may cause serious casualties to the people of Qingyan City." Qingyan City Lord wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said quickly.

"City Lord, we don't know what the demon cultivator did after he came to Fenglou, if his blood sacrifice magic circle succeeds, we will all have to die! I think we should attack as soon as possible!" Shangguanxiong coldly snorted. .

The Wang Family Patriarch Wang Cheng also urged at this moment: "Shangguanxiong is right. If this demonic blood sacrifice succeeds, everyone must die here!"

Wang Cheng was also the speaker of the big family in Qingyan City. The real martial realm's second level of cultivation had a high status in Qingyan City. As Wang Cheng spoke...people from other families also began to urge Qingyan City Lord to come.

"Everyone, stay calm, just wait for a while!" Seeing the scene becoming more uncontrollable, City Master Qingyan couldn't help but calm down.

In fact, everyone here knows that their extermination of demons is just an excuse. Everyone has seen the birth of a strange treasure in Laifeng Tower, and everyone wants to take that strange treasure as their own.

They won't care about what Qingyan City will become as long as they get the strange treasure.

"City Lord, Master Mo Yu has arrived!"

Just when the Qingyan City Lord was forced to a blind spot by the crowd, a guard ran to the Qingyan City Lord and shouted.

Hearing what the guard said, City Lord Qingyan suddenly beamed with joy, and said urgently: "Hurry up!"

Master Mo Yu is a famous formation master in Qingyan City. Although he has not yet reached the holy rank, Master Mo Yu's formation skills far exceed most people, and he is already an eighth-level formation master!

On Xuanxiao Continent, whether it is a medicine refining or an array mage, there are corresponding ratings, from low to high, from one to nine. After the ninth level, there is a holy formation master, also known as a holy formation master. .

The holy formation masters are extremely rare in the Xuanxiao Continent, and there may not be one even in the heavenly holy land.

The status of Array Mage and Alchemist is very high everywhere, and the eighth-level Array Mage will be regarded as a guest by all forces.

Master Mo Yu is the only eighth-level formation mage in Qingyan City, and the president of the Qingyan City Formation Guild. No forces in Qingyan City dare to neglect this Master Mo Yu.

After hearing Master Mo Yu, the powerful people present could not help changing their expressions, and suddenly stopped talking.

Especially in the Divine State of Heavenly Sage, the formation guild has a very high status, and every formation mage registered in the formation guild will be protected by the formation guild.

As long as there is an array mage being poisoned, the array guild and the forces that have made good relations with the array guild will go all out to hunt down the murderer, endlessly.

In addition, Mo Yu was already an eighth-level array mage, and his strength was already above the triple level of the True Martial Realm. The patriarchs of other families were really not the opponent of Master Mo Yu.

For the formation mage, the human sea tactic is the most stupid tactic.

As long as an array mage above level 6 can use killing as a source of strength for the array, the more people killed in the array, the stronger their array will be.

The crowd split to two sides automatically, leaving a road in the middle, and a gray-haired old man walked slowly down that road with his back crouched and crutches.

The old man looked weak, but the heads of all the families jumped off their horses and looked at the old man solemnly.

Eighth-level array mage, Master Mo Yu!

Master Mo Yu walked very slowly, but with great momentum, all the family children present could feel a great pressure from Master Mo Yu.

The noisy street instantly became quiet, everyone's eyes fell on Master Mo Yu, holding their breath.

City Lord Qingyan hurried forward to greet Master Mo Yu, and said, "Master Mo Yu, you can count it!"

Master Mo Yu nodded slightly and asked calmly, "Where is the demon?"

"Just in Laifenglou! The demon set a prohibition there. I am worried that the storm will destroy Qingyan City, so I hope Master Mo Yu can help us solve the formation." Qingyan City Master pointed to Laifenglou and said. There was a smile on his face.

As long as the prohibition is broken, the magic repair will be suppressed by many powerful people in an instant, and the strange treasures can also be distributed in a slightly peaceful manner, and Qingyan City can be considered to be saved.

People from other forces also gave up the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters when they saw Master Mo Yu, waiting for Master Mo Yu to release the restriction, they went in to get people.

It's just that, although it is much easier to unlock the ban now, the chance that they will get the strange treasure is extremely small.

So many forces are eyeing each other, it is impossible for those who want to get the treasure without paying a huge price!

This competition for foreign treasures will eventually become an auction.

Everyone can be regarded as seeing the methods of Qingyan City Lord.

With a smile on his face at the moment, City Lord Qingyan led Master Mo Yu to the Fenglou, and asked Master Mo Yu to lift the restriction under Zhang Ziling.

However, before Master Mo Yu walked into the Fenglou, the restrictions imposed by Zhang Ziling suddenly disappeared.

Zhang Ziling walked out of Laifeng Tower, holding Xia Ning'er in front of everyone.

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