Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1592: Next opponent

As soon as the Qiubao man said his words, Zhang Ziling's eyes narrowed.

Heavenly power?

Tianshu's younger brother?

This is an interesting message.

Zhang Ziling looked at Tianquan with interest, and asked with a smile: "Since you are Tianshu's younger brother, your brother is dead in my hands. As a younger brother, you still hide here sneakily like a mouse. Isn't he a little sorry for your brother?"

Tianquan sneered and said, "Tianshu, that trash, the three-life formation that Lord God King handed over to him can be played off, and he has no living value."

"I am here mainly to ensure that Tianshu can die here, otherwise I will finally be in power. If you let him go back, wouldn't I be busy doing it in vain?" Tianquan smiled, his eyes full of laughter I think I borrowed Zhang Ziling's knife.

"Secondly, I still want to meet, what kind of person is the guy who can kill my stupid brother? Now when I see it... it is extraordinary!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Zhang Ziling said flatly without expression.

"No thanks, I'm not complimenting you." Tian Quan stared at Zhang Ziling with a smile, a pair of golden eyes shining golden light, "I just... don't hope that the person who will die in my hands in the future is a mortal man."

"So confident?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps, I am always somewhat confident." Tian Quan chuckled lightly, "A lot of things in this world are not determined by strength."

"Interesting!" Zhang Ziling grabbed it with a big hand, and endless demonic energy surged from Zhang Ziling's body and turned into a giant black hand to grab Tian Quan.

Tian Quan didn't have any resistance, he was directly caught in the air by the giant black hand.

"What? This guy doesn't have any abilities when he looks bullish!" Xun Tianyi saw that Tian Quan did not have any resistance in front of Zhang Ziling, so he couldn't help but ridicule.

"Do you really think that ancient gods are so stupid?" Zhang Ziling asked Xuntianyi while holding onto Tianquan.

The heaven seeker was slightly taken aback.

After Tianquan was restrained, he was not at all annoyed, and he still looked at Zhang Ziling with a smile.

"Is this guy... crazy?"

"You can still laugh when held by the Devil Emperor like this, lunatic?"

"I can't figure it out..."

Seeing Tian Quan's current expression, the cultivators in the surroundings couldn't help but feel all kinds of doubts in their hearts, not understanding what Tian Quan was thinking.

"Devil Emperor, are you so superficial?" Tianquan asked when looking at Zhang Ziling, "I haven't done anything yet, or I'm in a hurry, or are you...Are you afraid of me?"

"Boss, this guy is too arrogant. Boss, let me out, I will kill him!" After hearing what Tian Quan said, Xun Tianyi's heart suddenly rose, and roared inside Zhang Ziling.

"His body is not here, and you can't hurt half of his hair if you go out." Zhang Ziling said lightly to Xuntianyi.

After explaining to Xun Tianyi, Zhang Ziling stared at Tian Quan again, and pulled him to him.

"Devil Emperor, don't you only have this aura, right?" Tian Quan looked at Zhang Ziling and smiled, "Anyway, I also sent my brother to you. You treat me like this... I'm afraid I can't explain it.

"So, what do you want to tell me?" Zhang Ziling asked indifferently, unaffected by the power of heaven.

Tianquan, who now appears in front of Zhang Ziling, is nothing more than an external incarnation. Although it is related to the body, it has nothing to do with the body.

Tianquan is confident and fearless, so he dared to be so arrogant in front of Zhang Ziling.

If the Tianquan body were here, I am afraid the performance would be different.

"Actually, there is nothing. I just want to remind you that Lord God King has taken a fancy to the emperor's heart in that mortal body and sent me to get it."

"But I think I have to say hello to you before I can get the emperor's heart."

Zhang Ziling sneered, and said, "I think you didn't succeed in your hands. You are a duck here, right?"

Had it not been for Zhang Ziling to force Tianquan out, I am afraid that Tianquan would have no intention to come out at all.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Tian Quan’s smile froze slightly, and then he said, “In the next days, you have to keep an eye on that mortal at all times, and I will take her heart away if you don’t know the same thing. ."

"If you dare to use your body, I will admire your courage, but you can only rely on this external incarnation to speak out here. I think you are not as good as your brother Tianshu."

As soon as Zhang Ziling mentioned Tianshu, Tianquan's expression changed, and it was hard to hide his anger in his eyes.

Tianquan didn't like others to compare him with Tianshu, especially if he was not as good as Tianshu.

"You will pay the price for your words and deeds, Devil Emperor!" Tian Quan looked at Zhang Ziling and said solemnly, his tone gloomy to the extreme.

"The body that Tianshu used from beginning to end appeared in front of the emperor. Although he died... but he still has the courage to fight with the emperor." Zhang Ziling grinned, "and you mouse, except for hiding behind. What else would you do if you made ruthless words?"

"With your ability, you can only fart here." Zhang Ziling mocked.

Tianquan's smile disappeared, and his expression became hideous: "Devil Emperor, you will remember for me, in the near future, I..."

"I'm not interested in listening to you anymore, get out."

Zhang Ziling directly interrupted what Tian Quan was saying, and the huge hand that turned into a devil qi firmly grasped Tian Quan directly!

Blood splattered, and the square instantly became quiet.

When the surrounding monks saw Zhang Ziling's disagreement, they just moved, and their necks shrank.

After dealing with the sudden appearance of the mouse, Zhang Ziling turned to look at Xia Ning'er, and picked Xia Ning'er up.

At this moment Xia Ning'er's body functions had been restored, but under the influence of Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, Xia Ning'er had not yet regained consciousness.

The surrounding monks looked at Zhang Ziling who was holding Xia Ning'er, swallowed slightly, the surrounding atmosphere solidified, and no one dared to speak.

After they discovered that Zhang Ziling was the Devil Emperor, the mood of the cultivators present changed.

The Devil Emperor is the supreme of the last era, more than 5,000 years ago, who created the supreme existence of the prosperous Xuanxiao...

There are many rumors in the world that the Devil Emperor is dead, but now...

The Devil Emperor appeared in front of them alive?

Everyone felt that the sky was about to collapse!

Feeling everyone looking at him with strange gazes, Zhang Ziling looked at the monks standing in the distance.

Seeing Zhang Ziling staring at him, the monks backed back again and again, their legs weakened.

"Boss, they know your identity, do you want to..." Tianxun made a wiping motion in Zhang Ziling's body and whispered.

"These monks don't have any status in the Divine State of Heavenly Sage, and they don't hurt if they know it." Zhang Zi held Xia Ning'er and walked to the monks. The powerful pressure filled Zhang Ziling's body, suppressing everyone's breath.

"But... insurance is still needed."

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