Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1593: Allegiance

Zhang Ziling's voice fell, and he exerted even stronger pressure on the surrounding monks.

Zhang Ziling's imperial prestige came, and everyone only felt their shoulders pressed down on the huge force. They couldn't even stand firmly, and their legs kept trembling.

If it weren't for Zhang Ziling's mercy, I'm afraid everyone would kneel on the ground in an instant!

"Predecessor..." Mo Yu also woke up from the state of the memory array at this moment, and looked at Zhang Ziling in a trembled voice.

What is this going to do?

The coercion Zhang Ziling is now releasing is very wrong.

The other monks also stared at Zhang Ziling in a daze, holding their breath, for fear that their every move would attract Zhang Ziling's attention and cause him to kill himself.

Zhang Ziling had already proven his abilities to everyone before, and now basically no one does not believe that Zhang Ziling is the Demon Emperor.

It is precisely because everyone believes that Zhang Ziling is the devil emperor, so everyone feels more and more pressure in front of Zhang Ziling.

The atmosphere in Qingyan City was extremely suppressed.

Zhang Ziling hugged Xia Ning'er and walked towards the monks. Everyone consciously separated and stood on both sides, giving Zhang Ziling a way.

Zhang Ziling was expressionless, walked slowly among the monks and stopped.

A group of monks subconsciously surrounded Zhang Ziling in a circle, waiting for Zhang Ziling to speak.

"You..." Zhang Ziling said slowly, and his voice rang in the ears of every monk in Qingyan City, "You all know the grudges between this emperor and the Three Hundred Holy Land, right?"

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, everyone trembled suddenly.

Sure enough!

After everyone knew Zhang Ziling's identity, they were able to foresee this incident.

With the character of the Devil Emperor, the enemy of the Devil...

It is impossible not to report!

The Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands were basically in the Divine State of Heaven, and the war three thousand years ago was used as a classic battle by the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands to teach their descendants within the clan.

They never thought about the situation that the Devil Emperor would come back.

The Devil Palace has been destroyed for three thousand years, and the Devil Emperor still has no news.

The people of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces basically think that the Devil Emperor is dead, and this Xuanxiao Continent... is already their world!

Looking at Zhang Ziling's back, Mo Yu suddenly realized... The Devil Emperor was asking them to stand in line.

This is an opportunity!

Choose a camp between the Three Hundred Holy Lands and the Devil Emperor.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu did not hesitate at all. He knelt down directly towards Zhang Ziling and said loudly: "The Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces have done a lot of evil. The Devil Emperor is back now, and he must destroy those evil thieves. The junior is willing to do everything for the Devil Emperor. My own meager strength!"

Mo Yu's roar immediately caused other monks whose brains were still crashing to react. For a while, many monks knelt down and swore allegiance to Zhang Ziling.

In fact, the monks in Qingyan City had never seen Zhang Ziling at all. In addition, the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces banned everyone from the Heavenly Sage on Shenzhou from talking about the Devil Emperor. In most places in the Heavenly Sage on Shenzhou... Those people did not even hear the name of the Devil Emperor. Ever!

Over three thousand years, the three-hundred sacred land coalition forces succeeded in making the world of Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State forget the Devil Emperor.

Only in places like Qingyan City where the Three Hundred Sacred Lands allied forces did not bother to set foot in remote areas like Qingyan City, did they retain some ancient books that recorded the Devil Emperor.

These cultivators in Qingyan City were those who were impressed by the Devil Emperor and knew the strength of the Devil Emperor.

In a very short period of time, almost half of the monks knelt down to Zhang Ziling, and some of the monks who were still hesitating were also pulled down by the people nearby, very reluctantly kneeling down and swearing.

Only a very small number of people who had some friendship with some of the forces in the Three Hundred Holy Land stood still, and did not learn to kneel down from others.

Nearly a hundred people were still standing on the court.

In the eyes of those people, although the Devil Emperor is strong, the Devil Emperor is always a strong one in the last era.

Nowadays, things are not humans, and all the friends of the Devil Emperor back then are gone. Now, relying on the Devil Emperor alone, it is impossible to make any waves in the Heavenly Sage.

Those who have friendship with the Three Hundred Sacred Lands know that the current Three Hundred Sacred Lands coalition forces are no longer the original forces.

These three thousand years are the time for the rapid development of the forces of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces!

Those monks didn't swear allegiance, and knew that Qingyan City could not wait, and began to quietly retreat, preparing to find a chance to escape from Qingyan City, to report this shocking news to the people of the Three Hundred Sacred Land Alliance, so that the Three Hundred Sacred Land was ready.

However, before those people acted, Zhang Ziling's line of sight fell on them, causing them to stand upright!

"not good!"

The monks suddenly reacted. What Zhang Ziling said just now was not for them to choose to stand in line, but...

Let them choose whether to continue to live!

Thinking of this, the cultivators' bodies became stiff, and their eyes became sympathetic and mocking.

In this situation, people who still want to help the Three Hundred Holy Land are either stupid or want to die!


No longer hesitating, the monks slammed their legs and fled in all directions.

Flee if you can!


There were nearly a hundred monks who fled, but the farthest one of those monks escaped was less than ten meters. The black chain that appeared out of thin air pierced the heart.

Seeing the corpses of the monks rolling to the ground, the monks who knelt all squeezed a cold sweat, and were very thankful for their previous actions.

The Devil Emperor and the Three Hundred Holy Land are a life-and-death relationship.

Now the Devil is here, and they are still doing the opposite. Isn't this looking for death?

Those monks who had hesitated before were also very grateful to the people who forced themselves to kneel, and sighed secretly that they had taken their lives back.

The situation is better than people, and now kneeling down and swearing allegiance is better than losing your life.

"Boss... Do you really want to accept these people? They are pregnant with ghost babies, and they can't be used!" Xun Tianyi glanced at the kneeling monks around, and you could see that many thoughts were in them. People.

There are really few people who are really determined to be loyal to Zhang Ziling to deal with the Three Hundred Holy Lands.

"No matter what they think, it doesn't really matter to me."

"None of their strength is of the slightest help to me. The only thing I need is that they are tight-lipped about my existence." Zhang Ziling said lightly, not caring about the loyalty of the cultivators present.

"But only the dead can keep secrets!" Xun Tianyi wondered, "There are so many cultivators here, the boss, can you guarantee that none of them will speak out?"

"So you want me to slaughter this city?" Zhang Ziling asked rhetorically.

"Then, what are we going to do?"

"It's very simple. Let them take the initiative to accept my prohibition." Zhang Ziling said lightly, "Since they have sworn allegiance to me, then accept the prohibition under me, that is also a matter of course."

"Those who dare to refuse then kill them again."

Zhang Ziling's whole body was filled with magical energy, forming a black pill in the air.

Those pills took the initiative to fly in front of every monk present and fell into their hands.

"This is..." The monks looked at each other, wondering what Zhang Ziling gave them.

"Since you all swear allegiance to this emperor, then it's time for you to show your loyalty..."

Zhang Ziling's cold and indifferent voice reached everyone's ears, making everyone breathless.

"Eat the pill in your hands."

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