Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1594: Control Qingyan City

Zhang Ziling's words didn't contain any emotion, but everyone present could hear their souls tremble.

Eat this dark pill?

Everyone looked at the dark pill in their hands, swallowed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

Who knows what this thing will become when you eat it?

For a time, no one dared to swallow the pill that Zhang Ziling gave them.

Mo Yu looked at the pill in his hand, then glanced at the hesitant cultivators around him, his eyes flashed with determination.

If you want to be reused by the Devil Emperor, how can you not pay a price?

Without hesitation, Mo Yu swallowed the pill first.

The second is Qingyan City Lord.

City Lord Qingyan knew very well that if he didn't join the Demon Emperor's camp, he wouldn't be able to continue to be the City Lord.

Based on the current situation of the Qingyan City Lord, if he doesn't hold the Devil Emperor's thigh tightly, I am afraid that there is no place for him in the Holy Land!

As the two great figures in Qingyan City, Mo Yu and Qingyan City Lord, swallowed the pill, many monks closed their eyes and swallowed the pill in their hands.

No matter what the Devil Emperor gave them, it was at least better than death.

No one wants to be a cold corpse lying on the ground.

The patriarchs of major families took the lead in swallowing the pill, and more and more people followed their Patriarch to swallow the pill given by Zhang Ziling.

The entrance of the medicinal medicine was transformed into devil energy into their meridians and merged with them.

As long as a small number of monks who have ghosts and want to wait for Zhang Ziling to leave before selling information to other forces are pretending to swallow the pill.

They put the pill in their mouths and waited for the next opportunity to spit out.

Soon, the monks present all swallowed the pill, and then looked at Zhang Ziling solemnly.

Everyone wanted to know what the pill Zhang Ziling gave them.

"Very well, you didn't let me down." Zhang Ziling swept around the monks, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Sure enough, there are dishonest people.

"That pill is not harmful to you, but it will promote your cultivation."

As soon as Zhang Ziling said these words, the dignified monks showed joy, obviously surprised by this.

There are such good things in this world?

"Of course, there is no free lunch in this world. If you get the benefits, you have to pay the corresponding price."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, the cultivators finally raised their hearts again.

Those monks who almost swallowed the pill in their mouths were also secretly thankful that they hesitated for a while and were not fooled.

"The price you have to pay is very simple." Zhang Ziling looked at the crowd and said lightly, while those pills that had not been swallowed turned into black energy and escaped from the monk's mouth.

Afterwards, those black qi turned into chains, binding those dishonest people and hanging in the air.

There were hundreds of people who were hung up!

"This, what is this?"

"Didn't you say that this pill is harmless?"

"You are lying to us!"

When the monks saw that they were bound by chains, fear suddenly grew in their hearts, and roared at Zhang Ziling, hoping to arouse the resonance of the people around them, so that everyone could attack Zhang Ziling together so that they could escape from the chaos.

And those monks' words did have an effect, and other monks became panicked, for fear that they would also be hanged out.

However, no one really has the guts to start chaos first.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the monks who were still kneeling on the ground, and said, "You must remember that your lives and your abilities are worthless to me."

"The only thing I want you to do is to be tight-lipped about my existence."

As Zhang Ziling said, the black chains that bound the monks strayed into the ears and noses of the monks.

The other monks who had swallowed the pill looked at the monks who were hung in the air with fear in their hearts.

"No, no!"

"Master Devil, I was wrong! Please let me go!"

"Senior for mercy, senior for mercy! I will never dare anymore!"

The monks who were hung in the air only felt that foreign bodies had penetrated in their bodies and filled them all!

The icy feeling made them thoroughly feel the fear of death!

"Whether you are drunk, talking in sleep, or missing your mouth... As long as you reveal the existence of this emperor to others, you will be like them."

Everyone hurriedly looked at the hundreds of people who were hung in the sky by chains, and their screams begging for mercy were shocking.

It's like hell.

Puff puff!

The sound of sharp objects piercing the flesh continued to sound in the space, and the begging for mercy stopped abruptly.

The pupils of the cultivators shrank, and seeing the fate of the cultivators who were suspended in the air, their bodies began to tremble slightly.

Those monks who were bound by chains grew countless spikes from their bodies.

Those spikes penetrated their skin and directly turned them into hedgehogs!

The blood slowly dripped to the ground.

The silence on the scene was extremely silent.

Seeing the fear pouring from the depths of the eyes of the monks around, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly.

Only enough fear can wipe out the temptation of huge interests to people.

Obviously, Zhang Ziling had left enough sources of fear for the cultivators in Qingyan City.

In the future, if anyone wants to sell news about Zhang Ziling to the major forces, they will probably think of the hedgehogs in Qingyan City today.

Good, so cruel...

Mo Yu looked at Zhang Ziling's expression with a faint smile and swallowed hard.

Only then did Mo Yu truly realize that this seemingly gentle young man who had saved their entire city... was the one who once swept across the Profound Sky Continent and wiped out countless great clans...


"You guys, do you understand?" Zhang Ziling's lazy voice rang in everyone's ears again, awakening a group of monks in an instant.

"Ming, understand!"

The cultivators nodded again and again, no longer taking any chances.

"Boss, you are more ruthless than me! Now they all have a psychological shadow." Xun Tianyi looked at the hedgehogs and sighed.

"If you feel betrayal, you have to pay the price. I have given them two opportunities." Zhang Ziling said without any sympathy.

"If you can't adapt to the rules here, and if you want to play tricks, you have to prepare for destruction."

After all, the chains in the air turned into black flames, burning all the corpses in the field.

After doing all this, Zhang Ziling held Xia Ning'er and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

"Clean up here, Qingyan City Lord, the Patriarchs of the major families, Mo can wait for me in the City Lord's Mansion.

Zhang Ziling said lightly, and left without looking back, leaving everyone behind.

The monks watched Zhang Ziling's departure, but no one spoke.

Everything they experienced just now was really exciting.

In a trance, everyone spontaneously cleaned the battlefield, and the major leaders in the city, also in twos and threes, walked staggeringly to the city lord's mansion.

Their legs are still a bit soft.

At the end of the crowd, the shopkeeper and the mate of the Fenglou Building who caused all this, only after seeing Zhang Ziling go, did they lose their strength and fainted.

Qingyan City...

This time, the cards were completely shuffled.

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