Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1595: Inheritance disciple

Qingyan Castle Mansion, in the guest room.

Xia Ning'er woke up slowly and found that she was sleeping in a strange room.

The decoration of the room is quite elegant, not as if the poor can live in it.

"Here?" Xia Ning'er stood up in front of her, with doubts in her eyes.

"you're awake."

Zhang Ziling walked into the room and sat next to Xia Ning'er. He stretched out a hand to pull a strand of hair on Xia Ning'er's face aside, and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"What's wrong with me?" Xia Ning'er hurriedly sat up, her body was still a little weak, and she felt a pain in her whole body.

Xia Ning'er only remembered that she had just finished eating when she came to Fenglou, and then she didn't remember anything.

"It's nothing, you just eat too much, your body is weak and not tonic, just take a rest." Zhang Ziling said to Xia Ning'er, and did not tell Xia Ning'er the truth.

Zhang Ziling thought for a while, maybe it is good not to let Xia Ning'er know his life experience.

Zhang Ziling has helped Xia Ning'er solve his enemies, and the Xia clan was destroyed by the imperial Wen family three thousand years ago.

For Xia Ning'er, these three thousand years were too long, perhaps she didn't feel much anymore when she heard of Prince Xia's Mansion.

Ordinary people have only a hundred years in a hurry. Who has the idle time to care about things three thousand years ago?

"So, I ate too much and then fainted?" Xia Ning'er couldn't believe it, and asked in a daze.

"That's true." Zhang Ziling said without blushing.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling's expression didn't seem to be lying to her, Xia Ning'er couldn't help but patted her forehead in annoyance, and said, "I, how can I faint because of eating too much? If this is let the neighbors know, I should be ashamed what?"

"I warn you, you are not allowed to take this thing outside and talk about it everywhere!" Xia Ning'er glared at Zhang Ziling and said viciously.

Zhang Ziling smiled, then whispered softly: "You will follow me, right?"

"Follow you?" Xia Ning'er's expression couldn't help changing, she hugged herself and looked at Zhang Ziling warily, "You, what do you want to do? Are you trying to arrest me and become a slave girl?"

"I, I tell you, I'm so lazy, I can't do anything! You better give up this idea!"

Xia Ning'er suddenly thought of the rumor that monks like to arrest women to make furnace cultivators, and became more nervous.

Zhang Ziling sighed: "I went to see where you live. The Tian family has burned all of your home, and your neighbors in the neighborhood were also driven away by the Tian family. In addition, there has been a monster wave today..."

Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, Xia Ning'er was slightly taken aback: "Monster, monster tide..."

Xia Ning'er remembered that she had encountered a monster tide when she was a child. Even though the monsters did not rush into Qingyan City, a few sporadic monsters rushed in and brought them huge disasters.

Xia Ning'er's parents were killed in that monster tide.

Thinking of the nightmare back then, Xia Ning'er's whole person's mood began to depressed.

The monster tide erupted, and for the mortals living in the outer city, Xia Ning'er knew what the outcome would be without even thinking about it.

Suddenly, Xia Ning'er suddenly hugged Zhang Ziling and burst into tears.

Zhang Ziling was still confused.

He said this just to say that the place where Xia Ning'er lived before can no longer live in it. Zhang Ziling didn't think about why Xia Ning'er was so sad.

This time the monster tide broke out because the Tian family was so upset in the slums that those people couldn't survive there and flooded into the city.

In addition, the monks of the Wen family slaughtered the Tian House again, and the civilians also took advantage of the opportunity to vacate the Tian House.

After going back and forth, not only did the people living in the slums have not been harmed by monsters, they also gained a lot of wealth.

As for whether they will live a good life with the money in the future or choose to squander it, it is not Zhang Ziling's concern.

But Zhang Ziling saw Xia Ning'er crying so sad, Zhang Ziling didn't say anything, just staying with Xia Ning'er quietly.

Originally, Zhang Ziling was planning to wait for Xia Ning'er to wake up, and then tell some of Xia Ning'er's coma. He went to the living room and ordered many forces in Qingyan City to do something.

However, Zhang Ziling saw that Xia Ning'er was in a bad state, and he simply stayed with Xia Ning'er here.

As for the feelings of the big figures who are still waiting in the reception hall, Zhang Ziling can't take care of them.

At the beginning, even if the saint wanted to see Zhang Ziling, he would have to wait for a few years outside the magic palace. Now that a group of cultivators in the True Martial Realm of the Heavenly Palace can talk to Zhang Ziling in the same room, that is enough for Zhang Ziling to give them face.

Xia Ning'er cried in Zhang Ziling's arms for a long time before stabilizing her mood and letting go of Zhang Ziling.

"I'm sorry... you soiled your clothes." Xia Ning'er whispered to Zhang Ziling, her nose still red.

The monster tide has always been Xia Ning'er's nightmare.

"It's okay, can you tell me what happened?" Zhang Ziling said softly to Xia Ning'er.

Xia Ning'er shook her head, then looked at Zhang Ziling and said, "If I follow you in the future, I won't be your slave girl!"

Zhang Ziling smiled and said: "Don't worry, after you can stand alone, I will give you freedom and let you go into the world by yourself."

Xia Ning'er's eyes lit up and she quickly asked, "You want to teach me to practice?"

"You have that talent." Zhang Ziling nodded and chuckled.

"Great!" Hearing Zhang Ziling's words, before Xia Ning'er swept away the gloom, the whole person became excited.

The monster tide is Xia Ning'er's nightmare, but cultivation... is something Xia Ning'er dare not imagine in her entire life.

She once heard her parents say that her ancestors seemed to be cultivators, but that was a very long time ago, at least Xia Ning'er's grandfathers were ordinary people.

Xia Ning'er never thought that one day she would step into the world of cultivation.

"I, can I really do it?" Xia Ning'er asked with bright eyes and staring straight at Zhang Ziling, rather unconfident.

"From now on, you will be my inheritance disciple." Zhang Ziling said seriously.

" are a big gift!" Xun Tianyi exclaimed in Zhang Ziling's body, unexpectedly Zhang Ziling would accept Xia Ning'er as a succession disciple!

You know, the inheritance disciple of the Devil Emperor, this identity is something that countless saints and saints in the Xuanxiao Continent can't get through their heads!

The inheritance of the Devil Emperor, this is far more precious than the Emperor's Heart!

Xia Ning'er obviously didn't know what Zhang Ziling's words meant, she only knew that she had become a disciple of the gods.

"Although it's a little inexplicable, but this may be just a chance... I saw the deceiver... Master!" Xia Ning'er quickly changed her mind, quickly climbed out of bed, and bowed down to Zhang Ziling.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Xun Tianyi sighed inside Zhang Ziling. Although it liked Xia Ning'er, he still admired Xia Ning'er.

This is one step to the sky!

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