Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1603: Goddess Zhang Ziyou?

Outside Qingyan City, in an ox cart.

"Master, are we really going to leave?" Xia Ning'er changed into a strong black outfit, glanced at Qingyan City behind him reluctantly, and asked Zhang Ziling.

At this moment, Zhang Ziling was wearing a suit and hat, like a farmer on the road.

After Zhang Ziling arranged everything in Qingyan City, Zhang Ziling left Qingyan City with Xia Ning'er.

As for Mo Yu, at the request of Zhang Ziling, he also stayed in the spirit vein, studying the formation while teaching the disciples in the spirit vein to learn one.

There was an incarnation of Zhang Ziling sitting in that spirit vein. Zhang Ziling promised that he could guide Mo Yu, so Mo Yu also readily agreed to Zhang Ziling's request.

"There is no longer you worthy of nostalgia here." Zhang Ziling lowered the brim of his hat and said lightly, lying on the straw.

"Is there no place worthy of my nostalgia?" Xia Ning'er glanced at Qingyan City behind again, muttering.

Although Xia Ning'er’s house was also burned, and there was no place to stay in Qingyan City, that place was always where Xia Ning'er grew up. He was suddenly leaving his hometown, and he might be able to come back later. Xia Ning'er was very melancholy.

"Don't miss it. Before we reach the destination, you will practice the exercises I gave you for a good student, and step into the Qi Gathering Realm as soon as possible." Zhang Ziling said lightly, pulling Xia Ning'er back from her thoughts.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Golden Jiao City."

"Golden Jiao City? Where is it? Is it far from here?"

"Not far, just a few hundred thousand miles away."

"Oh...Ah, ah? Hundreds of thousands of miles!" Xia Ning'er nodded first, and then reacted, screaming, "So far?"


Zhang Ziling's laughter echoed in the road, and the ox cart drifted away.


Heavenly Sages go to Shenzhou, Shengtianyu, Shendao League!

"My Lord God, Tianshu has been successfully beheaded by the Devil Emperor as planned. This is the information collected from the Devil Emperor." Tian Quan knelt in the white hall and respectfully said to the God King sitting on the throne. .

In front of Tianquan, a transparent crystal block was suspended, which recorded Zhang Ziling's battle information.

"Present it." God King opened his eyes and said lazily.

"Yes." Tian Quan held the crystal block in both hands and sent it to the **** king.

The King of God stretched out his hand to take the crystal block and looked up the information of Zhang Ziling inside. A pair of golden eyes flickered.

I don't know how long it took before the **** king laughed and took the crystal block.

"This time, you did a good job without sacrificing Tianshu in vain." The King of God said with a smile, his voice echoing in the hall, "You are going to be upgraded to one level."

Hearing the words of the **** king, the smile on the corner of Tianquan's mouth became stronger and stronger, and he kowtowed his head to thank the **** king: "Thank the **** king!"

"Get down."


With the retreat of Tianquan, only the king of God was left in the hall.

The smile on the face of the **** king gradually disappeared, and the aura of the whole person gradually became solemn.

Without speaking, the King of God stood up from the throne, a white door condensed in front of him, and the space in it was slightly distorted, obviously connecting to another place.

The King of God once again took out the ingot with Zhang Ziling's information and took a look, then walked into the white door.

The white door slowly disappeared.

Tianquan walked out of the temple with a bright smile on his face.

"Congratulations, Lord Tianquan, for her promotion and becoming the main god!" A superb woman wearing a white armor and a shawl with long golden hair said to Tianquan respectfully after seeing Tianquan stepping out.

"Hahaha! From now on, I will take the place of Tianshu and preside over the overall situation of God's Court." Tianquan laughed, his voice rolled down from the top of the mountain, alarming countless ancient gods.

"Tianyou, let the order go on, summon the gods, and watch my promotion ceremony!" Tianquan said to the goddess next to him.

"Yes!" the goddess bowed slightly, replied.

"Hahaha!" Tian Quan said no more, and left with a smile.

After Tian Quan left, the goddess in white armor stood up straight, her expression becoming cold.

"Trash..." The goddess wearing white armor looked at Tian Quan's back and said with disdain, then turned and walked into the temple.

There are a lot of **** servants in the temple, and those **** servants all bowed to the goddess after seeing the goddess, and did not dare to neglect the slightest.

Obviously, this goddess has a very high position in the temple.

The goddess didn't stay any longer, and walked quickly into the hall.

After the King of God walked through the white gate, there was no one in the hall, only the spiritual ball suspended in the middle of the hall.

Seeing the **** king leaving, the goddess narrowed her eyes slightly, and turned around to construct an illusion at the entrance of the hall, so that the **** servants outside could not discover the real situation in the temple.

After doing all this, the goddess's golden pupils turned red, her golden hair turned into blue silk, and her appearance gradually changed.

If Zhang Ziling was here, he would definitely recognize...

This goddess with a high status in the gods is Zhang Ziyou!

"It's suffocating me! It's really hard to get along with a group of guys!" After Zhang Ziyou returned to the original state, he kept complaining, and the Soul Eater slowly condensed in her hands.

And the white armor on Zhang Ziyou's body has also become the upper virtual spirit armor!

"His Royal Highness, everything around is safe." Tianhuangding and Hun Yuanjie appeared from the surroundings and quickly said to Zhang Ziyou.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziyou nodded slightly, then walked quickly to the spiritual orb in the center, drew a complicated circle out of thin air, and drove it into the spiritual orb.

"Now my brother is dealing with the Three Hundred Holy Land coalition forces, I have to help my brother handle these things as soon as possible!" Zhang Ziyou said while searching for information in the spiritual ball.

This spiritual ball is a heavenly instrument, which can record all the pictures in the world, including the pictures in this temple!

Soon, the situation that had just been in the hall soon reappeared in the heavenly secret rite.

"It seems that the elder brother's information has been obtained by the **** king, and that Dao Zun will soon descend on the Xuanxiao Continent." After Zhang Ziyou saw the scene in the spiritual ball, his eyes flashed brightly.

Zhang Ziyou now is different from when he was on earth!

"Master, are we going to plan for the next step?" Soul Eater said quickly.

"Yeah!" Zhang Ziyou nodded, "Now the **** king is going to meet Dao Zun, and he won't be back in a short time. We have to take advantage of this period to buy some time for my brother!"

"The master's affairs have not been arranged yet, we can only rely on us now." After that, Zhang Ziyou smashed the Soul Eater Demon Sword at Tianjiyi.


Slashed with a sword, the spiritual ball burst and was destroyed directly!

"Tianhuang Hunyuan, change the speed of the passage of time here!" After destroying the Tianjiyi, Zhang Ziyou instructed Tianhuangding and Hunyuanjie.

The breath of the Law of the Great Way of Time filled Zhang Ziyou's body.

Zhang Ziyou, comprehend the law of time!


Tianhuangding and Hun Yuanjie did not hesitate, and began to use Zhang Ziyou's Dao law to form an array, completely isolating this temple from the outside world!

Zhang Ziyou took out a piece of white cloth and wrapped his hands, held the Soul Eater Sword, and asked, "Soul Eater, are you ready?"

"Ready!" Soul Eater Demon Sword said excitedly.

"Very good..." Zhang Ziyou's mouth curled up, his eyes flashing red, "Then let's make a big fuss!"

Can't... let my brother fight alone!

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