Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1604: Sambo Chamber of Commerce

"The front is Golden Jiao City. During this period of time, your cultivation speed is very good, and you are barely passing the level." Zhang Ziling saw a huge ancient city in the distance and said to Xia Ning'er with a smile.

At this moment, there was a cyclone in Xia Ning'er's dantian, and the weak spiritual power was flowing in her meridians, and she had already stepped into the Qi Gathering Realm.

"Hey, it's all the master who taught me well!" Xia Ning'er was also quite embarrassed and said modestly when she finally got praise from Zhang Ziling.

After leaving Qingyan City, Xia Ning'er practiced during the day. When she slept at night, Zhang Ziling led Xia Ning'er on the road. Although Qingyan City is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Jinjiao City, there are still several dangerous places in the middle. , But Zhang Ziling took Xia Ning'er to Jinjiao City in less than ten days.

Ten days of gathering energy, considering that Xia Ning'er was only involved in cultivation at the age of seventeen, this speed was enough to prove that Xia Ning'er had an outstanding talent in cultivation, and Zhang Ziling was also quite satisfied with this.

Now Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er are still sitting in the bullock cart and driving slowly, and now they are very close to Jinjiao City, and it will not be long before they can enter the city.

The reason why Zhang Ziling didn't take Xia Ning'er to send Chen, but to let Xia Ning'er walk the hundreds of thousands of miles, was to let Xia Ning'er feel the magnificence and vastness of this world.

The Xuanxiao Continent is no better than the earth, it has abundant spiritual power and beautiful environment.

Although there are crises everywhere outside the city, the scenery is extraordinary, and any one is a beautiful picture.

For Xia Ning'er to realize cultivation, Xia Ning'er must obviously realize the vastness and beauty of this world, and then let Xia Ning'er indulge deeply.

During these ten days, whether it was forests, mountains, grasslands, deserts... Zhang Ziling showed Xia Ning'er.

I have seen ferocious monsters and noble spirit beasts, Xia Ning'er has seen scenery she has never seen in her life in these ten days.

This is also one of the reasons why Xia Ning'er has made rapid progress in cultivation.

With a broader vision, the speed of cultivation will naturally increase.

"Master, this Jinjiao City is so big... it's much bigger than Qingyan City!" Xia Ning'er couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the giant city in front of her eyes.

People in front of Jinjiao City are like a drop in the ocean.

Now they were walking on the official road, and there were already many monks hurrying around.

There are imperial swords, there are also immortal birds, and even monks in airships!

Although Xuanxiao Continent cultivates as a respect, but there are still rare side sects such as agency teachers.

Large-scale machinery boats like airships are all high-level spiritual weapons that can only be used by wealthy clans.

Jinjiao City is the most prosperous city in the Central Region, and Heavenly Sage Upper Shenzhou is now the most prosperous Upper Shenzhou on the Xuanxiao Continent.

From the perspective of a large-scale spiritual weapon such as an airship, it is enough to explain the prosperous degree of Jinjiao City.

Even the giant cities of Red Leaf City and Extreme Snow City in the wasteland are far inferior to this Golden Jiao City!

"After so many years of development, I didn't expect that Jinjiao City would soon catch up with Qingdu City. Is this the last prosperous age?" Zhang Ziling lowered his head and muttered to himself, driving the bullock cart into the line.

Jinjiao City is no better than other small cities. The gates on the southeast side alone have 36 entrances. Each entrance is lined up with 36 lines, and there are tens of thousands of monks waiting to enter each line.

Looking around, they are all densely packed with human heads.

It's okay for Zhang Ziling, but for Xia Ning'er, everyone around here is better than her in cultivation, and Xia Ning'er is fidgeting on the bullock cart.

Zhang Ziling didn't choose to help Xia Ning'er resist this pressure, but instead let Xia Ning'er start practicing under this pressure.

In the future, Xia Ning'er will definitely have to stand alone. This situation of bearing the unconscious pressure from countless monks will have to be encountered many times, and this time is just an opportunity for exercise.

"The Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce enters the city, idlers retreat!"

Just as Zhang Ziling slowly guided Xia Ning'er to practice, and the line was halfway through, a sharp shout came from a distance. Zhang Ziling heard the reputation, and the crowd on the road between them was automatically divided into two sides. Caravans of large quantities of goods galloped in from a distance.

The Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce is now the most powerful chamber of commerce in the Xuanxiao Continent. It is extremely famous in various places and has a very high status. People from their chamber of commerce naturally don't need to line up when entering the city, and the monks are used to it.

What's more, now the headquarters of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce is in the Heavenly Sage, and there is even the Great Emperor. The Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce can walk across the Divine State on this day, and even those green forest bandits who see the banner of the Sage Chamber of Commerce have to detour and dare not rob. .

"Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce?" Zhang Ziling looked at the caravan rushing in the distance, shook his head and smiled.

Zhang Ziling had just returned to the Xuanxiao Continent, and he had heard the name of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce when he was still in the Profound Sky. Now the universal currency Xuanjin coins in the Xuanxiao Continent are issued by the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, and the huge Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce has become The important economic pillar of Xuanxiao Continent is supported by countless forces.

Against this background, the Three Treasures Chamber of Commerce has no one dare to provoke on this continent.

Zhang Ziling came to Jinjiao City to deal with the affairs of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces. In addition, the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce is the inheritance of Zhang Ziling's old friend. Zhang Ziling was unwilling to cause trouble, so he drove the bullock cart to the side.

However, the barbarian bull walked extremely slowly under the coercion of the dragon horse rided by the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the merchants of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce riding in front of the caravan were extremely fast, and the surrounding monks hurriedly rolled to both sides, some hiding. The slower one was directly pulled away by the whip and rolled down on the side of the road with blood stains on his arms.

Although Zhang Ziling drove the bullock cart ahead of time, the merchants of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce opened the way too fast, and half of the bullock cart was on the road.

However, the merchant can pass without any hindrance as long as he turns a little aside.

"Get away!" The merchant on horseback saw the bullock cart in front of him, and he didn't mean to slow down at all, so he raised his whip and drew it towards Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and lightly waved the bull whip in his hand to open the merchant's long whip.

"court death!"

The merchant saw that his whip was opened by Zhang Ziling, a haze flashed in his eyes, and he drove his horse into the bullock cart directly.

The Flying Dragon Horse is a good horse, its strength is comparable to that of an armored car on the earth, and it is enough to smash Zhang Ziling's ox cart to pieces!

"Is this guy rushing to reincarnate?" Xun Tianyi coldly snorted, before Zhang Ziling took a shot, he blasted out a burst of spiritual power and directly let that person fly out with the horse.

There was an exclamation around, and I didn't expect that someone would dare to attack the people of the Sanbao Chamber of Commerce!

After the celestial seeker blasted the flying merchant and his flying dragon horse, Zhang Ziling thought about the friendship of his old friend, and did not intend to continue to make a move, drove the bullock cart directly to the roadside to make way for the people of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce.

"You fellow, dare to block Lao Tzu's way and look for death!"

However, after the merchant fell the Flying Dragon Horse, he didn't mean to spare Zhang Ziling, he drew a whip to Zhang Ziling!

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