Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1606: concession

"President, this guy is too arrogant!" The cavalryman Ah Qi looked at the dense white bones and Zhang Ziling's back in front of the carriage, a haze flashed in her eyes, and said in a deep voice to the woman in the carriage.

"Watch me take this guy down!"


The woman waved her hand slightly to stop Ah Qi's movements.


The woman did not respond to Ah Qi, but quietly looked at the back of Zhang Ziling leaving without knowing what she was thinking.

Just now, from Zhang Ziling, the woman felt the magical aura of one of the ten supreme laws.

On the Xuanxiao Continent, all people who can understand the laws of the magic way are all seniors with high cultivation bases and decisive killings.

Although Zhang Ziling looks very young, he may also be a thousand-year-old monster with a good face.

To offend such a strong man for a small role who opened the way, the woman didn't think it was a good deal.

Although the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce has a very high status in the Xuanxiao Continent, many strong people are afraid of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce. That is because the powerful economic strength of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce has made countless top powers willing to associate with the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce.

If the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce is really arrogant and sees anyone pretending to be superior, even if the strong will give the Sambo Chamber of Commerce a face in a short time, the waiting time will be long...There are large chambers of commerce in this world coveting the seat of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce.

In the eyes of the woman, Zhang Ziling was already a hidden powerhouse, and probably still a saint.

"Dare to ask your name?" the woman asked, looking at Zhang Ziling's back.

"No comment." Zhang Ziling walked forward without looking back.

"Can you please come to my Sanbao Pavilion to sit down?" The woman continued to ask loudly without giving up.

"Not interested." Zhang Ziling still refused.


The bones of Ah Qi's hand holding the spear creaked, and the back of his hand burst into blue veins.


The monks around looked at Zhang Ziling in a daze, dumbfounded.

They thought that Zhang Ziling would provoke the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce and die without a whole body.

But now... the attitude of the chairman of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce in Jinjiao City to Zhang Ziling surprised everyone.

"President, are we just letting that kid go?" Cavalry Aqi gritted his teeth and stared at Zhang Ziling's back, and asked the woman in the carriage.

"Check his bottom line, don't disturb him for now." The woman lowered the curtain and said lightly.

Hearing the woman's words, the cavalryman Ah Qi's eyes flashed a little struggle, but in the end he didn't disobey the woman and said, "Yes."

"By the way, let's rest on the spot, and we will go in again after that person enters the city." The woman's voice came from the carriage again.

"President!" A Qi couldn't help but yelled, his eyes full of reluctance.


The woman was light, Ah Qi's face changed involuntarily, and then she shouted: "Everyone rests in place!"

Hearing Ah Qi's words, the brains of the surrounding monks were completely blank at the moment, and they did not expect the current situation at all.

Zhang Ziling had a conflict with the Sambo Chamber of Commerce, and in the end it was the Sambo Chamber of Commerce who made concessions.

For a moment, all the monks looked at Zhang Ziling in awe.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about the eyes of the surrounding monks, and walked to Xia Ning'er by himself.

"Master..." Xia Ning'er looked at Zhang Ziling with worry in her eyes.

Xia Ning'er didn't know the power distribution of this cultivation world, nor did he know Zhang Ziling's position in the cultivation world, let alone what kind of power the Three Treasure Merchants would be.

Xia Ning'er just relied on her own consciousness to feel that the people in the carriage were not easy to provoke.

"It's okay, get in the car, let's enter the city." Zhang Ziling smiled and rubbed Xia Ning'er's head, letting Xia Ning'er sit in the bullock cart.

Now the monks on the main road are standing on both sides waiting for the caravan of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce to enter the city, but Zhang Ziling is driving the bullock cart to Jinjiao City regardless.

Now that the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce gave way, Zhang Ziling was not going to continue to line up.

No monk dared to say Zhang Ziling.

Even the guards guarding the city did not dare to stop Zhang Ziling and let Zhang Ziling enter the city in an ox cart.

The practice of the Sanbao Chamber of Commerce has greatly improved everyone's impression of Zhang Ziling.

The young man sitting in the bullock cart is a big man!

"President, he has already entered the city." After seeing Zhang Ziling driving into the city in the bullock cart, Ah Qi said to the woman in the carriage with an unhappy expression.

This is the first time their Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce waited at the gate of the city for one person!

Ah Qi felt that the face of their Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce was greatly damaged.

"Well, let's enter the city too." A faint female voice came from the carriage, as if she didn't care about it at all.


Ah Qi led the way, leading the heavy cavalry to open the road, one car after another, and one car after another, drove into the Golden Jiao City.

After the people of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce entered the city, the monks at the gate of the city re-arranged to enter the city in an orderly manner, but compared to before, the line that entered the city became extremely lively.

Everyone is discussing who Zhang Ziling is.

However, Zhang Ziling, who has become a hot topic among the crowd, is now driving the bullock cart unconsciously and slowly walking through the city.

The streets of Jinjiao City are very spacious, and there are high-level monks and high-level mounts everywhere. Although Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er are sitting in a small bullock cart, they are the most eye-catching scenery.

It is almost impossible for a low-level mount like the Manbone Bull to appear in Golden Jiaocheng.

Everyone regards Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er as hillbillies from a young age, and their eyes look at Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er with contempt.

The contemptuous glances of the people around made Xia Ning'er very uncomfortable.

"Don't be distracted, concentrate on cultivating!" Zhang Ziling tapped Xia Ning'er's head, completely disregarding the eyes of others.

Zhang Ziling didn't care what others thought of him, and that wouldn't make Zhang Ziling lose half of his meat.

The look in his eyes will not kill.

And the people around will never know the truth.

"Yes..." Xia Ning'er nodded, covering his head, and then re-entered the cultivation state.

After Xia Ning'er gathered energy, her cultivation speed became faster and faster, and there were faint signs of condensing palace.

You know, Xia Ning'er has just stepped into the Qi Gathering Realm!

"Boss, two of your apprentices are monsters... One is only in the Qi Gathering Realm, and he understands the light path of one of the highest laws, and the other has just stepped into the Qi Gathering Realm, and his cultivation speed is even faster. It's staggering!" Xun Tianyi laughed and teased when seeing Xia Ning'er's current situation.

"Honestly raise your soul!" Zhang Ziling whispered the heaven seeker, but there was a faint smile on his face. It was obvious that Zhang Ziling was also extremely satisfied with Xia Ning'er this apprentice.

"Your Excellency, our sixteen princesses would like to invite you."

At this moment, a woman wearing a silver snake mask appeared in front of Zhang Ziling's bull cart and said respectfully.

Zhang Ziling stopped the bullock cart, looked at the woman calmly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

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