Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1607: Young Master of Tianji Pavilion

"Princess Sixteen?"

After hearing the words of the woman with the silver snake mask, the cultivators around who looked at Zhang Ziling and Xia Ning'er looked like a hillbilly, their expressions changed, and their eyes became extremely playful.

In Jinjiao City, the only one who could be called the sixteen princess was the beauty of the Jinjiao clan.

The status of the Golden Jiao Clan is extremely high in the Golden Jiao City, and even the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce has to be lower than the Golden Jiao Clan.

Rumor has it that the three major elders of the Jinjiao tribe and the patriarch are all saints. This has not yet added those ancestors buried in the ground of the Jinjiao tribe.

Even in the Divine State of the Heavenly Sage, the Golden Dragon Clan is still considered a top-level heavenly holy land, and even if you look at the entire Xuanxiao Continent, there are only those emperor sects that can be stronger than the Golden Sect Dragon.

Although the status of the golden leader is extremely high, the reputation of the sixteen princesses of the Jinjiao clan... has not been very good recently.

The whole city is talking about the sixteen princesses.

"Why do Princess Sixteen look for this villager?"

"I heard that these sixteen princesses just married to Wen's house in the ancient country of Qingqing, and Wen's house was destroyed on the night of their wedding. These sixteen princesses became widows before they had a bridal chamber, and now she is back in despair. Naturally, loneliness is hard to stop. Find some concubines."

"It turned out to be a concubine! I didn't expect Princess Sixteen to have such a habit. I had known that I would also find a bullock cart to sit in, so that I could be selected."

Some people around were talking in low voices, but there was envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Although the reputation of the Sixteenth Princess in Jinjiao City is not very good, and the sixteenth princesses are suppressed by other factions in the family, the Sixteenth Princess has basically been given away power by the rival factions. Become a transparent person.

However, the sixteenth princesses are still members of the Jinjiao clan, even if they are the concubines of the sixteenth princesses, they can reach the sky in one step.

Those unbearable words around him came, and Xia Ning'er trembled with anger, and wanted to stand up and argue with those people.


However, before waiting for Xia Ning'er*, Zhang Ziling held down Xia Ning'er to prevent Xia Ning'er from moving.

"Master?" Xia Ning'er was puzzled, wondering why Zhang Ziling would endure it.

"You have to remember that your status is very honorable, and you must not get angry with those people." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

Later, Zhang Ziling looked at the woman wearing the silver snake mask and said, "Continue to lead the way."

"Yes..." The woman wearing the silver snake mask seemed to have been used to this situation, and did not say much, turned around and led the ox cart to lead the way.

The public opinion of the entire Jinjiao City is under the control of the Jinjiao Clan. Without the permission of some people, forgive those monks who would not dare to slander the Sixteenth Princess in this way.

On the contrary, Xia Ning'er couldn't get mad for a while, sat in the bullock cart sullenly, and muttered in a low voice, "I just can't understand those people saying that to Master!"

"Silly girl, there is really no way you can do it..." Zhang Ziling smiled and shook his head, "Then teach them some lessons."

As the words fell, the cultivators who were the most violent in the crowd suddenly had their hearts aching like knives, and began to kneel down on their chests in pain, their expressions distorted to the extreme.

The sudden changes of those monks caused a lot of commotion in the surrounding crowd, and people's eyes were attracted by more than half.

"What's the matter with them?" Xia Ning'er didn't understand what Zhang Ziling had done, only seeing a commotion in the crowd, and asked Zhang Ziling curiously.

"It's nothing, now those who talk nonsense have been retributed, should you be satisfied?" Zhang Ziling touched Xia Ning'er's head and asked with a smile.

"Oh..." Xia Ning'er still doesn't know what retribution those people have suffered, but since Zhang Ziling has said so, Xia Ning'er no longer struggles with this matter, and smiles again on his face.

"Those guys, if this girl is not strong enough now, I must teach them personally!" Xia Ning'er said with a small fan fist.

"..." The woman holding the bullock cart in front has not spoken, but her impression of Zhang Ziling has been completely changed.

Xia Ning'er didn't know, but the woman knew very well that those monks with colic had no longer survived.

Talking and laughing is killing people, and after killing people, Zhang Ziling looks like a okay person.

This kind of murderous existence... The woman felt that Zhang Ziling was more and more terrifying, and began to understand why the Sixteenth Princess was so excited about Zhang Ziling's arrival.

"Sir, please stay!"

At this moment, a young man in white shirt walked out of the crowd and stopped Zhang Ziling.

When the bullock cart stopped, Zhang Ziling looked at the white shirt youth and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Your Excellency, those fellow daoists are just a few words on your lips. There is no need for you to kill them, right?" The white-shirted youth also saw that the cultivators had been killed soon, and he wanted to give them The momentum of injustice.

After hearing the question from the white-shirted youth, Zhang Ziling didn't even have the interest to look at the white-shirted youth again, and said to the woman in the pinch cart: "Go."

"Yes." The woman with the silver snake mask is the confidant of Princess Sixteen. She has received orders from Princess Sixteen to fully obey Zhang Ziling. Naturally, she will not have any doubts about Zhang Ziling's instructions.

The bullock cart was pulled again, and Zhang Ziling no longer looked at the white shirt youth.

There is never a shortage of nosy people in this world, and Zhang Ziling will never have time to spend time with those people.

Seeing Zhang Ziling ignored him, his expression sank, the white shirt youth stepped forward, and the ground quickly cracked, wanting Zhang Ziling's bullock cart to sink.

The young man in white shirts immediately attracted the attention of many people around him. Those who dared to do it in this Golden Jiaocheng... are all big shots.

"Your Excellency, if you don't give those people an explanation today, I won't let you go!" The white-shirted youth is full of powerful spiritual power, and its aura is really powerful!

The expressions of the monks watching the excitement around him couldn't help changing, and back again and again.

In fact, there are quite a few true martial arts monks in Jinjiao City, but there are not many true martial arts monks as young as the white shirt youth.

Those young geniuses are all descendants of top powers, and their backgrounds are so strong that they don't dare to provoke them in casual cultivators.

Zhang Ziling glanced slightly at the crack that swept toward him, and a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes, and he directly waved a spiritual force and blasted the white-shirted boy.


The boy in white shirt was directly blown out by Zhang Ziling, and he rolled on the ground several times.

"Your Excellency, he is the Young Master of Tianji Pavilion, you must not really hurt him!" The woman with the silver snake mask quickly said to Zhang Ziling.

"Tianji Pavilion?"

Hearing the words of the silver snake mask, Zhang Ziling's eyes suddenly narrowed.

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