Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1616: Jin Yan's anger

Jin Chao's death was like a bomb that exploded the entire Jinjiao Clan's holy land.

Almost everyone was discussing Jin Ying's killing of Jin Chao, and even the words Jin Ying said in the city were all passed into Jin Yan's ears.

"A bunch of trash, even a woman can't find it, what use do you want?"

In the family meeting hall, Jin Yan shouted at the monks below, his violent holy spirit was almost out of control.

After learning the news of Jin Chao's death, Jin Yan summoned all the members of his family and ordered Jin Ying to be brought back immediately.

However, it has been an hour since Jin Ying killed Jin Chao, and Jin Ying is still missing.

Since Jin Mo's death, Jin Ying's line has completely declined. There are not many members of her faction in the holy land of the clan, and most of the diehard factions have been driven to live in Jinjiao City.

Even if Jin Yan captured everyone in Jin Ying's line for interrogation, there was still no trace of Jin Ying.

Jin Yan felt that he was about to explode, and all the monks in the hall bowed their heads and dared not speak, fearing that they would be touched by Jin Yan at this time.

After scolding his hand, Jin Yan also resisted the anger in his heart and asked, "Who is the person behind Jin Ying?"

Jin Yan was very aware of the abilities of the dead men she had cultivated. With Jin Ying's cultivation base, she couldn't be the opponent of the five True Martial Realm powerhouses, let alone kill them!

The people in the hall remained silent, and no one answered.

They can't even find Jin Ying's people now, let alone investigate the situation of people around Jin Ying.

The people sent out have not yet come back, and they don't know anything about Jin Ying.


Jin Yan's finger bones were squeezed and creaked, fire gushing in his eyes.

"A bunch of rice buckets!"

"Second brother, did Jin Ying find it?" Just when Jin Yan was about to get angry again, a middle-aged man with short hair walked into the hall quickly, asking pretentiously with an anxious face.

This short-haired middle-aged man is the great elder of the Jinjiao tribe, Jinlong!

Another person in power of the Jinjiao clan.

Seeing Jinlong coming in, Jin Yan's face also sank completely, and asked coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"Look at what you said, Jin Chao is my nephew, and Jin Ying is my niece. The two of them are in trouble. Naturally, my uncle should care about it." Jin Long said to Jin Yan, but in his eyes But there is no intention of caring at all.

After overthrowing Jin Mo, this Jin Jiao clan became the world of Jin Long and Jin Yan. Now the more chaotic Jin Yan's side, the better it will be for Jin Long, and Jin Long is too happy to be happy.

Although Jinlong was very happy about this incident, he didn't want to carry this scapegoat.

"Humph!" Jin Yan snorted coldly, and did not respond to Jin Long.

The most likely thing now is what Jinlong helped Jin Ying do. Jin Long has a big suspicion, now that Jin Long comes over, it seems to Jin Yan to be a provocation against him!

Jin Long seemed to see through what Jin Yan was thinking, and quickly waved his hand: "Second brother, don't get me wrong. I was talking to the Heavenly Sword Sect when this happened. I didn't know what Jin Ying's niece did! This time, I mainly want to discuss with you how to deal with this matter."

"Really?" Upon hearing Jin Long's words, Jin Yan asked Jin Long suspiciously.

Although Jin Long was most suspicious in this matter, Jin Yan couldn't figure out how Jin Long persuaded Jin Ying.

After all, Jin Mo was killed by the two of them together. Jin Ying's clever girl must have known how her father died, and Jin Ying wouldn't cooperate with killing her father and enemies anyway?

Even if Jin Ying had to endure the humiliation and succumb to one another, and must first join forces with Jin Long to cross their line, then Jin Yan didn't understand what she meant to Jin Chao.

In addition to making Jin Yan angry and sad, Jin Chao's death did not hurt the foundation of their faction at all, and even because of Jin Chao's death, people in their family had more training resources to use.

"Really! I have heard about my nephew. At that time, the five True Martial Realm powerhouses were all dead. There is absolutely no way to do it with Jin Ying alone!" Jin Long said seriously, "I'm here this time. It also brings you a clue."

"What clue?" Jin Yan asked quickly, and now what Jin Yan wants to do most is to get Jin Ying out.

For this, Jin Yan is willing to pay any price.

Seeing Jin Yan's eagerness, Jin Long couldn't help but raise a weird smile, and then said, "You may not know the second brother. At that time, there was a conflict between the nephew and the Sambo Chamber of Commerce, and the young President Tang of the Sanbao Chamber of Commerce After the nephew was killed, he publicly announced that he was on Jin Ying's side...I think President Tang might be able to know something."

Although the death of a Jin Chao would make Jin Long happy for a few days, it was far from satisfying Jin Long's appetite.

If Jin Yan and the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce were on the bar, his Golden Dragon would only need to make some inferences from it, and he would be able to severely damage Jin Yan's line and completely master the Jin Jiao clan.

Jin Chao's death was an unexpected opportunity for Jin Long, and Jin Long was about to seize it.

"Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce?" Jin Yan couldn't help changing his eyes when he heard Jin Long's words, and then slammed at the others in the hall.

The person kneeling in the hall trembled suddenly.

"Why I don't know this at all." Jin Yan asked his subordinates.

"This, this matter has not been investigated, we originally wanted to wait for the ins and outs of the matter to be fully clarified before reporting..." Everyone quickly explained.

They all know about Jin Ying in the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, but after all this involves the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, and now Jin Yan is angry again, if Jin Yan knows about this, he will go directly to the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, then they I am afraid that the pulse will be lost.

Jin Yan's family members are all human beings, so naturally they have to think about themselves.

The Sambo Chamber of Commerce is definitely a force that is not easy to mess with.

Jin Yan also quickly figured out the key to this, but Jin Yan was angry again, and his only son was killed, and now finally there is a gap in anger, Jin Yan simply can not care about the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce .

"A bunch of rubbish, send me to the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce!"

Jin Yan blasted all the people who were kneeling in the hall, and gave Jin Long a cold look, then Jin Yan turned into a light and rushed out of the hall.

Jin Long looked at the direction Jin Yan had left, and the smile in his eyes became more and more intense.

"This incident may hurt my Jinjiao Clan's vitality, but... things are getting more and more interesting!"

"What a golden ink, I didn't expect you to die, and your daughter would be so tossed. I want to see...what exactly are you and the person behind you going to play!" Jin Long smiled, eyes All self-confidence.

He wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!

At this moment, in Jin Jiao City, Jin Ying had already dealt with all the clansmen who were out of Jin Yan's line, and even the monks sent by Jin Yan to search for her were all killed.

"Master Demon Emperor, now Jin Yan and his line of clansmen in Jinjiao City have all been resolved, and the rest are in the Holy Land. Are we going back to the Holy Land to kill those people now?"

In a short period of time, thousands of Jin Yan's clansmen had been killed, and Jin Ying was already numb.

"Now..." Zhang Ziling leaned against the wall and looked at more than a dozen corpses in the alley, with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth, "Wait for them to bring them up by themselves."

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