Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1617: Find Sambo Pavilion

"I don't understand." Jin Ying didn't understand what Zhang Ziling said, her eyes were full of doubts.

Now that Jin Yan can't find their accessories, how can they bring them up by himself?

"Tang Yirou boarded our ship, she will definitely bear the corresponding risk. Now Jin Yan can't find us, where will he go after he is in a hurry?" Zhang Ziling asked Jin Ying.

Upon hearing Zhang Ziling's reminder, Jin Ying reacted violently and said loudly, "Sanbao Pavilion!"

"Let's go, there will be no chance for you to perform when you are late." Zhang Ziling waved to Jin Ying and walked out of the alley...

At this moment, in the center of Jinjiao City, Sanbao Pavilion!

"President, what are you doing?" Ah Qi saw that Tang Yirou had been fiddling with the prohibition of their Three Treasure Pavilion after returning to the Three Treasure Pavilion, and her eyes were puzzled.

"Have the goods been arranged underground?" Tang Yirou asked Ah Qi while busy with her own affairs, without even raising her head.

"It's all arranged." A Qi quickly replied. Although he didn't understand why Tang Yirou arranged for himself to do these things, he still handled all the goods properly according to Tang Yirou's instructions.

"That's good." Tang Yirou nodded, "Go and dismiss all the people in the building to avoid unnecessary casualties."

"President, you have to tell me why you do these things, right?" Seeing Tang Yirou had been selling off her, Ah Qi was a little anxious, "We have lost astronomical figures for an hour after we closed business, and now we are dismissing all the guys. Are you not doing business anymore?"

Tang Yirou stopped what was in her hands, raised her eyes and glanced at A Qi before fiddled with the magic circle again.

"What do you think of the current situation in the city?" Tang Yirou asked suddenly.

A Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then replied: "After Jin Ying killed Jin Chao, the whole house has been completely upset by the people of the Jin Jiao clan, and it's still suffering."

"Then Jin Ying, was Jin Yan found?" Tang Yirou asked A Qi again.

"" A Qi shook his head. Although he had been doing what Tang Yirou arranged for him, A Qi had always been concerned about things in the city.

There is no news of Jin Ying being caught yet, but people in Jin Yan's line have been killed frequently.

Obviously, Jin Ying has completely declared war on Jin Yan.

This time the chaos has been recognized by everyone as the internal chaos of the Jin Jiao tribe. Everyone is watching a good show and wants to fish in troubled waters.

"President, what on earth do you want to say? I'm stupid, don't let me guess..." Ah Qi really didn't want to go around the corner, and asked straightforwardly.

After returning to the Three Treasure Pavilion, Tang Yirou seemed to be approached by a major enemy, both banning and receiving goods, and everyone in the Three Treasure Pavilion was panicked.

Seeing that A Qi was so impatient, Tang Yirou couldn't help but glance at A Qi, and said lightly: "Stupid!"

"Before we publicly stood in line with Jin Ying, it means that we chose to stand on the opposite side of Jin Yan. Now that Jin Yan has not found Jin Ying and the senior, we are left with the bright target. Jin Yan who was forced to... …Will definitely come to trouble us."

"Why? We didn't kill Jin Chao that bastard. Besides, we don't know where Jin Ying and the others are. He can't ask us anything if he troubles us!" Aqi was puzzled and complained.

"We have nothing to do with Jin Ying, do you think Jin Yan believes it?" Tang Yirou asked suddenly, making A Qi slightly stunned.

"I understand..." Ah Qi finally understood the key point, nodded, and could only carry the black pot unwillingly.

"Hurry up and do things, Jin Yan doesn't know when to find trouble. It's best to arrange everything before he comes." Tang Yirou instructed Ah Qi.

"Yes..." A Qi stopped making noise, and after saluting Tang Yirou, he retreated.

After Ah Qi went out, Tang Yirou was the only one left in the attic to place restrictions.

"Senior, how much do you want us to achieve..." Tang Yirou said softly, but didn't worry about her current situation at all.

If you want benefits, you must take corresponding risks. Tang Yirou is quite conscious of this.


"Tang Yirou, come out for me!"

Not long after the low-ranking monks in the Aqijiang Pavilion were dismissed, Jin Yan led a large number of people at the gate of the Three Treasure Pavilion and shouted loudly.

"Elder Jin Yan, what wind brought you to our Sanbao Pavilion?" Tang Yirou appeared on the balcony of the attic and said condescendingly.

Seeing Tang Yirou coming out, Jin Yan didn't go around the corner, and said straight in: "Where is Jin Ying?"

"I don't know what Elder Jin Yan means, I think there must be some misunderstanding in this." Even when facing Jin Yan, Tang Yirou still had a faint smile on her face, very calm.

"Huh!" Jin Yan had expected Tang Yirou to say this a long time ago, and he didn't expect that he could get news about Jin Ying from Tang Yirou.

He came here because he wanted to spill all his grief of losing his son on the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce!

"Break down this Three Treasure Pavilion for me!" Jin Yan didn't want to talk nonsense with Tang Yirou, and directly ordered the clansmen behind him to attack.

This time, Jin Yan brought most of the strong from their faction. Even if Jin Yan didn't make a move, he could still easily break the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce.

Although the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce has a higher status than the Jinjiao Clan on the Xuanxiao Continent, the front of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce is really too long.

This branch in Jinjiao City is not very powerful.

Tang Yirou had long expected that Jin Yan would attack, and apart from anything else, she opened the defensive prohibition, and the defensive barrier protected the Three Treasure Pavilion.

A Qi and a group of guards stood in front of the Three Treasure Pavilion, nervously watching the people of the Jin Jiao tribe continuously bombard the barrier, clinging to the weapon in their hands, and sweating in their hands.

Although this restriction was strong, it could not be sustained forever. After the restriction was broken, it was time for them to fight in blood.

After waiting for a while, a trace of impatience flashed across Jin Yan's face. It seemed that some of the people were dissatisfied with the speed at which the tribes broke through the formation. They also slapped the big formation directly.


The Three Treasure Pavilion shook violently, and Tang Yirou had to hold on to the guardrail, a trace of terror flashed in her eyes.

Although Jin Yan's palm did not break the restriction, the barrier was already full of cracks, and it seemed that he could not stop Jin Yan's second palm.

"Today your Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce must give me an explanation, otherwise...even if you are the president, I can't spare you!"

Jin Yan roared out loudly, pressing another palm on the barrier, violent spiritual power poured out from Jin Yan's palm, and the sanctuary of the Three Treasure Pavilion was broken!

A Qi and the rest of the guards simply had no time to defend, they were bombarded by Jin Yan's momentum, and the Sanbao Pavilion began to collapse!

Tang Yirou's face in the attic couldn't help changing, she didn't expect that their Three Treasure Pavilion's restrictions would be broken by Jin Yan!

"Unexpectedly, it didn't last for a quarter of an hour. This is terrible..." Tang Yirou smiled bitterly.

Jin Yan had already appeared in front of her.

The power of the saint is stirring!

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