Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1621: Koshin Ran!

Shengtianyu, Shinto League!

A sacred mountain has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and there are ruins everywhere, and there are countless ancient gods standing in the sky.

As if they were facing a great enemy, they all transformed into gods, and the terrifying divine power agitated all around.

At the top of the mountain, there is a solid barrier, and thousands of ancient gods are surrounding the barrier, constantly bombarding the barrier.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhang Ziyou calmly watched the surrounding ancient gods bombarding the barrier, without worry in his eyes.

"Zhang Ziyou, come out for me!" Tianshu took the lead in bombarding the enchantment, his expression grim, "Let's fight!"

"Soul Eater, today is the first few days." Zhang Ziyou ignored Tianshu's provocation, and asked the Soul Eater standing behind him.

"Back to your Highness, today is the tenth day." Soul Eater bowed slightly and said respectfully to Zhang Ziyou.

Now Zhang Ziyou's realm has completely surpassed the Soul Eater, and the Soul has completely reunited, and he has even cultivated a Heavenly Suppression Demon!

Ten days ago, when the **** king went to meet Dao Zun, Zhang Ziyou raided the temple and changed the flow of time in the temple.

Although Zhang Ziyou had fought in this Shendao League for ten days, only a moment passed in the temple.

"His Royal Highness, why don't you put in that noisy Tianshu, these ten days have really annoyed me, so I can't stop it!" Tianhuangding said impatiently while maintaining the enchantment.

"No! This Tianshu is the basis for my brother's accession to the throne. I can't move." Zhang Zi shook his head and rejected Tianhuangding's proposal.

"Ten days...With the progress of the master, the reinforcements of the Shadow Palace are also coming soon. When the strongmen of the Shadow Palace gather, we will start to work to fight for my brother to clean up the excess Protoss before the allied forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands are destroyed. Drop." Zhang Ziyou said, pressing into the void again, and an ancient **** outside the barrier instantly exploded and died!

Seeing this, Tianshu became more and more violent, constantly bombarding the barrier, but was unable to penetrate the barrier for half a minute.

"By the way, what happened to brother?" Zhang Ziyou asked Soul Eater after beheading another ancient god.

"I don't dare to check the master's news. If I show up near the master, I am afraid that it will only take a moment for me to be caught by the master." Soul Eater smiled bitterly at Zhang Ziyou, "And they must tell the truth. I can't help it."

"Now we have all the news from the Shadow Palace, only knowing that the master is about to do something on the Three Hundred Holy Land."

"Um... the progress of the brother's side is almost the same, and we have to speed it up here." Zhang Ziyou nodded, and pressed the void again, "The emperor of the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces needs to become a brother's substitute. We have to rush to kill him. They have done things here before."


Another ancient **** burst out!

"I'm going to kill you crazy woman!" Tianshu felt that he was about to be driven crazy, and could only watch Zhang Ziyou slaughter his own people.

In these ten days, Zhang Ziyou has killed more than a thousand ancient gods!

"His Royal Highness..." Hun Yuan floated in front of Zhang Ziyou with a complicated expression.

Over the past few thousand years, Zhang Ziyou has changed too much.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ziyou asked.

"I have always wanted to ask... Do you really need to do so much for the master?" Hun Yuan said, "You have been doing things for the evil emperor all these years... But we should not trust the evil emperor, he just Using you."

"Actually... we should return to the master."

When Hun Yuan said these words, the Soul Devourer, Tianhuang, Shangxu... all fell silent.

In fact, they think so too.

Over the past five thousand years, Zhang Ziyou has done too many things, and many of them are on the verge of life and death.

On several occasions, Zhang Ziyou almost died out.

Now Zhang Ziyou's strength is definitely not derived out of thin air, every point... is earned back by life.

Zhang Ziyou also fell silent, and the atmosphere on the top of the mountain suddenly became dull, with only the harsh screams of Tianshu outside.

"I also know... Master is untrustworthy. He has always used me to achieve his own goals." Zhang Ziyou lowered his head and said softly.

"But, whenever I see that future, that brother is sacrificed, and the universe is plunged into an endless chaotic future... I can't help being afraid."

"We can ask the master for help! With the master's strength, we will be able to settle everything!" Hun Yuan said, "Isn't it the ultimate? What's so scary?"

"But there are some things that I must do..." Zhang Ziyou said, "Do you think, if I let my brother know the truth... Will he really let me do it?"

As soon as they heard the "truth", none of the **** soldiers could speak.

Obviously, the so-called "truth" is something Zhang Ziling would never allow Zhang Ziyou to do.

"Yes..." Hun Yuan still wanted to refute.

"Okay." Zhang Ziyou laughed and interrupted what Hun Yuan was about to say, "It's not that there is no turning point for all of this, everyone should work together."

"If we let my brother know about what we are doing, then there is really no turning point. None of us want that ending, do we?" Zhang Zi said softly.

Hun Yuan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

It also knows Zhang Ziling. If Zhang Ziling knows the truth, it doesn't even need to know what choice Zhang Ziling will make.

After working with the evil emperor for five thousand years, the gods and soldiers have also come into contact with too much truth, and they have become more and more aware...the truth is terrifying.

If it weren't, they wouldn't be able to let Zhang Ziyou mess around and escape into chaos with Zhang Ziyou.

The moment they escape into chaos and obliterate cause and effect, it means that their future...has become uncontrollable, and everything... can only be competed by themselves.

"Okay, don't discuss this anymore. Compared to what my brother is going to do, ours is just a trivial matter." Zhang Ziyou quickly regained his spirit and gave the two ancient gods outside again. Beheaded.

"After destroying this Protoss stronghold, we still have to meet the Void Daoist and the Chaos Giants, those big figures who treat the starry beasts as snacks, then we will not be as leisurely as we are now, and they will cheer me up. !"

Hearing Zhang Ziyou's words, the gods and soldiers were also shocked, and said loudly, "Yes!"

"You scumbags, this seat can't spare you!" Tianshu roared, and the entire Shendao League lit up with dazzling spirits!

The earth began to shake.

The dazzling divine light swallowed the enchantment completely.

At this moment, countless black shadows appeared silently on the periphery of the Shendao League.

Those dark shadows were surrounded by black energy, but they couldn't feel any breath!

"The deputy hall master is inside. Everyone is recruiting to be bright, and you must not let these gods hurt the hall master!" A leading black shadow ordered the other black shadows.


The voice fell, and the shadows were all submerged.

The Shinto League was completely messed up.

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