Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1622: Family assembly

"What are you talking about? Jin Yan is dead?"

Jin Long stood up abruptly from his seat, looked at the kneeling spy below with an incredible expression, and couldn't believe what the spy said.

How long did Jin Yan go out to find the Sanbao Chamber of Commerce?

Why did you die?

This seems to be a big joke.

"Back to the big elder, everyone in the city saw it. The second elder and most of the strong men in their line were all killed by Jin Ying." The spy said quickly.

"Impossible... this is absolutely impossible! Jin Ying's girl just entered the real martial realm, it is impossible to kill Jin Yan! Something must have gone wrong!" Jin Long's eyes flashed strangely, always feeling that this matter was too much. illusory.

Jin Yan is a saint no matter what, even if the injury of the last attack on Jin Mo has not been healed, Jin Ying cannot possibly hurt Jin Yan a single hair!

"Elder Hui, there is a mysterious strongman behind Jin Ying, he may be the key!" The spy added, "but no one has seen that strongman make a move and is not sure of his specific strength."

"Mysterious strong man?" Jin Long couldn't help changing his eyes when he heard the spy's words, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

Although Jin Long had been looking for a chance to kill Jin Yan after dealing with Jin Mo, but now Jin Yan was really dead, Jin Long was not happy at all.

The opponents are coming fiercely, and their Jin Jiao tribe is dead, and they don't even know who the enemy is!

Jinlong doesn't like to know nothing about the enemy.

"I see, you can go down first." Jin Long waved his hand at the spy and let him retreat.

After the spies left, Jinlong paced back and forth with his hands in his hands, his brain running wildly.

"I didn't expect that a momentary soft heart made Jin Ying survive, but it caused such a catastrophe... No! This matter is not trivial, we must discuss with the owner of the family!" Jin Long realized the seriousness of the matter, the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and Jin Long disappeared into the original. Ground.

At this moment, at the entrance of the Jinjiao Clan's Holy Land, Jin Ying walked in with Zhang Ziling.

There were many Jinjiao people around, but when they saw Jin Ying, they all fled far away like watching a ghost.

"Master Demon Emperor, this is the holy land in the clan." Jin Ying said respectfully to Zhang Ziling without paying any attention to other people's performance.

Zhang Ziling looked around a little bit. This small world is dominated by gold tones. The buildings are suspended in the air, and the ground is foggy, making it difficult to see the road.

"There is an emperor-level killing array buried below. If you stray into it, it is easy to be crushed into flesh by the killing array. Therefore, our buildings are either built in the air or on the mountain." Jin Ying saw Zhang Ziling's comments on those buildings. Very interested, can't help but explain.

"This emperor-level magic circle was once a great emperor's structure, and your Jinjiao clan has a very good background!" Zhang Ziling nodded, "You and the sixth elder and the seventh elder will gather the clansmen and let them gather."

"My lord, do you want it?" Jin Ying asked.

"Directly declare that you will be the chief of the Jinjiao clan from now on." Zhang Ziling said lightly.

When she heard Zhang Ziling's words, Jin Ying's expression changed slightly, and he hesitated: "Master Devil...Is this a bit too hasty?"

"It's okay, Jin Yan's line has been slaughtered by you. Few people in the clan dared to defy you. Moreover, you are the sixteenth princess of the Jinjiao clan and have the right to inherit. With the support of the sixth and seventh elders, the rest The few elders below dare not object."

"Then what about those old antiques in our clan? Even if they kill them, they will definitely not agree." Jin Ying was still a little worried.

After all, if she forcibly ascended to the position of patriarch by force, it would be impossible for her to be recognized by the clan, and Zhang Ziling's next plan would also be affected.

"They will agree." Zhang Ziling didn't seem to worry about this at all.

Seeing Zhang Ziling's insistence, Jin Ying no longer had any doubts, so she had to contact the sixth elder and the seventh elders.

The sixth elders and the seventh elders have become Zhang Ziling's puppets, and now they are also taking orders from Jinying.

In addition, Jin Ying killed Jin Yan's line before and quickly gained high prestige, and it was easy to summon the clansmen.

Convened by Jin Ying and the two elders, the monks of the Jinjiao tribe were soon gathered, and the Jinjiao tribe became extremely lively, and it seemed to be a large-scale family gathering.

Almost everyone in the clan had heard about Jin Ying's killing of Jin Yan, and the Jin Jiao people gathered together were all worried. Those who have made things difficult for Jin Ying are even more panicked.

Sitting on the high platform alone, Jin Ying silently looked at the dense crowds of people below the stage, feeling unreality in her heart.

Jin Ying could feel a lot of unkind eyes from the audience, which made her feel uncomfortable.

The sixth elder and the seventh elder sat silently on both sides of Jin Ying, and at the same time sat the fourth elder, the fifth elder, and the eighth elder and the nine elders on both sides of the high platform. Their expressions were all ugly.

The great elder Jinlong did not appear for a long time, the second elder Jin Yan and the third elder Jin Mo both fell, and now the strongest on the field has become Jin Ying's line.

"Jin Ying, what's the matter with you calling all of us?" The Fourth Elder spoke first. He himself is inclined to Jin Yan's line, and he also took the lead at the moment, asking Jin Ying.

The fourth elder was a powerful person in the Eightfold True Martial Realm, but when he was talking to Jin Ying, he did not dare to pose as an elder.

Everyone knows what Jin Ying did in Jinjiao City, and everyone knows why no one did the third chair on the high platform.

Now that Jin Ying took the position of Patriarch, it was considered presumptuous, but no one dared to raise objections.

There are many young clansmen who are filled with righteous indignation below, but the elders did not speak, and they did not dare to take the lead.

"You elders, you may still be thinking, why should I kill the second elder?" Jin Ying stabilized her emotions and asked the elders.

The elders looked at each other, but no one spoke.

The second elder is a saint in the clan, and now Jin Ying kills when she says to kill, they really can't think of how powerful Jin Ying is!

Also, the person standing behind Jin Ying...who is it?

"You may not know that the two old guys, Jinlong and Jin Yan, partnered to murder my father, and at the same time suppressed our line infinitely." Jin Ying's palm lit up a black flame, "You elders, you say, I killed Jin Yan. , There should be nothing wrong, right?"

Seeing the flame in Jin Ying's palm, the pupils of the elders couldn't help but shrink.

Obviously, they all know how Jin Yan and his strong line died.

In the end, the four elders resisted the pressure and wanted to speak to Jin Yan, and said to Jin Ying: "It is true that Jin Yan is wrong, but Jin Ying, you can borrow..."

"Huh?" Jin Ying looked at the fourth elder with beautiful eyes, and the fourth elder suddenly felt an unbearable pressure, but couldn't say anything next.

"Jin Ying is right. The third elders have contributed a lot to our clan. The first elder and the second elder are both concealing evil intentions, and they really deserve to be punished." The fifth elder hurriedly said out.

The Fifth Elder used to lean toward Jin Mo, and became neutral after Jin Mo died. Now that Jin Ying is gaining power, the Fifth Elder naturally turns back first.

Now the strong in the clan are either in retreat or sleeping, and Golden Dragon does not know where he has gone.

Jin Ying and the six elders and seven elders joined forces, in the clan...

It can already cover the sky with one hand!

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