Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1623: question

"The Fifth Elder is right. The first elder and the second elder should be punished for concealing evil intentions, but I summoned everyone...not to discuss this matter." Jin Ying said lightly.

"What does that niece mean?" A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Fifth Elder, who did not understand Jin Ying's meaning.

He always thought that Jin Ying summoned the whole clan to get rid of her charge of killing Jin Yan and massacring the clan.

But now, Jin Ying doesn't seem to care about the charges at all.

"Actually, I invited major elders and clansmen to come here today, mainly to let the major elders pass the proposal that I am the head of the family."


When Jin Ying said these words, all the elders stood up, and there was noisy under the high platform.

"This is just a nonsense!" The four elders flushed with anger, "You are a female generation, how can He De become the patriarch of the Jinjiao clan?"

"The position of the patriarch requires all the elders and the Supreme elders to agree to change. It is absolutely impossible for you to become the patriarch because of a word of you!" The fourth elder said angrily, and the other elders also looked angry.

This is related to the future of the Jinjiao Clan, and the elders are absolutely impossible to agree!

"No! How can Jin Ying be a patriarch at such a young age?"

"Let Jin Ying be the patriarch, where is the face of my Jinjiao clan?"

"This matter, I am the first to disagree!"

Not only the elders on the high platform, but also the people of the Jinjiao tribe below also set off a wave of opposition.

The current patriarch is still in office, how can a new patriarch be replaced?

"So, do the elders disagree?" Jin Ying asked faintly, holding her head with one hand, not surprising at all to everyone's reaction.

"How is it possible to agree? Such a ridiculous thing, even if the ancestors come, it is impossible to agree!" The fourth elder was emotional, and even forgot Jin Ying's current strength.

"The four elders are right. Although you, niece, have the inheritance rights of the Patriarch, the position of Patriarch is still a bit early for you now."

At this moment, the voice of the Golden Dragon rang all around, followed by the mighty power of the saint.

Under the strong breath of the Golden Dragon, many clansmen became quiet.

The space in the center of the high platform gradually distorted, and the golden dragon appeared on the high platform.

"Grand Elder..." Seeing Jin Long appear, the corners of Jin Ying's mouth raised slightly, her eyes flashing with inexplicable meaning.

The sixth and seventh elders stood in front of Jin Ying.

Jinlong glanced at the sixth and seventh elders, and smiled: "I said why these two elders are so loyal to you, it turns out... they have become your living puppets."

"What?" The expressions of the elders couldn't help changing, and they suddenly looked at the sixth and seventh elders.

"Golden Dragon, don't spit blood!" Angrily flashed in the eyes of the Sixth Elder, and he yelled at Jin Long.

The elders did not see the slightest difference from the sixth and seventh elders, and they couldn't help but look at Jinlong in doubt, wondering why Jinlong said such words.

If the sixth elder and the seventh elder were all refined into living puppets by Jin Ying, then this matter would be terrible.

According to the seriousness of the nature of the matter, the crime of refining a tribe into a living puppet is far greater than killing a tribe!

"Whether there is blood spitting, you know in your heart!" Jin Long sneered, "You will know if you win it!"

When the voice fell, Jin Long arrested the sixth and seventh elders.

Jinlong is also a high-level saint, it is easy to catch two monks in the real martial realm.

However, the Golden Dragon had not yet encountered the Sixth Elder and the Seventh Elder, and a deep black aura emerged in front of the two elders, blocking the Golden Dragon's attack.

"Elder...You killed my father, are you going to do something with the sixth elder and the seventh elder again?" Jin Ying still sat on the chair, looking at Jin Long lazily and asked.

Zhang Ziling has always been nearby, and Jin Ying doesn't have to worry about any accidents at all, she just needs to maintain her strong demeanor.

"Niece, this doesn't seem to be your power?" Seeing the magical aura surging in Jin Ying's body, Jin Long narrowed his eyes and sneered at Jin Ying.

"This power doesn't belong to me, it doesn't seem to be a matter of the great elder, right?" Jin Ying asked back.

"Why doesn't it matter to me?" The smile on the corner of Jin Long's mouth became stronger and stronger, "You want to become the patriarch, but according to my clan regulations, the patriarch of our Jin Jiao clan must be the weakest and must be a saint... even if you kill your niece With Jin Yan, this does not mean that you have the strength of a saint."

"If you use the power of a foreign clan to become the patriarch, wouldn't it bring our Jin Jiao clan to the abyss of destruction." Jin Long looked at Jin Ying and said with a smile.

Now Jin Long didn't dare to attack Jin Ying, so he could only force Jin Ying with the general trend of the family.

No matter how strong the forces behind Jin Ying and her are, they would never be too arrogant in front of the invincible existence buried in the clan!

When the elders heard what Jin Long said, they stared at Jin Ying directly, wanting to know how Jin Ying answered.

After all, a few days ago, Jin Ying was still extremely weak in their eyes. In just a few days, she was able to kill the high-ranking saints. This exaggerated strength gap is really incredible.

Seeing everyone staring at herself and waiting for her answer, Jin Ying didn't panic at all, she had a countermeasure long ago.

"Everyone is so curious about the power I possess... Then please feel carefully, what is this power... on earth?" Jin Ying spread her palms, and a dark flame ignited in her palms.

Seeing Jin Ying said this, the major elders couldn't help but sink their hearts and carefully felt the power that Jin Ying now mastered.

"This is... the law of magic?"

After a while, the four elders exclaimed, and he found that the flame in Jin Ying's hand was constructed with a strong aura of law!

As the four elders exclaimed, the other elders also reacted and stared at Jin Ying directly.

It is absolutely impossible for Jin Ying to cultivate the pure and extreme magical principles in Jin Ying's body!

"Huh!" Jin Long snorted coldly, "Jin Ying, are you still not guilty?"

"What's wrong with me?" Jin Ying asked back.

"Collaborating with outsiders to slaughter the tribe, the magical law in your body is evidence!" Jin Long snorted coldly, "you have never been in contact with the magical way, how can you master such a pure law of the great way?"

"If the power of your law is not from outside, how did it come from?"

Hearing Jinlong's questioning, the joking in Jin Ying's eyes became more and more intense.

She has been waiting for others to find out about it.

After all, if she became the Patriarch, and then announced to the outside world that she had found the body of the Devil Emperor, this matter itself would not be credible.

But if he relied on the law of the magic way to kill the saint with the body of true martial arts, and then under the pressure of the clansman, he said that he was the power obtained from the body of the devil.

Then the credibility of finding the body of the Devil Emperor will be greatly improved!

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