Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1630: The ancient gods disappeared?

Jinjiao City, the Holy Land of Jinjiao!

The five elders of the Jinjiao clan had kowtowed their heads for nine days and nine nights in front of Zhang Ziling. During this period...Zhang Ziling had never left the attic. Only Jin Ying came in and reported several times in the clan.

Jin Ying was a bit unbearable when she saw the weak aura of the supreme elder in her clan a few times ago, but after seeing it a few times, Jin Ying was also numb, and every time she entered the attic, she just calmly reported everything to Zhang Ziling. Signs, ignore the Supreme Elder.

The blood in the attic had been cleansed by Jin Ying over and over again, and the five elders felt that the blood in their bodies was about to drain and they were confused.

"Master Devil..."

Once again, Jin Ying went up to the attic again to report to Zhang Ziling about the situation of the Jin Jiao clan and the outside world, without looking at the elder Taishang.

Jin Ying knew very well that Zhang Ziling was punishing these five super elders. If she interceded without authorization, not only would it fail to achieve good results, but she would probably ruin the five super elders directly.

Zhang Ziling opened his eyes slightly, recovered from the breath adjustment, looked at Jin Ying and asked, "What's the matter?"

"According to your request, Lord Demon Emperor, His Royal Highness Xia Ning'er has entered the trial of my illusion and will be able to go through the red dust soon."

"In addition, the tribes of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands have already known that our tribe has an emperor-class corpse, and many patriarchs have visited our tribe, and I also declined one by one."

"But... Buyelou, Luochengu and Tibetan Sword Village, there is still no movement." Jin Ying reported one by one.

"What's the saying about Tianji Pavilion?" Zhang Ziling asked.

Zhang Ziling did not expect that Tianji Pavilion would see through his identity based on the clues. Zhang Ziling also asked Jin Ying to send a copy of the edict to Tianji Pavilion and warned Tianji Pavilion.

"The owner of the Tianji Pavilion was loyal and sent his son Su Changqing and his daughter Su Xiaoxuan to our clan, and placed under my control." Jin Ying said, "But after all, the two of them are the inheritors of the Tianji Pavilion. To embarrass them, it just limits them to activities in the city and sends someone to supervise them."

"Well, Haosheng takes care of those two people. Besides, what is going on at the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce?"

"According to Lord Demon Emperor's instructions, our clan has given Tang Yirou enough benefits. At present, the vice president of the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce also came to Jinjiao City for the reason of investigating Tang Yirou and made some small actions in secret." Jin Ying has always been there. Paying attention to things in Jinjiao City, with the help of the Heaven Seeker, what happened in Jinjiao City can't hide Jin Ying.

These days, under Jin Ying's enlightenment and power, the power of the family has been firmly in his hands. Those who disobey, or secretly use small means, have been suppressed by Jin Ying with iron and blood, with no mercy.

All the Jinjiao people treated Jin Ying like tigers, and all the elders looked at Jin Ying first and foremost.

Jin Ying's prestige spread at an unimaginable speed, and soon she became famous as a heavenly sage.

The dialogue between Zhang Ziling and Jin Ying did not conceal the meaning, and the five elders on the side heard clearly.

The situation in the clan has become a mess, but they have more than enough energy.

Now the few Supreme Elders no longer expect the Golden Jiao Clan to continue to glorify. They only need to leave a little fire after this catastrophe.

"Well, you can withdraw...Remember, unless the three major emperor sects take the lead, no matter what benefits or threats other people promise you, you can ignore them. If there is excessive power... directly smash them."

Now there are a lot of saints in Qingyan City, and Zhang Ziling has also been transferred, plus Jin Ying can use Zhang Ziling's power to level one or two powers as easy as drinking water.

The forces of the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands, Zhang Ziling did not regard them as human beings, as long as they disobeyed a little, they would be killed.

Zhang Ziling, to create a desperate **** for the people in the Three Hundred Holy Lands,


Jin Ying respectfully took the order, and then retreated.

Under the influence of Zhang Ziling, Jin Ying has become extremely cold-blooded. Whether it is a foreigner or a member of her own family, as long as there is a slight resistance, it is to kill!

After Jin Ying retreated, Zhang Ziling looked at the five Supreme Elders who were still kowtow, and directly waved a training at them, blasted them out and hit the wall.

"Cough!" After being bombarded by Zhang Ziling, several Supreme Elders vomited blood and fainted one after another.

"Useless work." Zhang Ziling got up, not looking at the few elders, the surrounding space gradually distorted, and Zhang Ziling gradually disappeared in place.

The attic became quiet.

These days, Zhang Ziling has been feeling very strange.

The Three Hundred Sacred Lands are the forces of the ancient gods, and the Jinjiao tribe is also a powerful general of the ancient gods. Now that such a big thing has happened, it is reasonable to say that the ancient gods will come out one or two to make a noise.

However, these days, Zhang Ziling has not waited for the ancient **** to take action.

Zhang Ziling even discovered that the gods in the five elders of the Jinjiao tribe had also begun to shrink, unable to provide them with power.

It's as if the ancient gods gave up the three hundred holy places.

"This shouldn't be..."

Zhang Ziling walked on the streets of Jinjiao City, and the whole person was completely integrated into the crowd. The uncharacteristic behavior of the ancient gods made Zhang Ziling always have a touch of doubt.

The last clue Xie Wushuang gave him was the ancient god, but now the ancient **** seems to have evaporated out of thin air, and there is no trace at all.

Even that arrogant Tianshu has no news, which makes Zhang Ziling always feel that something has happened.

If the Protoss is not for the descendants of Dao Zun, is a foreign race, and does not belong to the Xuanxiao Heavenly Dao orchestration, Zhang Ziling would be able to find them easily.

If the Protoss is determined to hide, then to Zhang Ziling, they are like Xie Wushuang and Zi You who escaped from time and escaped into chaos.

If you don't belong to this world, it's much more difficult to find them.

"I have nothing to do with the ancient gods... This may be an important reason why I can't find the ancient gods, but the Tianji Pavilion has become one with the people of the Three Hundred Holy Lands in these thousands of years, and the Tianji Pavilion can be here. The Heavenly Sages have been mixed up in the Shenzhou, I am afraid they have some contact with the ancient gods, maybe they can know something about the ancient gods."

As long as the ancient gods have acted in these thousands of years, they will definitely leave traces, and Tianji Pavilion is best at collecting secrets. Maybe Tianji Pavilion has information that Zhang Ziling has not mastered.

"Boss, isn't the young master of Tianji Pavilion in Jinjiao City? Should we go to that guy and ask?" Xun Tianyi suggested.

The sudden disappearance of the ancient gods is of great importance, and its importance is no less than that of the Three Hundred Holy Lands, and Zhang Ziling cannot ignore it.

"Alright, there is nothing wrong now, let's try your luck."

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