Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1631: Tianji Building

Tianji Tower, the base of Tianji Pavilion in Jinjiao City.

After the master of the Tianji Pavilion sent his daughter here, this Tianji Tower was strictly guarded by the saint of Zhang Ziling.

People who enter and leave the Tianji Building are strictly screened to ensure that nothing can be revealed.

Zhang Ziling had transferred many saints from Qingyan City, and there were three saints around the Tianji Building alone watching secretly.

Although Tianji Pavilion looked the same as usual, Su Changqing knew exactly how dangerous they were now.

Su Changqing sat by the window, looking out worriedly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Although Su Changqing immediately stood in line after discovering Zhang Ziling's identity, it was a lot late after all, and he did not restore much of his image in front of Zhang Ziling.

The position of Tianji Pavilion in Jinjiao City is very embarrassing now.

He was neither an ally of the Golden Jiao Clan, nor could he stand on the side of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands, neither were humans on either side.

Although other forces still regard Tianji Pavilion as a tiger, Su Changqing knows... he and his sister are staying in Golden Jiaocheng as hostages, and they may be killed by the Golden Jiao clan at any time.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?"

When Su Changqing was worried, Su Xiaoxuan, who was wearing a purple-cyan dress, placed a plate of snacks on the ancient sandalwood table, and sat opposite Su Changqing in an elegant manner.

Waist-length hair, curving willow eyebrows, clear and bright pupils, pretty Qiong nose, cherry lips exhaling like orchids, Su Xiaoxuan sitting by the window is like an elegant painting.

"I'm thinking, when will I be heady in such days?" Su Changqing looked at Su Xiaoxuan with a bitter expression, with worry in his eyes.

Su Xiaoxuan covered her mouth and chuckled, not at all worried.

"Sister, we are all fish on other people's chopping boards now. Even when we go out shopping, people are staring at us secretly... Why are you still laughing?" Su Changqing complained.

"And I told you that, the last time I clashed with the Devil Emperor, the Devil Emperor is now thinking about how to retaliate against me!"

Su Xiaoxuan smiled, and the sound was like a silver bell, and said: "My silly brother, if the Devil Emperor and his old man really want to retaliate against you, can our Heavenly Secret Pavilion still exist in this world?"

"This..." Su Changqing was slightly taken aback.

"Maybe his old man has forgotten you, so don't be narcissistic here!" Su Xiaoxuan stuffed a grape from the jade dish into Su Changqing's mouth, "You have been so dumb these days, waiting for the limelight to pass. Dad will naturally send someone to take us back."

While chewing grapes, Su Changqing said to Su Xiaoxuan: "Sister, you don't understand!"

"Why don't I understand?" Su Xiaoxuan refused to accept.

"Anyway, you just don't understand!" Su Changqing couldn't help scratching his head when he thought of the conflict between himself and Zhang Ziling.

What did a generation of Devil Emperors do badly? Why do they have to ride in an ox cart?

If Su Changqing had known Zhang Ziling's identity at that time, he would definitely not dare to be nosy.

While Su Changqing and Su Xiaoxuan were quarreling, a servant climbed up to the attic and said respectfully to Su Changqing: "Young Master, there are guests asking for a meeting."

"No!" Su Changqing was irritable now, and didn't want to see anyone at all.

"Can't ruin my reputation of Tianji Pavilion!"

Su Xiaoxuan gave Su Changqing a white look, and stood up and said to the servant: "I'll go, you go and ask the guests to wait a while."


Waiting for the servant to withdraw, Su Xiaoxuan's slender and white fingers flicked fiercely on Su Changqing's forehead, and said, "You, you, I don't know when dad will feel relieved to pass the position of the Tiantianji Pavilion Master to you."

Su Changqing clutched his forehead, shedding tears in pain, and muttered: "Sister, isn't it all right for the pavilion owner of the day secret? Anyway, there is no rule that the pavilion owner of the secret secret can only be taken by a man."

"You..." Su Xiaoxuan shook his head, not knowing what to say.

"An Xin stays here, I will go to meet the guests."

"Yes..." Su Changqing responded absently, holding his chin and looking out the window, "From the Devil Emperor, what should I do..."

Su Xiaoxuan didn't stay in the room too much and went out.

"Guest, the young master will be here soon, please wait a moment." The servant of Tianji Building prepared tea for Zhang Ziling and said respectfully.

He took Zhang Ziling to a room surrounded by sandalwood. There was a semi-transparent screen in the room. People behind the screen could be seen vaguely, but it was not enough to see clearly.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded, "You go down first, I can wait here."

Servant: "Yes."

The servant of Tianji Building respectfully saluted Zhang Ziling, and then left the room.

"Boss, how much do you think the people of Tianji Pavilion can know about the ancient gods?"

After the servants of Tianjilou left, the voice of the heaven seeker rang in Zhang Ziling's mind.

"I'll know when he arrives, let's wait." Zhang Ziling didn't put hope on this, he just tried his luck.

Before long, Su Xiaoxuan walked into the room from the opposite side of the screen, saluted Zhang Ziling slightly before sitting behind the screen.

Su Xiaoxuan had never seen Zhang Ziling, and didn't know what the Devil Emperor looked like, and he was quite comfortable in front of Zhang Ziling.

"Boss, isn't the young master of Tianji Pavilion that kid? How come you have become a woman now?" Xun Tianyi saw that it was a woman who came in and couldn't help but wonder.

"Pavilion Master Tianji has a son and a daughter. Since Su Changqing has not come, this woman should be his daughter Su Xiaoxuan. This woman has a good temperament. Compared with Su Changqing, one is in the sky and the other is underground." Zhang Ziling saw Su Xiaoxuan at first glance. Remember Su Xiaoxuan's temperament.

"This guest, I don't know what you want to ask?" Su Xiaoxuan asked softly.

"Boss, Su Xiaoxuan doesn't seem to know you." Xun Tianyi was a little surprised.

Hearing Xuntianyi's words, Zhang Ziling didn't feel angry and said, "Do you think anyone has seen me?"

"I sent a letter to Su She only after he sent his precious daughter here as a hostage. Su Xiaoxuan has never seen me before, and there will be ghosts who know me."

"But so, wouldn't it be troublesome for us to ask things?" Xun Tianyi was also a little worried. Things about the ancient gods must be confidential. If ordinary people come to ask, Tianji Pavilion will definitely not easily tell the news.

Zhang Ziling smiled: "Don't worry, she is a smart person, and Tianji Pavilion... has no secrets anymore."

Xuntianyi wondered: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Ziling shook his head, looked directly at Su Xiaoxuan, and did not answer the heaven seeker.

The room was very quiet, with sandalwood lingering around, and Su Xiaoxuan looked at Zhang Ziling through the screen with curiosity in his eyes.

The first time she saw Zhang Ziling, she realized Zhang Ziling's extraordinary.

In today's Jinjiao City, people who can enter the Heavenly Secret Tower and perform extraordinary performance are more or less related to the Devil Emperor.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoxuan chuckled softly, and said softly, "Xiao Xuan knows what the guests want to know."

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