Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1632: The prohibition of the Tianji Pavilion

Hearing what Su Xiaoxuan said, the corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth rose slightly, and he asked directly: "How much do you know about the ancient gods of the Tianji Pavilion?"

As soon as Zhang Ziling said this, Su Xiaoxuan's body trembled suddenly. He didn't expect Zhang Ziling to ask such a question!

Surpassed Su Xiaoxuan's expectations.

Su Xiaoxuan confirmed to Zhang Ziling: "Guest, what you said is..."

Zhang Ziling: "It is the Protoss. The race that ruled the Xuanxiao Continent in countless epochs is also the master behind the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands."

When Zhang Ziling said this, Su Xiaoxuan's expression completely changed, and he also knew that Zhang Ziling was asking...the gods in the Shendao League!

Regarding the matter of the ancient gods, their Tianji Pavilion claimed to know everything in the world, so naturally they would not fail to investigate the existence behind the Allied Forces of the Three Hundred Holy Lands.

After all, the incident that the Three Hundred Sacred Grounds suddenly allied to attack the Demon Palace was too strange. There was no wind before, and people with discerning eyes could see that there was a leading existence behind the Three Hundred Sacred Grounds coalition forces controlling everything.

Although Tianji Pavilion did not help the Demon Palace to resist the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces, it was still secretly investigating the existence behind the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces.

There is no impermeable wall in this world, and the master of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion understands the avenue of cause and effect. After all, he found out the **** standing behind the three hundred holy places.

But as the Tianji Pavilion investigates deeper, the more they realize the power of the Protoss.

In the end, the Tianji Pavilion Lord ordered to stop the investigation and set all things about the Protoss as the top secret. Those Tianji Pavilion who had investigated the ancient gods were either banned by the Tianji Pavilion Master, or their memories were erased. Tianji Pavilion avoided talking about the ancient gods.

Naturally, Su Xiaoxuan was also planted with a ban, unable to talk about everything about the ancient gods, so as not to incur the catastrophe for the Tianji Pavilion.

Su Xiaoxuan thought that he would never encounter anything about the ancient gods again, but Zhang Ziling's sudden question... actually disrupted Su Xiaoxuan's thoughts.

"This, this..." Su Xiaoxuan was planted forbidden, she could not mention anything about the ancient gods, and she didn't know how to answer Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Su Xiaoxuan's appearance, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but smile at Zhang Ziling: "Boss, look, I said she can't easily say it, this time I won."

Zhang Ziling didn't care about Xuntianyi's ridicule, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the Pavilion Master was planted in Su Xiaoxuan's mind that day, so that Su Xiaoxuan could not mention anything about the ancient gods."

"Prohibition?" Xuntianyi wondered, "Then what should we do now?"

"This is a good thing. Su She can plant a restriction on Su Xiaoxuan. This also means that Tianji Pavilion knows the secrets of the ancient gods, and the secrets of the ancient gods may also be a major secret that can endanger the safety of Tianji Pavilion. Even his daughter had to plant a ban."

"I'm afraid it's not just Su Xiaoxuan, but even Su Changqing and other Tianji Pavilion people who know about this matter have been planted forbidden." Zhang Ziling explained to Xun Tianyi.

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Xuntian's appearance couldn't help changing, and he quickly said: "Then we can't ask anything?"

"Why can't I ask?" Zhang Ziling asked back.

Xun Tianyi was dumbfounded by Zhang Ziling, and said, "No, isn't there a restriction? Even if Su Xiaoxuan wants to say it, she can't say it!"

"Forbidden or something, can't it be solved?" Zhang Ziling smiled and stood up.

The pavilion master of Tianji used the restriction planted by the law of cause and effect that he mastered, but now even the origin of the cause and effect is in Zhang Ziling's body, it is not difficult for Zhang Ziling to lift the restriction in Su Xiaoxuan's brain.

"Guest, what are you?" Su Xiaoxuan watched Zhang Ziling stand up, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and hurriedly said.

"I'll help you solve some troubles." Zhang Ziling directly stepped across the screen and faced Su Xiaoxuan.

"Guest?" Su Xiaoxuan didn't expect Zhang Ziling to make such a move, so he got up and took a few steps back.

Zhang Ziling crossed the screen, which also meant that he completely ignored the rules of the Tianji Pavilion.

"Guest, please go back quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen next!" Su Xiaoxuan's expression sank and he warned Zhang Ziling in a deep voice.

Although their Heavenly Secret Pavilion's position in Jinjiao City is very embarrassing, and it can even be said that they are weak, they still have dignity.

If anyone can use the power of the Devil Emperor to make trouble in the Heavenly Secret Tower, then they are not Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

"I need to know information about the ancient gods." Zhang Ziling smiled at Su Xiaoxuan.

Su Xiaoxuan quietly sent a message to Su Changqing, and was no longer polite to Zhang Ziling, and said coldly, "I don't know!"

"I don't know, or can't you tell?" Zhang Ziling raised an eyebrow.

Su Xiaoxuan's expression changed suddenly and asked Zhang Ziling coldly, "Who are you on earth?"

Not everyone can see the restriction in her body.

If it weren't for the emperor who also understood the Supreme Law, no one else would see it.

This person is the emperor?

Su Xiaoxuan couldn't help but have such doubts in her heart.


At this moment, Su Changqing violently kicked the door and shouted: "Who is the one who ate the bear heart and leopard courage, dare to bully my sister!"

The door kicked by Su Changqing smashed towards Zhang Ziling, but it was turned into powder three meters away from Zhang Ziling.

"Brother!" Seeing Su Changqing coming over, Su Xiaoxuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although Su Xiaoxuan is more stable than Su Changqing, Su Xiaoxuan is far inferior to Su Changqing in cultivation talent, and now she is no longer in the Celestial Realm, and Su Xiaoxuan still has to rely on Su Changqing to support the place when someone hits the place.

"Sister, don't worry, let me solve this, this..." Su Changqing rolled up his sleeves, and only halfway through the conversation, he saw Zhang Ziling standing in the room.

Demon, Demon Emperor?

Seeing Zhang Ziling, Su Changqing's remaining words were all stuck in his mouth, and his face was green.

How could it be the Devil Emperor?

"Brother?" Su Xiaoxuan asked, seeing Su Changqing's strange expression, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Magic, demon..." Su Changqing's legs trembled, and he couldn't even stand steady, unable to say a complete word.

Now Su Changqing's head is blank, and he doesn't even know what he should say now.

Why... did he do another stupid thing?

Su Changqing wanted to slap himself twice at the thought of kicking the door towards the Devil Emperor.

It provokes the Devil Emperor again.


Before Su Xiaoxuan could ask, Su Changqing's legs softened and knelt down towards Zhang Ziling.

Seeing Su Changqing kneeling, Su Xiaoxuan's expression changed involuntarily and suddenly realized Zhang Ziling's identity...

"Master Devil... the kid knows what's wrong!"

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