Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1636: Protoss ruins!

Zhang Ziling took action to suppress the turbulence in the space behind the giant crystal gate, making the space stable.

After stabilizing the space, Zhang Ziling no longer cared about the situation in the Heavenly Sage Forest, and said lightly to Su Xiaoxuan: "Let's go."

"Yes." Su Xiaoxuan is now fully aware of Zhang Ziling's power and worships Zhang Ziling to the extreme.

In fact, in the current Xuanxiao Continent, although the Devil Emperor is well-known, there are really not many people who have seen Zhang Ziling's strength, and they basically tend to imagine.

Although Su Xiaoxuan was in awe of the Devil Emperor before, he did not have much practical knowledge of Zhang Ziling's power.

Now that Su Xiaoxuan saw Zhang Ziling's move with his own eyes, Zhang Ziling's image in Su Xiaoxuan's heart instantly rose by dozens of layers!

An emperor-ranked monster that can crush the sky, Zhang Ziling can make it like a grandson with a single word, and dare not let it go.

This is really...

Too shocking.

Zhang Ziling didn't care what Su Xiaoxuan was thinking, and walked directly into the giant crystal gate. Now he desperately wanted to know what happened behind the giant crystal gate.

Stepping into the giant crystal gate, Zhang Ziling and Su Xiaoxuan soon appeared in the world of the ancient gods.

The peak in this world has collapsed, countless temples have become ruins, and there is scorched black everywhere, and the bodies of believers and ancient gods are dead everywhere.

At first glance, there is no life.

"Here...what's going on here?" Su Xiaoxuan stared at the ruins in front of him, with doubts in his eyes.

The picture in the giant crystal gate is a little different from what Su Xiaoxuan imagined.

In the Protoss race, there is an existence beyond the great emperor, and there is a **** king sitting on the ground. What kind of force can destroy the world of the gods into ruins?

Zhang Ziling frowned and scanned around, only to see the body of the ancient god.

Tian Heng and Li Yun flew out of the small world in Zhang Ziling, with shocked faces.

"This, this..." They didn't expect that the temple became like this!

"Is this the place where God King lives?" Zhang Ziling asked Tian Heng and Li Yun, in a cold tone.

"Absolutely yes, the King of God" Tianheng and Li Yunben wanted to point to the peak, but found that the mountain had been cut in half, and no temple was well preserved.

They didn't know how to speak.

Seeing that Tianheng and Liyun couldn't help, Zhang Ziling didn't count on those two anymore, and flew to the ruins alone.

Standing high in the sky, Zhang Ziling was surging in the laws of the Great Way of Time in his body, trying to go back to what happened in this world.

Zhang Ziling finally found the lair of the ancient gods, but now he found that the ancient gods were dead, and the **** king disappeared...

That also meant that the ultimate clue was broken again, and Zhang Ziling had no clue on how to find Dao Zun next.

However, after Zhang Ziling urged the Great Avenue of Time, the picture of this small world did not reverse as Zhang Ziling thought. After the power of the Great Dao merged into this small world, it seemed like a stone sinking into the sea, without any reaction at all.

"Boss, this place is a bit weird, and the power of the great avenue doesn't seem to work." The Heaven Seeker said solemnly in Zhang Ziling, noticing the strangeness of this small world.

Hearing what the Xuntianyi said, Zhang Ziling also noticed the weird surroundings and began to examine it carefully.

Before Zhang Ziling's attention was focused on the dead ancient god, he didn't notice the strangeness of this small world.

"This in chaos?" Zhang Ziling suddenly opened his eyes and found that this small world was causally chaotic. All the powers of the Great Dao were entangled, and the whole world was stripped away from the Three Thousand Great Dao, and drifted away. In chaos.

This exactly the same as that of Xie Wushuang and Ziyou!

This world no longer exists in the normal universe, and it cannot be found in the long river.

"Xuntian, you quickly search for it, is there any soul-eating aura here!" Zhang Ziling exclaimed, his tone quite urgent.

Xun Tianyi didn't dare to delay, and quickly spread out his soul, not letting go of any inch of land in this small world.

After asking the heaven seeker to search for the soul-devouring breath, Zhang Ziling did not sit idle, and directly moved the collapsed mountain with his spiritual power. The corpses of countless ancient gods fell to the ground along with the stones, the charred ruins. It was also taken apart by Zhang Ziling.

Soon, Zhang Ziling found the corpse of a human monk from a place covered by huge boulders, which seemed to be missed when cleaning the battlefield.

Upon discovering the human monk's body, Zhang Ziling's eyes lit up and he immediately sucked the body in front of him.

"This is..." Zhang Ziling couldn't help but change his eyes when he saw the clothes the corpse was wearing.

This is the uniform worn by the monks under the Shadow Palace commanded by the evil emperor ten thousand years ago!

Zhang Ziling originally thought that after Xie Wushuang escaped from the earth, the Shadow Palace on the Xuanxiao Continent had fallen, and now it should have disappeared.

But Zhang Ziling never imagined that this messed up the ancient god's lair into such an appearance, it turned out to be the Shadow Palace!

"Boss, I found the aura of soul-eating!" Tianxun roared at this moment, in an extremely excited tone, "Not only that, Tianhuang, Hunyuan and Shangxu also have the aura! Your Highness Zi You must have been here!"

"Sure enough!" Zhang Ziling's eyes exploded.

Hearing the words of Xuntianyi, Zhang Ziling also confirmed his conjecture, the things here... were done by Ziyou!

"Unexpectedly, Zi You actually joined the Shadow Palace...that Xie Wushuang guy would dare to do this!" Zhang Ziling muttered in a low voice, his eyes flashing red.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Xuntianyi asked wryly.

They were already at the same level as the Shadow Palace, but now Zi You has joined the Shadow Palace, which makes Heaven Seeker extremely embarrassed.

"What else?" Zhang Ziling looked at the ruins in front of him, his eyes getting colder and colder, "Digging the ground three feet here, since Xie Wushuang asked Zi You to do this, it must be for us. Clues for the next step."


The celestial seeker flew out of Zhang Ziling quickly and ordered Tianheng and Li Yun to help clear the battlefield together.

Zhang Ziling stood alone in the void, trying to calm his mood.

Obviously, Xie Wushuang didn't hide Zi You, but made Zi You, like himself, to embark on a path to find the ultimate.

Their two brothers and sisters act in two lines and will eventually meet at a certain point in the future.

However, once Xie Wushuang's plan had any flaws, Zhang Ziling's side was fine, at least Zhang Ziling had the power to protect himself.

But where Ziyou...maybe the great venerables in the universe she faced, among them, were naturally ten million times more dangerous than Zhang Ziling, and a little carelessness would be forever.

"Xie Wushuang... you'd better look at Zi You for me. If she loses a hair, I don't care about any plans you have, even if you are with the ultimate... I will definitely break your body into pieces!"

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