Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1637: Half-time power

Su Xiaoxuan stood on the ground staring blankly at Zhang Ziling's back, and suddenly felt that Zhang Ziling, who was alone, was very lonely and lonely.

Now Su Xiaoxuan doesn't know what Zhang Ziling is going to do, and feels that standing here is no way, so he can help move the stones and the corpses in the ruins, at least to help Xun Tianyi relieve the pressure.

However, Su Xiaoxuan had not had time to get close to the ruins. After stepping into a land of energy chaos, the earth began to vibrate violently, and a powerful divine might filled the surroundings, and Su Xiaoxuan could not breathe.

"What's going on?" The celestial seeker found that the world had become chaotic, and quickly explored the underground of this small world, but now the world is drifting in the chaos, all auras are entangled, and the celestial seeker can't confirm this for a while. What happened.

Feeling the endless aura eroding towards him, Su Xiaoxuan suddenly felt an extremely bad premonition in his heart, and quickly stepped back.

After Su Xiaoxuan retreated, the earth returned to tranquility, and the powerful divine might disappeared.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Seeing that there was no ancient **** rushing out, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but a glimmer of doubt in his eyes.

With that momentum just now, the Heaven Seeker thought that a stronger ancient **** would rush out. But now it was suddenly stunned, and the Heaven Seeker couldn't react for a while.

Zhang Ziling was also attracted by the strangeness of this small world, frowning and looking at the ruins below, his eyes flashing red.

However, Zhang Ziling didn't find any vitality from the ground, only chaotic energy.

"Just... what happened?" Su Xiaoxuan didn't know what happened, and took a few steps forward, and the ground began to vibrate again.

Su Xiaoxuan was crushed by the surging divine power again, and she had to retreat in a panic again before the earth returned to peace.

"this is?"

This time Zhang Ziling noticed Su Xiaoxuan's movements and instantly came to Su Xiaoxuan.

"My Lord Devil?" Su Xiaoxuan couldn't help but be surprised when Zhang Ziling suddenly came to her, and subconsciously called.

Zhang Ziling glanced at the land in front of Su Xiaoxuan, always feeling that the energy there was more chaotic than the rest of the world.

"You go the same way again." Zhang Ziling commanded Su Xiaoxuan with a solemn tone.

"Me?" Su Xiaoxuan was taken aback when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, pointing to himself and asked.

"Yeah." Zhang Ziling nodded without explaining why.

Although Su Xiaoxuan didn't know what happened in this world, she didn't ask anything, and walked forward according to Zhang Ziling's statement.

Now Su Xiaoxuan also understands a little bit that the change just now happened because of himself.

As Su Xiaoxuan stepped into the land with the most chaotic energy, the earth shook again.

Su Xiaoxuan panicked and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but Zhang Ziling stopped him.

"Don't panic, I'll go with you." Zhang Ziling said softly to Su Xiaoxuan, with a soft tone.

Zhang Ziling looked at the ground ahead and whispered: "I don't know why, this place responds to you. If you go forward, let's see what's inside."

"Yeah." Su Xiaoxuan nodded, and stopped backing, stepping forward.

Every time Su Xiaoxuan took a step forward, the world shook more and more, and the divine might broke through the imperial might as Su Xiaoxuan moved forward.

Zhang Ziling followed Su Xiaoxuan all the time, and found that Su Xiaoxuan's face began to show some wrinkles, and his hair gradually turned white, but Su Xiaoxuan was unconscious.

"Something is absorbing Su Xiaoxuan's vitality?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, but didn't let Su Xiaoxuan return. The source of life in his body surged, injecting vitality into Su Xiaoxuan.

Soon, Su Xiaoxuan regained his youth, and even became more youthful and beautiful.

After Zhang Ziling's power was injected, the guy who absorbed Su Xiaoxuan's vitality became more frantic and accelerated Su Xiaoxuan's aging.

Only then did Zhang Ziling understand that Su Xiaoxuan had strong vitality, but his strength was extremely weak, and his vitality was easily taken away. This caused the underground things to react.

If Zhang Ziling set foot on this land alone, I am afraid there would be no response.

In this world, nothing can absorb Zhang Ziling's life.

"I want to see, what kind of guy who doesn't have eyes that dare to be a demon in front of me!" Zhang Ziling saw that the guy underground was determined to absorb Su Xiaoxuan's vitality, and he couldn't help but vigorously stimulate the law of life. Infuse endless power into Su Xiaoxuan's body.

As that thing absorbs more and more vitality, the divine power that permeates around also strengthens.

And Su Xiaoxuan, at this moment, has also become a place where the huge vitality transfers, but it is a blessing in disguise, and the impurities in her body have also become less and less washed by this huge vitality.

"Master Devil, I always feel that this is not the way to go." Su Xiaoxuan said to Zhang Ziling tremblingly without knowing that he had died countless times.

The more she moved forward, the stronger the ominousness in her heart.

"Boss, look at it!"

At this moment, the sky seeker standing in the air pointed to the distance and shouted.

Zhang Ziling looked in the direction pointed by Xuntianyi, where the earth split, and a divine body with only half of the body suspended from the earth.

"This thing is absorbing vitality, right?" Zhang Ziling discovered that after this half of his body came out, Su Xiaoxuan's vitality no longer passed away.

Endless divine power permeated from that half of the body.

The corpses of the surrounding ancient gods were all lit up with white light, and the remaining power in the corpse poured into the half of the corpse in the air, gradually filling the corpse.

The appearance of Tianquan gradually appeared in front of Zhang Ziling.

"Tianquan?" Zhang Ziling looked at the complemented body, muttering softly, recognizing Tianquan's appearance.

From the wound on Tian Quan's body, Zhang Ziling could find the aura of soul-eating, it was obvious...This Tian Quan was split in half with a sword by Zi You.

"This girl, Zi You, can cut the Great Emperor!" Zhang Ziling couldn't help but laugh when he thought that Tian Quan was cut by Zhang Ziyou.

At least, Zhang Ziyou's strength progress exceeded Zhang Ziling's expectations.

At this moment, Tian Quan had no gods in his eyes, and he was constantly absorbing the surrounding power. Its aura was soaring, and it soon surpassed the limit of the power possessed by Tian Quan itself.

Zhang Ziling took a step forward, blocking Su Xiaoxuan behind him, and watched Tian Quan absorb the power.

The **** king is missing, and now Tianquan is the only living here, Zhang Ziling naturally wants to ask something out of Tianquan's mouth.

The aura of Tianquan became stronger and stronger. After he gained the power absorbed from the origin of the way of life, his consciousness recovered, and the violent power swept around.

A dazzling golden light burst out of Tian Quan's body, illuminating this small world, and all the corpses of the ancient gods in one place turned into energy into Tian Quan's body.

"Zhang Ziyou! This seat will kill you!" Tianquan roared, his voice echoing in this world, deafening.

At this moment, Tian Quan's eyes were filled with endless resentment, and a pair of golden light wings appeared behind him, covering this space.

Standing on the ground, Zhang Ziling calmly watched Tianquan's brutality, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Want to kill my sister?"

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