Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1639: The battle between the supreme

Tianquan calmly watched Zhang Ziling fly into the sky, without saying a word, his eyes were indifferent to the extreme.

"Didn't you howling fiercely just now?" Zhang Ziling ridiculed looking at the expressionless Tian Quan.

In fact, if you want to step into the supreme from the emperor, you need to abandon all your emotions and enter a state of being too ruthless in order to take that first step.

When Zhang Ziling first stepped into the Supreme, he also entered a state similar to Tianquan's current state, lost all his emotions, and the whole person was only rational.

At that time, Zhang Ziling even forgot about Zhang Ziyou, abandoned everything, and went into the forbidden soil of various burial sites to read ancient books.

However, when Zhang Ziling was about to lose the last trace of humanity, everything about the earth flooded into Zhang Ziling's mind, and at that time Zhang Ziling accidentally broke into the palace of the Tianxuan and had a entanglement with the Tianxuan.

With the stimulation of the memories of the earth and the help of the Profound Sky, Zhang Ziling finally got rid of his unforgiving state and regained his emotions.

Without Tianxuan's help, I am afraid Zhang Ziling would become a cold machine.

Perhaps what Xie Wushuang wanted at first was to fall into the too ruthless Zhang Ziling, but in the end Zhang Ziling found his emotions, and Xie Wushuang had to change his plan.

No matter what, Zhang Ziling also has a deep understanding of the state of Tianquan.

The current Tianquan, I am afraid that he has forgotten who he hates, leaving only the most basic instinct and mechanical thinking.

Of course, no matter whether Tianquan lost his emotions or not, Zhang Ziling was a killer in his eyes.

"Zhang Ziling, this seat never expected that the huge Protoss, the foundation that the king had only laid down in countless epochs... but it was destroyed in the hands of your two brothers and sisters in an instant." Tian Quan looked at Zhang Ziling and said lightly, in his tone of voice. But there is no sign of anger.

"If my sister doesn't slaughter your Protoss, how can you reach this level?" Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Quan and chuckled, "You should thank us very much."

"Nonsense." Tianquan said coldly, "If it weren't for Zhang Ziyou's design to tune the tiger away from the mountain and let the king leave the Shendao League, then Zhang Ziyou broke the path of my king's return... Otherwise, she alone would not be qualified to slaughter my Protoss! "

"The **** king is not dead?" Zhang Ziling narrowed his eyes, obviously he heard a news that surprised him.

After Zhang Ziling saw the ruins of the Protoss, his first reaction was that the Divine King was dead, but from now on... it seems that the Divine King was just trapped in a certain place?

Zhang Ziling quickly thought about it, and then looked at Tian Quan and asked with a smile: "If that's the case, why don't you go and get your king back? You want to pester me here?"

Xie Wushuang didn't kill the **** king, just two possibilities.

First, Xie Wushuang hadn't had the strength to kill the Supreme, so in desperation he could only choose to let Zi You adjust the tiger away from the mountain, and then let Zhang Ziyou slaughter the remaining people of the Protoss.

Second, Xie Wushuang couldn't take action against the **** king, and he needed Zhang Ziling to defeat the **** king himself.

In either case, there is no way to avoid the fact...

Zhang Ziling still needs to face the **** king.

That, a strong man of the same age as the Emperor of Xuanxiao Continent.

Moreover, the **** king is going to meet Dao Zun as much as possible. After the **** king finds a way to return to Xuanxiao Continent, I am afraid that Zhang Ziling will need to face Dao Zun at that time.

To be honest, Zhang Ziling still doesn't know what kind of existence Dao Zun is, but since God King is a descendant of Dao Zun, it also means that Dao Zun is stronger than Supreme.

But Zhang Ziling had no idea how strong Dao Zun was, and he could only make a conclusion after meeting Dao Zun.

This universe is too vast, there are thousands of worlds... Although the Xuanxiao Continent is a powerful civilization with a complete cultivation system in these thousands of worlds, it does not mean that there is no world civilization stronger than the Xuanxiao Continent.

Even the earth has its own unique place, and other world civilizations needless to say.

And Dao Zun is the ultimate weapon to manage thousands of avenues, and the strength can be imagined.

Tianquan naturally knew that Zhang Ziling was testing, but he sneered and said: "The king has come back to take over this decadent world. But before the king returns, this seat must take your life first, and then find Zhang Ziyou."

"Just rely on you?" Zhang Ziling sneered, his eyes flashing red.

The next moment, a black chain appeared out of thin air beside Tian Quan, and it suddenly pulled away to Tian Quan.

But before the chain was close to Tianquan, it was burned clean by the golden flames around Tianquan.

Tianquan is now a half-step supreme, and the power of a simple Dao cannot hurt Tianquan.

Seeing this, Tianquan couldn't help but smile at Zhang Ziling: "Zhang Ziling, do you think..."


Before Tianquan had finished speaking, Zhang Ziling had already appeared in front of Tianquan, smashing his fist in the face.

Tianquan's face was deformed by Zhang Ziling, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball, evoking a long golden flame tail in the sky.

"You dare to fight so much nonsense with me!" Zhang Ziling sneered, directly smashing the space and rushing towards Tian Quan.

Dao Zun and God King are coming, Tian Quan is now a small chess piece, Zhang Ziling naturally does not want to bother with Tian Quan.

Since Xie Wushuang had left Tianquan, he naturally had his purpose.

Zhang Ziling didn't need to do anything. After killing Tian Quan, he would know the truth.


Tian Quan smashed into the earth, the entire continent of this world collapsed, endless magma gushing, Tian Quan's body continued to smash the rocks, and finally fell into the magma.

However, Zhang Ziling's power was too overbearing, and Tian Quan couldn't stop the downward trend at all, and after falling into magma, he still fell rapidly.

Zhang Ziling smiled, chasing Tian Quan into the magma, grabbing Tian Quan's neck with one hand.

"Zhang! Zi! Mausoleum!" Tian Quan roared, and the surrounding magma exploded in an instant. The endless golden flames turned into a giant dragon behind Tian Quan, swallowing Tian Quan and Zhang Ziling together, and went straight to the sky!

Su Xiaoxuan on the land only saw a thousand-foot flame dragon rising into the sky in the distance, and the entire sky was torn apart by that flame dragon!

The roar of dragons fills the sky!

In Yanlong's belly, Su Xiaoxuan could clearly see two spots of light, one black and one gold, which were quickly shuttled in Yanlong's belly.

"This this……"

Su Xiaoxuan had never seen this way of fighting before, and she was taken aback.

"The battle between the supreme, a thought... even their breath can be comparable to the power of the emperor, the two of them are fighting now..."

Xun Tianyi looked at the ten thousand-foot flame dragon in the sky being torn to pieces by the all-sky chain that appeared suddenly, and shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Now it is relatively restrained."

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