Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1640: Izanami!

Two supreme powers entangled in the sky, and there were broken spaces everywhere, and the turbulent flow of space entangled together, breaking the sky.

Tianquan was surrounded by dazzling golden flames, and thousands of flame dragons hovered in the air, rushing towards Zhang Ziling.

Every Yanlong can crush this small world.

Soon, this small world was unable to withstand the power of the two supreme ones, and it shattered suddenly, and the endless turbulence of space smashed everything in this world into pieces!

Seeing the turbulence in the distant space sweeping towards them, Xun Tianyi couldn't help but change his expression and quickly transformed into a compass, shouting: "No! Come in!"

Tian Heng, Li Yun and Su Xiaoxuan saw that this world was going to be destroyed, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, and they rushed into the space created by the heaven seeker.

"I'm afraid this barrier can't hold it!" After the Sky Seeker gathered all three of them into his own space, he also discovered that there were cracks on the barrier, which would be broken by the turbulence of the space at any time.

Knowing that he couldn't stay here, Xun Tianyi quickly tore open the space of this small world and fled back to Xuanxiao Continent.

As the Heaven Seeker left this small world, the spatial turbulence finally swept everything, and Zhang Ziling's condensed barrier was completely swallowed.

The world of the Shinto League disappeared into the void, leaving only the ruins of a temple lost in the void.

Zhang Ziling and Tianquan had already appeared in the Heavenly Sage Forest. The moment they collided, a large area of ​​the Heavenly Sage Forest disappeared, and countless monsters burst into death.

The emperor-rank monster biting Kun hid in the ground shivering and dared not to show its head.

The overlord of the Heavenly Sacred Forest is now a small character who can only hide in a corner and shiver.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Ziling looked at Tian Quan and laughed, but didn't want to fight Tian Quan on the Xuanxiao Continent.

Although this forest of Heavenly Sage is big enough, if the two really want to continue to fight, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State will be involved in it. By then, the number of dead creatures will probably be in the trillions.

Zhang Ziling did not choose to pull Tianquan into the inner world. With Tianquan's current power, the inner world can be destroyed at any time. The inner world has no meaning for the existence of Tianquan.

Without being entangled with Tianquan over the Tianshen Forest, Zhang Ziling directly escaped into the sky and stepped into the universe.

Tian Quan didn't think much, and soon followed Zhang Ziling into the universe.

From the perspective of the universe, the Xuanxiao Continent is a star that is countless times larger than the sun, boundless.

"Devil Emperor, do you want to escape to the depths of the universe?" Tian Quan, who was chasing behind Zhang Ziling, roared, grabbing a star orbiting the Profound Void Continent and slamming it at Zhang Ziling.

"This height should not affect the Xuanxiao Continent..." Zhang Ziling glanced down, and the whole picture of the Heavenly Sage Upper Divine State was reflected in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

Fighting in the cosmic space will destroy countless stars, but it won’t hurt innocent creatures!

When Zhang Ziling confirmed the distance, the formation of Tianquan grasping had reached Zhang Ziling.

Although that star is as small as dust to the Xuanxiao Continent, it is actually as big as the moon, and coupled with that terrifying speed, it can easily smash a Dzogchen saint into fleshy flesh!

Zhang Ziling couldn't help but let the star hit him, and the surging demonic energy surged out of Zhang Ziling's body and turned into a magic sword!

Without hesitation, Zhang Ziling waved directly in the void, and the terrifying sword aura swept across the star, directly cutting the star in half.

However, at the moment Zhang Ziling cut the stars, Tian Quan already appeared in front of Zhang Ziling and blasted Zhang Ziling's head with a punch.

"Give it back to you!" Tian Quan shouted, golden flames gushing, endless spiritual power permeated the universe.

"A mere half-step is supreme, and it is impossible to turn the sky?" A red light flashed in Zhang Ziling's eyes, and the black flames condensed into a shield to block the attack of Tian Quan.


The huge sound spread through the surrounding spiritual power, and the aftermath of the violent shock caused the surrounding stars to burst into pieces!

"This is... too exaggerated, right?"

In the Forest of Heavenly Sage, the celestial seeker stared at the entangled light of black and gold in the sky, muttering.

The scene of fighting in the universe can be seen in Xuanxiao Continent, which is really shocking.

"What's that?" In the Profound Sky of Heaven, Izanami, who had just returned to the magic palace after traveling, noticed the faint vision in the sky, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

In the magic palace, Emperor Tayue Immortal An Bei is busy placing Chu Qi and others.

At this moment, under the management of Anbei, the Devil Palace is faintly resurrected, and the formerly abandoned buildings are reactivated, as if they have the appearance of the emperor's orthodoxy.

Anbei heard Zhang Ziling talk about the existence of Chu Qi and others. After they came back, Anbei naturally did not dare to neglect.

"That seems to be... the master's power?" Nine Sky Devil Orbs floated out of Yixannamei's body and muttered while looking at the sky.

"Zhang Ziling?" Izanami's eyes couldn't help but brighten when she heard the words of the Nine Heavens Demon Orb.

After arriving in Xuanxiao Continent, Yixanamei admitted that this world is really vast, and she has faintly broken through to the emperor these days.

Although the Xuanxiao Continent is large, Yixanamei soon got tired of the life here, and then took the people back to the Heavenly Profound Upper Divine State to find the Demon Palace, and wanted to find Zhang Ziling.

After Izanami found the Demon Palace and heard from Anbei that Zhang Ziling had left the Profound Realm, Izanami couldn't help feeling disappointed and had to settle down first.

But it happened that Izanami Zhengshou didn't know how to find Zhang Ziling, and now that Zhang Ziling was fighting with someone else, Izanami couldn't help being excited.

"You send a message to Yutianlong to seal them, let them take good care of those little lovers of Zhang Ziling, I will go and see!"

Finding Zhang Ziling, Yixanamei was unwilling to stay in the Demon Palace, and after hurriedly saying a word to the Nine Sky Demon Orb, she rushed towards Yunxiao.

"Huh! Wait for me first!"

Before the Nine Heavens Demon Orb had time to hold Izanami, Izanami disappeared from its sight.

In desperation, the Nine Heavens Devil Orb could only hurriedly communicate the situation to the Imperial Dragon Seal a few **** soldiers, and then chased after Izanami.

Now that the great emperor An Bei sits in the Devil Palace, plus the **** soldiers who have recovered to their peaks in the Imperial Dragon Seal, there is no need to worry about the safety of everyone.

However, the sage of Izanami reached great perfection, and he rushed into the supreme fighting range. It was almost like looking for death. The Nine Heavens Demon Orb had to stop Izanami quickly.

At least, Izanami must be kept at a safe distance!

When Izanami and the Nine Heavens Demon Orbs hurriedly approached the battle circle between Zhang Ziling and Tianquan, the battle between Zhang Ziling and Tianquan had also reached a feverish stage!

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