Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1647: Three parties dispute!

The death of the four elders did not cause any waves in the hearts of the heads, and everyone was concerned about the dispute between the three emperors.

Neither side of the three imperial gates was willing to give up the opportunity to enjoy the emperor's corpse alone, but the strength of the three imperial gates was almost the same. The three-party disputes had no results for a long time, and the situation was deadlocked for a time.

Jin Ying was also happy to see such a scene, and ordered the sixth elder and the seventh elder to clean up the corpses of the fourth elder, and then stood aside quietly watching the three masters arguing.

As long as the delay is longer, the better it will be for her.

But the good times didn't last long, and the heads of the three emperor sects soon realized that there would be no results in their disputes like this.

Three parties are fighting, and no one party can suppress the other two. The major forces in the Three Hundred Holy Land are also arguing on all sides, and the situation has become increasingly chaotic.

In order to control the situation, the three major emperors also decided to look at the corpse first to confirm whether the corpse was a devil! .

"Patriarch Jin, I can't come up with a good solution after entangled here for so long. Rather than wasting time here, it's better to take you first or take me to see the emperor's corpse first." The night poster looked at Jin. Ying said, "We will discuss it ourselves when we get there."

"According to what the predecessors said." Jin Ying also knew that she was going to face this situation sooner or later, and she was psychologically prepared, so she bowed slightly to the host of the night, and said, "Everyone, please come with me."

The moment Jin Ying turned around, her palms were already sweating, and her whole body was extremely nervous.

The people of the three major emperors and Taoist traditions temporarily suppressed the dispute and left with Jin Ying.

"I said, don't you still make a move yet?"

In the dark of Jinjiao Holy Land, Yixanamei watched as a group of people followed Jin Ying away, and asked Zhang Ziling on the side.

In fact, the three of Zhang Ziling had been to the Jinjiao Holy Land for some time, but Zhang Ziling had not gone out, but stayed in the dark and watched the changes.

Su Xiaoxuan also doesn't understand it now. Zhang Ziling's goal is the leaders of the Three Hundred Holy Land. Now these people have basically gathered here. Isn't it just enough to catch them all at once?

What is the devil waiting for?

Nami Yixuan and Su Xiaoxuan don't understand, but Zhang Ziling shows no sign of taking action now. He just smiled and said, "The time is not yet ripe. You'll find out later."

"God is mysterious! I don't know what to do..." Yixie, the beautiful Zhang Ziling, can only whisper in a low voice.

Zhang Ziling didn't care about this, and quietly watched everyone go away, his eyes narrowed slightly.

There are still three big fishes that have not entered the net, so why bother to close the net?

Jin Ying didn't know what Zhang Ziling was making. She only knew that she had no way to stop the people from the Three Hundred Holy Land.

Everything can only go with the flow.

In desperation, Jin Ying led the crowd to the tower where the emperor’s corpse was stored. There were also many Jinjiao tribe’s children in the tower vying to absorb the devilish energy that diffused from the emperor’s corpse. Concerned about the situation within the clan.

Jin Ying looked at the disciples in the tower, and a haze flashed through her eyes.

Before, she summoned all the children of the clan, but these people turned a deaf ear to her and didn't put her as a patriarch in their eyes, but now they are here to absorb the demonic energy she provided with peace of mind?

Don't worry about such a tribe!

"What a pure demon energy!" The head of the three emperor sects could feel an extremely strong demon aura from the high tower, and ecstasy filled his eyes.

After the Devil Emperor left Xuanxiao Continent, no one in this world had such a high level of attainment in the laws of the magic way!

The identity of the corpse in this high tower can already be determined!

At this moment, the heads of the three emperor gates all sent messages to their own emperors, telling them of the situation in the Golden Dragon Holy Land.

The leaders of the three hundred holy land surrounding them all boiled at this moment.

"Everyone, this emperor's corpse is related to our ancestors, and I hope that you can give me this emperor's corpse. I must thank you again!"

The original poster was the first to speak, and moved out his ancestors.

The first generation of the night master, the Great Emperor Zi Xu, now stands on the top of the Xuanxiao continent!

As soon as the leaders of the surrounding Three Hundred Holy Lands heard what the poster said, the excitement in their hearts was instantly wiped out by a basin of water.

Only then did they realize that although the people standing here were all the great figures of the Heavenly Sage and the Divine State, only those three could really determine the ownership of the emperor's corpse.

There is a great emperor in the town, the three emperors Taoism!

"The Lord of the Night, it just so happens that our ancestors are also predestined with this emperor's corpse, or you can let me this time, I will come to thank you next time!" The Lord of Fallen Valley said at this moment, it is not worthless.

The strength of their family's Emperor Jiyan is not weaker than that of Emperor Zixu, and he is not in the slightest in front of Buyelou.

"Two, don't forget the existence of our old dealer!" The Tibetan sword dealer drew out a sword with sharp eyes.

After the three families confirmed that the emperor corpse in the tower was the devil emperor, none of them was willing to share it with other forces and was about to monopolize the emperor corpse!

The tripartite forces suddenly fell into a tense situation.

Who can get the body of the Devil Emperor means that who can truly ascend to the No. 1 throne in the Xuanxiao Continent, they can do whatever it takes to get the body of the Devil Emperor.

Even if war is declared...

Jin Ying did not expect that the people from the three major emperor doors would be stunned again at the door, and the smell of gunpowder was more than ten times stronger than before!

Seeing the current situation, Jin Ying didn't know what to do.

The three families showed signs of fighting, and the Three Hundred Sacred Lands were also divided into three parties. This Golden Flood Sacred Land was obviously going to become a battlefield for everyone to fight for the emperor's corpse.

Jin Ying still underestimated the desire of the three emperors to the devil's body.

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more depressing, Jin Ying took a few steps back, trying to minimize her sense of existence.

The situation now is beyond her control.

The children of the Jinjiao clan who were cultivating in the high tower have also revived, and under the coercive pressure of the three major emperor sects, they could not cultivate at all.

Suddenly, a powerful force came from a distance, suppressing the power of all the saints on the battlefield.

The master of Luochen Valley and the master of Hidden Sword could not help but feel the power on their faces.

Emperor Zixu!

A purple-robed youth tore through the space and rushed in from the outside. The violent power of the Great Emperor made everyone unable to breathe.

The purple-robed boy was unambiguous at all, and went straight to the tower where the emperor's corpse was hidden, hoping to take the emperor's corpse.

He wanted to take the body of the Devil Emperor as his own before the other two emperors came!

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