Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1648: You have to die!

The terrifying imperial prestige of the Great Zixu made everyone in the audience out of breath. The Lord of the Falling Dust Valley and the owner of the Hidden Sword could only watch the Great Emperor Zixu quickly approach the body of the Devil Emperor.

Although they are not afraid of the Night Tower, this does not mean that they even dare to stun the Great Emperor Zi Xu!

That was the great emperor, even though the Lord of the Fallen Valley and the master of the hidden sword are both saints who are Dzogchen, one foot is about to step into the power of the great emperor, but they will still not have the slightest resistance in front of the real great emperor!

However, before the Emperor Zixu touched the tower, a flame barrier was condensed out of thin air, blocking the way of Emperor Zixu.

At the same time, a huge sword fell from the sky and quickly cut it to the Great Emperor Zi Xu.

The two imperial prestige swept from different directions.

"Two old bastards!"

The Great Emperor Zixu let out a cold snort, his figure turned into a purple light and retreated, and the flame barrier and giant sword also suddenly disappeared.

"Zixu, why are you such an undead fellow coming here to join in the fun?"

A young man with red luminous feet and an old man with white hair and sword appeared at the same time, looking at Emperor Zi Xu with a sneer.

Ji Yan Great, Xu Jian Great!

The cultivators in the Golden Sacred Land looked at the three great emperors standing in the air, and there was an uproar among the crowd!

Three emperors gather!

"These three guys... so strong aura!" Izanami exclaimed. She could feel the suffocating aura pressure from the three people standing in the void.

Zhang Ziling watched the three great emperors all appear, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a joking smile.

In the next moment, Zhang Ziling sent a message to Mo Yu who was far away in Qingyan City.

Mo Yu, who has been guarding the spirit veins, has been in the realm of saints for a long time, and under the teaching of Zhang Ziling's incarnation, Mo Yu's attainments in formation have also stepped into the holy stage!

In Qingyan City, there are tens of thousands of monks sent by the major forces to study spiritual veins. By now, more than three thousand monks have stepped into the realm of saints under the acceleration of the law of time.

All the saints cultivated by Zhang Ziling are on standby in Qingyan City. As long as Zhang Ziling orders, they can launch a thunderous attack on the Three Hundred Holy Land!

On average, one holy land will be attacked by ten saints. In addition, the leaders of the major holy places are gathered in the Jinjiao clan, the strength of the clan is empty...

Even the people of the imperial door, without the emperor and their patriarchs, ten saints are enough to fight against them!

Not to mention, some of the Xuan-level Holy Lands in the Three Hundred Holy Lands only need one saint, and the Earth-level Holy Lands are only two or three.

With a reasonable distribution of combat power, it is not a problem at all to send hundreds of sages to besiege Buyelou, Fallen Dust Valley and Hidden Sword Village respectively!

Mo Yu was still boringly teaching a group of cultivators who had just stepped into the True Martial Realm in his spiritual veins. Suddenly, he received a message from Zhang Ziling, and the whole person slammed a spirit!

finally come!

"Teacher Mo, what are you?" A saint who gave Mo Yu Duan Cha water saw Mo Yu suddenly become excited, and asked in confusion.

Nowadays, in the academy created by Ziling, there are sages everywhere. It is not uncommon for sages to serve tea and water.

Mo Yu stood up abruptly from his seat, his eyes lit up, and the saint jumped.

Mo Yu took a deep breath, and then shouted in his throat: "Call everyone, Lord Devil wants us to work!"

Mo Yu's voice spread throughout Qingyan City, the entire Qingyan City...

The whole city is shaking!

For a time, countless saints gathered in Qingyan City and stepped into the teleportation array that Mo Yu had already built, and sent them to the cities where the great sacred sites of the Heavenly Sages were located.

The **** feast is about to start.

Zhang Ziling wants to bury the entire Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces in the shortest time!

After the sages of Qingyan City moved, the three emperors in the Golden Dragon Holy Land were still facing each other, and the aura of the three became stronger and stronger, making the whole Golden Dragon Holy Land somewhat unbearable.

None of the Jinjiao tribe members in the high tower could withstand the pressure of the three great emperors, and they all exploded and died under that powerful aura, staining the tower with blood.

Jin Ying had no sympathy for the tragic death of those people.

Greed is not enough to swallow the elephant. They should have left the tower after the arrival of the people from the Three Hundred Holy Lands, but they were greedy for the nourishment of the devilish energy for a while, and they deserved to be shaken to death by the great emperor's pressure.

"Two, it's not a solution for us to stand in a stalemate here. I have a proposal..." The Great Emperor Zi Xu didn't seem to want to stand in a stalemate with the two emperors, and suddenly said.

"What do you want to do?" Emperor Jiyan knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for Emperor Zixu to share the secrets of the Devil with others, and he had always been wary of Emperor Zixu.

Emperor Xujian looked cold and did not speak.

Regarding the silence of the two great emperors, the great emperor Zi Xu just smiled and didn't care.

"I know, none of you will agree to the method of sharing the body of the Devil Emperor."

"But if the three of us fight, no one can afford this loss." Great Emperor Zi Xu chuckled, "In this case, why don't we use the strength of our subordinates to determine the ownership of the Demon Emperor's body? Whose power? If the fist is big enough, whoever can enjoy the body of the Devil Emperor alone, how about it?"

The corners of Emperor Zi Xu's mouth smiled slightly, watching Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian chuckle.

The plan he proposed seems to be the most reliable plan from the current point of view.

Hearing Emperor Zixu's proposal, Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian first glanced at each other, then nodded, agreeing to Emperor Zixu's plan.

They all have confidence in their own orthodoxy and don't think they will lose to others.

Seeing that both of them nodded in agreement, the corner of Emperor Zixu's mouth couldn't help but evoke a weird smile, and then turned and flew towards his stronghold in the night building.

At this moment, the three imperial gates each occupied a stronghold in the Jinjiao Sacred Land. They were on three sides, each guarding one side of the tower to prevent anyone from contacting the body of the devil in the tower.

The other two great emperors saw that Emperor Zixu took the lead to leave, and they also went back to their positions.

It is impossible for the three great emperors to fight, not to mention that it is difficult to tell the victory or defeat between the great emperors.

No one can afford such a loss.

Therefore, the proposal of the Great Emperor Zixu was actually in the arms of the other two great emperors.

"Huh? Why didn't they fight?" Yixana thought that the three great emperors would go to war on this, and she could profit from the chaos, but the three great emperors stopped suddenly, which made Yixana Mei is quite disappointed.

Zhang Ziling was not surprised by their actions, but felt normal.

These three great emperors, Zhang Ziling, have all come into contact with them, and they are all prudent generations. It is harder to get them to fight directly than to reach the sky!

However, no matter what they will do next, as long as the saints cultivated by Zhang Ziling are in place, then everyone who came to this Golden Sacred Land today...

You have to die!

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