"They don't want to fight, but they can't."

Zhang Ziling calmly looked at the three hundred holy land monks surrounding the tower, with joking in his eyes.

"The great emperor goes to war. If he didn't prepare well beforehand, then everyone in this golden sacred land today will have to die, and they have brought so many powerful people here, if they are really going to die... then their orthodoxy It can also be announced directly that it is going to decline."

"Even if they are the emperor, they still cannot bear such a price."

"That's it... It's a pity that I have reached such a high level, but I have to be entangled in worldly things." Yizan Nami shook her head disappointedly, as if she did not agree with the actions of the three great emperors.

If she had the character of Yixannami, she would definitely ignore Gao Tianyuan's safety and fight whenever she wanted.

Seeing the appearance of Izanami, Zhang Ziling shook his head and smiled, but did not answer Izanami's words.

People have their own ways of living, and Zhang Ziling also understands the methods of the three emperors.

However, understanding belongs to understanding...

People still have to kill.

While Zhang Ziling was waiting for news from Qingyan City in the dark, the three imperial door systems also negotiated the rules and set up battle formations in their own strongholds.

The Three Hundred Sacred Lands also stood in their respective teams, preparing to use the Golden Jiao Clan as a battlefield.

Jin Ying didn't care about the practice of the Three Hundred Sacred Lands. She was completely disappointed with the Jin Jiao clan now, and it didn't make any sense for this clan leader to be improper.

What Jin Ying is thinking about now is to keep her family safe.

Anyway, the three hundred holy places will no longer exist after today, and Jin Ying doesn't care about such a small world as the Jin Jiao Clan.

The three imperial gates were ready to fight, and Zhang Ziling also happened to receive the news that the great saints were deployed, and they could attack the headquarters of the Three Hundred Holy Land at any time.

After receiving the news from the sages of Qingyan City, Zhang Ziling's mouth slightly aroused, and turned to look at Izanami: "Aren't you trying to make a big fuss?"

"Yeah! What's the matter?" Izanami did not hesitate to respond. After arriving in Xuanxiao Continent, Izanami was always very good at fighting, and wanted to fight the strong, but always No opportunity was found.

Seeing the excitement of Izanami, Zhang Ziling chuckled lightly and said, "This time I have me behind to protect you. You can challenge the three great emperors and feel the power of the great emperor in advance."

"Can you protect me?" Izanami looked at Zhang Ziling suspiciously, rather distrustful.

After all, Izanami has only seen Zhang Ziling behead a pseudo-emperor on the earth, and now she has to face three genuine emperors!

Moreover, it is much more difficult to protect one's safety under the Great Emperor's attack!

"Don't worry, just go...this is also an opportunity!" Zhang Ziling smiled and comforted.

"Then I'll go, and you can be responsible for something wrong!" Yixie's eyes flashed brightly, and she rushed to the three great emperors directly regardless.

"This, this!" Su Xiaoxuan rushed out when seeing Yixuanmei, and he couldn't help but panic and called out subconsciously.

Zhang Ziling turned to look at Su Xiaoxuan, and said with a smile: "What? Do you want to go too? I can also distract you."

Hearing what Zhang Ziling said, Su Xiaoxuan's head suddenly shook like a rattle, and he didn't dare to take any risks.

"Since you don't want to, then you just wait here, I'm going to deal with those guys."

Su Xiaoxuan's answer did not exceed Zhang Ziling's expectations. Zhang Ziling did not force Su Xiaoxuan, and he twisted and disappeared in place.

"Fight against the emperor?" Seeing Zhang Ziling go away, Su Xiaoxuan was stunned at first, and then shook his head abruptly, "Insane!"

Su Xiaoxuan's mood now I can no longer control Yixannamei. When she appeared, she attracted the attention of the three great emperors, and everyone's eyes were on Yixannamei.

"Who is she?" The Great Emperor Zixu frowned slightly, and the saint who appeared out of thin air, the Great Perfection, was really suspicious.

"It's you!" Izanami didn't pick it up, and directly summoned her Heaven Marsh Spear and attacked the nearest Emperor Zi Xu.

"I don't know what I can do!" When the Great Emperor Zixu saw Yixie Namei rushing towards him, his eyes couldn't help flashing a hint of discomfort, he let out a low voice, and slapped a palm at random.


Yixu Namei was shot and flew out by the powerful force of the Great Emperor Zixu, but because she was protected by Zhang Ziling, she was not damaged in any way.

"So strong!" This is the first time Yixu Namei has truly felt the power of the emperor. Just now, Emperor Zixu's random palm made Yixu Namei's body qi and blood turbulent.

If it weren't for the protection of Zhang Ziling's spiritual power, I am afraid that Yixu's body would be shattered under the palm of Emperor Zixu.

It's just a level difference, but Izanami did not expect the gap between the two to be so big!

"Zixu...you are a little dysfunctional, let's withdraw from this competition!" Seeing that Yixu was unscathed, Emperor Jiyan taunted Emperor Zixu.

"That's a lot of nonsense!" The Great Emperor Zi Xu whispered, and then he looked at Izanami with cold eyes and shouted, "Who are you?"

The saint who can resist his random palm is definitely not small.

"The one who killed you!" Izanami didn't talk nonsense with Emperor Zi Xu, and rushed to Emperor Zi Xu again.

Although Izanami had received a great impact just now, after withstanding the impact, Izanami also found that the shackles that had been restricting her seemed to loosen.

Fighting against the emperor is good for her to break through the emperor!

Seeing Izanami rushing towards him again, the Great Emperor Zixu became more angry and roared, "I'm looking for death!"


Great Emperor Zixu printed a palm, endless purple awns gleamed, and the huge purple palm like a hill crushed towards Izanami.

The surrounding monks felt the endless imperial power of the Zixu Great Emperor, and they all thought that the beauty of Yixu was bound to die.

The Heavenly Marsh Spear of Izanami was directly shattered the moment it touched the purple giant palm, and the spiritual power of Izanami couldn't even play a blocking role, and it collapsed under the power of Emperor Zixu.

"So powerful!" Yixana's eyes shrank, and before he could escape, he felt that he was swallowed by endless power.

After printing this palm, Emperor Zixu didn't look at Yixana's direction again. He turned to look at Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian, and said lightly: "The unknown bug is solved, let's start."

However, Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian did not respond to Emperor Zixu at all. Instead, they stared at the direction of the beauty of Yixuan, and their eyes were incredible.

Seeing the actions of Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xujian, Emperor Zixu couldn't help but frown slightly. He turned around and looked around. His pupils shrank suddenly and exclaimed, "This is impossible!"

Izanami is actually in his purple light...


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