Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1650: Breakthrough the Great!

There was an uproar among the Jinjiao clan, everyone looked at Izanami in shock, with incredible eyesight.

The palm of Emperor Zixu just now used at least 50% of his power, but the beauty of Yixian is still unscathed, which is a bit strange.

Great Emperor Zixu frowned and tightened. He knew exactly what kind of power he had just used. A sage would never be able to retreat under his blow!

"Hahaha! Zi Xu, I think you've gotten alive and going back these years, even a little saint girl can't handle it!" Emperor Jiyan began to laugh at Emperor Zixu ruthlessly, thinking that Emperor Zixu was no longer the same.

Emperor Zixu was so ridiculed by Emperor Jiyan, his heart became more upset, turning his head to look at Emperor Jiyan and said coldly: "Are you coming?"

"I will come here! I still don't believe it, can the mere saints turn against the sky?" Emperor Jiyan didn't want to waste too much time on Yixannamei. He directly condensed a flame spear in his hand and directed it at Izanami threw it away!

The flame spear burned the earth, tore through the space, and whizzed towards Izanami.

Izanami was still resisting the power of Emperor Zixu, but Emperor Jiyan's attack came with a whistle. Izanami was too late to defend, and was directly penetrated by the flame gun through her abdomen, igniting hot flames all over her body.

"Yeah, hateful!" Izanami felt as if every cell in her body was burning, and the spiritual power in her body was constantly weakening.

Although Zhang Ziling was protecting Izanami, the pain would not disappear.

"Huh? This little girl is a bit wicked..." When Emperor Jiyan saw that the beauty of Yixian had taken him hard, his breath did not drop a bit, but rose a little bit, and his brows were also frowned.

"Humph! It seems that you are just like that!" The Great Emperor Zi Xu coldly snorted, taunting back.

"This baby girl is not right, kill her quickly!" The Great Emperor Xujian found that Yixian's breath was improving little by little, and a bad premonition was suddenly surging in his heart, and he quickly squeezed out the sword art and condensed a giant. The sword cuts to Izanami!

"Come back!" Seeing that Emperor Xujian also started to attack, Yixian could not help but shout loudly, the divine power in his body exploded, blocking the attack of Emperor Xujian from the outside!

The violent aura swept all around, and the monks of the Three Hundred Holy Lands could not withstand the powerful pressure. They sacrificed magical weapons and condensed a super large defensive array to resist.

But that was of no use at all, countless monks died tragically under the impact of the power of the Great Emperor.

The pressure of the three great emperors crazily squeezed Izanami, and the pupils of Izanami's eyes gradually disappeared under the tremendous pressure, and the spiritual power in the body was also agitated.

The power belonging to the earth gods began to surge all over Izanami.

"I am... the lord of the underworld!" Yizan Nami stretched out her hand and opened her five fingers slightly. A mysterious magic circle was portrayed in her palm, and then quickly zoomed in to block the power of the three great emperors!

"This this……"

In the distance, Su Xiaoxuan watched Yixanamei alone resist the crush of the three great emperors, and his heart was shocked, and he couldn't describe his current mood at all.

Su Xiaoxuan suddenly regretted rejecting Zhang Ziling's proposal.

Under the baptism of such a powerful force, the benefits of Izanami are unimaginable.

"This girl... where did she rush out from?"

When Emperor Xujian saw that Izanami had really withstood the power of their three saints, his eyes were incredible, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.


Izanami suddenly felt some kind of shackles in her body split open, as if she had entered a strange state, her whole body was wrapped in a comfortable energy.

"this is……"

In the next moment, Izanami found herself appearing in an ethereal world, surrounded by various clear lines flowing, and each line was filled with an atmosphere of the law of the great path.

Each line represents a avenue.

Among the thousands of lines, nine of them are extremely thick, and they seem to represent the highest law.

However, among the nine lines, eight of them were gray. Izanami couldn't feel the aura of Dao law, only one line filled with endless demonic energy approached Izanami.

"I have broken through to the emperor?" Izanami looked at the avenue lingering around her, feeling that she could comprehend the principle of it at any time.

"Unexpectedly, what you understand is also the magic way. It seems that the two of us are quite destined..." Zhang Ziling suddenly appeared next to Yixie Namei, smiling lightly.

Izanami was shocked by Zhang Ziling first, and then asked, "What do you mean?"

"If you want to become a great emperor, you must at least comprehend one supreme law." Zhang Ziling pulled the demon-filled avenue to the front, "under the continuous high pressure of the three emperors, you broke through the shackles and stepped into the emperor realm logically. "

"However, your way of breaking through is not normal, and you have not had time to understand the Supreme Law, so I have to drag you to this space I created specifically for you, so that you can directly contact the origin of the Dao to understand the power."

"Do you have the origin of the Three Thousand Dao?" When I heard Zhang Ziling's words, Izanami was shocked and exclaimed.

"No, it's still near the origin of the avenue of nirvana." At this point, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly, and then looked at Izanami and smiled: "Let's not talk about it, you quickly understand the magic way, and then I It's time to do business."

After speaking, before Izanami could ask, Zhang Ziling disappeared in place, leaving Izanami alone in this space.

"What are these...Is it so casual to break through to the Great Emperor?" As Zhang Ziling disappeared, Yixie could not help but mutter.

"Magic way..." Izanami looked at the dark lines lingering around her, her eyes darkened, "It seems to be the same as that guy."

"Thinking about it this way, it seems not bad!"

Izanami laughed and stretched out her hand to grasp the dark lines.

"Her power...what's going on?" The Great Emperor Zixu suddenly found that Yixuan's breath began to soar, and soon broke through the saint, his expression changed drastically!

Emperor Jiyan and Emperor Xu Xujian couldn't calm down, the power of the great emperor filled out from the body, and the momentum around them became more and more depressed.

They are going to give Izanami a fatal blow!

The monks of the Three Hundred Holy Lands all looked at Izanami in horror. They really did not expect that Izanami could force the three great emperors to look like this!


Before the three great emperors had time to attack, the whole body of Izanami was lit up with a dazzling light, and the endless emperor's might permeated from the body.

"This, this is..." The three great emperors looked at Izanami in shock, and thunderous waves were set off in their hearts, "The Great?"

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