Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1655: Shadow Gate, Sky Guard?

Zhang Ziling came out of the Jinjiao Holy Land, and the Jinjiao City has become panic. Many monks are hiding at home and dare not come out, making Jinjiao City look extremely desolate.

Everyone now knows that the Devil Emperor has returned. There have been news that the major sacred grounds of the Three Hundred Holy Lands have been flattened by countless saints one after another. The small forces that have been in favor of the Three Hundred Holy Lands have announced that they will cut off their relations with the Three Hundred Holy Lands and are closed. The mountain gate does not accept any monks from the Three Hundred Holy Lands at all, and there are even people who specifically hunt down the monks of the Three Hundred Holy Land coalition forces, and exchange their heads for rewards.

Xia Ning'er was picked up from the illusion by Zhang Ziling, and Yixannamei and Su Xiaoxuan followed behind Zhang Ziling.

As for Jin Ying, she has already settled down with the few remaining members of her tribe.

Although they escaped to death, they were still greatly stimulated by the Golden Jiao Clan, and they couldn't adjust for a while.

With the assistance of the Tianji Pavilion and the Three Treasure Chamber of Commerce, the forces of Qingyan City quickly entered the major cities of the Heavenly Sage, Upper China, and Mo Yu even led a hundred saints to directly occupy the headquarters of the Formation Guild!

The banner of the devil's palace has been raised in various places in the heavenly sage, and the other forces in the upper divine state have also received news of the return of the devil.

The Profound Sky went to the Shenzhou, and the Jiuyao Shang Shenzhou immediately announced that it would be under the jurisdiction of the Demon Palace. The Heavenly Star Shang Shenzhou and the Xingyuan Shang Shenzhou also suddenly disappeared because of their imperial order, and the other heavenly holy places also jointly announced their submission to the Demon Palace.

For a time, half of the upper Shenzhou in Xuanxiao Continent became the territory of the Demon Palace.

And the magic palace in the Profound Realm of Heaven, also formally entered the eyes of the world at this moment, with no two prestige at the moment.

All cultivators in the Xuanxiao Continent know that the past legend...

came back.

Standing in the Jinjiao City, Zhang Ziling looked at the surrounding buildings, his eyes indifferent to the extreme, without any emotions.

Izanami walked quietly to the side of Zhang Ziling, looked at Zhang Ziling's profile and asked, "Now... what are you going to do?"

After eradicating the Three Hundred Holy Land Allied Forces in a very short period of time, Zhang Ziling accomplished something almost impossible in everyone's eyes. The Three Hundred Sacred Grounds were wiped out, and the Demon Palace had no enemies in the Xuanxiao Continent.

Su Xiaoxuan also looked at Zhang Ziling seriously, wanting to know Zhang Ziling's answer.

In Su Xiaoxuan's view, the Devil Emperor had already stood at the pinnacle of the Xuanxiao Continent, and his strength was even more unbeatable. Even if the great emperors that still exist on the Xuanxiao Continent joined forces, they would not be Zhang Ziling's enemy.

With such strength, Zhang Ziling's words and deeds can affect the entire world.

Su Xiaoxuan was very curious about what changes Zhang Ziling could bring to Xuanxiao Continent.

"What will I do in the future..." Zhang Ziling couldn't help but lift his eyes to the sky, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

"Now, it has just begun..."

"It's just the beginning?" Izanami asked with a glimmer of doubt in her eyes.

At this moment, a dark shadow gradually gathered in front of Ziling, and an old man in a black robe appeared with a faint smile on his face.

Yixannami and Xia Ning'er quickly became vigilant, and Su Xiaoxuan also looked at the old man in shock.

It is definitely not easy for an old man to appear quietly in front of the Devil Emperor!

It stands to reason that with an old man of this level, Tianji Pavilion will be filed, at least she should know who this old man is...

However, Su Xiaoxuan found that he had no impression of the old man at all.

Yixanamei also frowned slightly, looking at the old man alertly.

After Izanami became emperor, her spirit was also countless times stronger, and any wind and grass around here could not escape her eyes, but this old man...

Before this old man appeared, Izanami didn't notice anything at all!

Can an emperor detect a monk in the real martial realm?

Are you kidding me?

Zhang Ziling looked at the old man, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhang Ziling has been waiting for someone, but he didn't expect that the person waiting was...

This gray-haired, black-robed old man with eagle-eyed eyes was the mysterious old man Zhang Ziling met in the Zhao Family Holy Land!

At the beginning, Zhang Ziling felt that something was wrong with the old man, but Zhang Ziling had been busy with other things, so he had not cared about the black robe old man.

But now the black-robed old man voluntarily appeared in front of Zhang Ziling, or after Zhang Ziling destroyed the Three Hundred Holy Lands...

Appearing at this point in time, the identity of the black-robed old man was ready to emerge.

The corner of Zhang Ziling's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at the black robe old man and said: "Before you explain the next step, please register yourself."

"The Devil Emperor is smart, and the small admiration." The black robe old man bowed and saluted Zhang Ziling.

"Junior Shadow Gate Tiange Wei Xieyue, pay homage to Lord Demon Emperor." Xieyue said respectfully to Zhang Ziling with a faint smile on her mouth.

"The Shadow Gate?"

Izanami heard Xie Yue's words, her eyes changed slightly and her heart moved slightly.

Ever since Izanami knew that the Great Emperor Haotian of the Earth God’s Court was the master of the Shadow Gate, Izanami has been inquiring about the Shadow Gate in the Xuanxiao Continent, but the results of Izanami’s investigations were very low. I've heard the name of the Shadow Palace, and the Shadow Palace has long since fallen.

Izanami had always thought that the Shadow Palace was the Shadow Gate. After knowing that the Shadow Palace had fallen, Izanami never cared about the Shadow Gate.

But now that the Tiange Guard of the Shadow Gate appeared, this matter became a bit interesting.

"Xie Yue..." Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Yue with interest, and muttered softly, "Shadow Palace, what is the relationship with you?"

"My Lord Devil laughed, the Shadow Palace is the top power in the universe, and our Shadow Gate is just the personal weapon of our patriarch, and we can't get on the stage." Xie Yue bowed again and smiled respectfully to Zhang Ziling.

Su Xiaoxuan, who was behind Zhang Ziling, heard Xie Yue's words, and a terrible wave was already in his heart.

Transverse the universe of thousands of worlds?

Before that, Su Xiaoxuan had never heard of such a power in the Xuanxiao Continent!

There are many powerful people in the Xuanxiao Continent who step into the depths of the universe and travel the stars, but very few people can come back.

Therefore, the monks in the Xuanxiao Continent didn't know much about the outside world.

Su Xiaoxuan thought that Xuanxiao Continent was all.

But now, it seems that Xuanxiao Continent is just the tip of the iceberg in this world.

Zhang Ziling was not very shocked by what Xie Yue said. After experiencing a series of events after returning to Earth, Zhang Ziling has realized that there is a broader world in this universe.

Zhang Ziling looked at Xie Yue calmly, and asked indifferently: "So, what is your purpose for coming to me this time?"

Xieyue smiled slightly at Zhang Ziling, then bowed slightly to Zhang Ziling, and said, "The patriarch asked me to bring a word to Lord Devil..."

"My clan Keqing elder Zhang Ziyou, honored in the Shadow Palace..."

"The seat of the palace master."

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