"Master of the Shadow Palace?"

Hearing what Xieyue said, Zhang Ziling's expression couldn't help changing, and he reached out and grabbed Xieyue's collar, and sternly asked, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

No matter where you are, the higher the position you sit on, the more heavier the responsibility is!

According to Xia Qingyue, the ancestor of the Xia clan, there are no less than ten Dao Venerables in the Shadow Palace. Why can Zi You sit as the master of the Shadow Palace?

Zhang Ziling's terrifying aura surged from his body, and the entire Golden Jiao City shook violently under the pressure of Zhang Ziling. Countless monks looked in the direction of Zhang Ziling in horror, as if they saw a great demon born!

"The Devil Emperor calms his anger! The Devil Emperor calms his anger!" Seeing Zhang Ziling go straight away, Xieyue hurriedly called out, for fear of being killed by Zhang Ziling.

"Tell me, what exactly does that fellow Xie Wushuang mean?" Zhang Ziling's eyes were red, and the devilish energy in his body turned into a demon behind Zhang Ziling, staring at Xie Yue, very strange.

"I don't know! I really don't know, Devil Emperor, please calm down your anger first!" Xie Yue felt that she had fallen into an endless abyss, and was completely frightened by Zhang Ziling's aura, even her words were a little broken.

Although they all escaped into the chaos and did not belong to this world, they would be killed if they were caught.

Xieyue didn't want to be slaughtered by Zhang Ziling in this way.

"You calm down first." Izanami reached out and grabbed Zhang Ziling's wrist, rarely persuading him softly, "It won't help if you kill him. It's better to listen to what he has to say first."

Yixannami also understood that this so-called Shadow Palace Hall Master was definitely not a stable position, and Ziyou was probably sitting there to help others with the sword.

With Zhang Ziling's character, it is impossible for him to let Ziyou take risks with his body, and it is reasonable to run away.

After Izanami's persuasion, Zhang Ziling slowly calmed down, and the demon energy around him dissipated.

However, Zhang Ziling's eyes were still extremely cold, and Xie Yue didn't even dare to look directly into Zhang Ziling's eyes.

After getting used to Zhang Ziling’s coercion, Xie Yue coughed lightly and said to Zhang Ziling: “The patriarch also said, now that His Highness Zhang Ziyou has come in front of you, His Highness Zhang Ziyou is doing what you want to do, and It is very likely that we will reach the ultimate."

"If the Devil Emperor wants to slow down the pace of His Highness Zhang Ziyou, you can accept the gift from the patriarch as soon as possible." Xie Yue said quickly.

"Gift? What gift?" Izanami asked, who didn't understand what Xie Yue was talking about.

She didn't know when the evil emperor gave Zhang Ziling a gift.

However, Zhang Ziling's expression didn't change much. He looked at Xie Yue calmly and asked, "What else?"

Xie Yue was quite nervous at the moment, after all, her life was now in the hands of Zhang Ziling. The feeling of not putting your head on the waistband is really not good.

"Say it!" Zhang Ziling asked coldly, and Xie Yue jumped again.

"The patriarch also asked me to tell you that Dao Zun is about to descend on Xuanxiao Continent. You must escape into the chaos as soon as possible. It is best to isolate everyone close to you from the long river of time and eliminate cause and effect!"

Hearing Xie Yue's words, Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked, "Why?"

Xieyue smiled bitterly and shook her head, and said: "I'm just a messenger, what the patriarch asks me to say is nothing, and I don't understand any other information."

As soon as Xieyue's voice fell, she saw signs that Zhang Ziling was moving again. Xieyue quickly stepped back and shouted, "You can't find any information even if you search my soul!"

Looking at Xie Yue's cautious look, Zhang Ziling couldn't help but shook his head, giving up his plan to search for the soul.

With Xie Wushuang's temperament, Zhang Ziling knew that he would not make such a mistake.

"Anything else to say?" Zhang Ziling continued to ask.

Xie Yue thought about it for a while, and after making sure that she hadn't missed anything, she shook her head to Zhang Ziling and was ready to escape at any time, her whole spirit strained to the limit.

Seeing that Xieyue had nothing to convey, Zhang Ziling waved his hand to Xieyue impatiently and asked Xieyue to leave quickly.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling didn't mean to do anything, Xie Yue was relieved and quickly tore the space away and left here.

"Boss, do you want me to track him?" After Xie Yue left, the Heaven Seeker flew out of Zhang Ziling and asked seriously.

"No, he escaped into the chaos, which is equivalent to that the whole person does not exist in this world. Even if you follow... after a period of time, you will lose his trace. As long as he stays in the void for a while, you follow It's meaningless." Zhang Ziling shook his head and rejected Xuntianyi's proposal.

"Then we just let him go like this?" Xuntianyi was unwilling.

"He's just a small character, and it doesn't make much sense to kill. Staying...maybe there will still be a place to use him in the future." Zhang Ziling said lightly. After he calmed down, his thoughts became clearer.

"It makes sense..." Xun Tianyi nodded his head with a sense of the matter, then looked at Zhang Ziling and asked, "By the way, boss, when did the evil emperor give you a gift? Why don't I know?"

"At that time you were still asleep, it would be weird to know it." Zhang Ziling said angrily.

"What the **** is that gift?" Izanami was really curious about it, eager to know what the evil emperor's gift was to Zhang Ziling.

"Let's go back to the Demon Palace first, and I have to confirm it." Zhang Ziling did not say directly after selling a pass.

Yixana whitened Zhang Ziling and seemed to be extremely dissatisfied with Zhang Ziling's practice of selling Guanzi.

Even the Nine Heavens Magic Orb began to complain about Zhang Ziling, very dissatisfied with Zhang Ziling's approach.

Zhang Ziling kept silent about this, and looked towards the direction of the Profound Heaven, and his eyes became deep.

The three-hundred sacred land coalition was annihilated, and Zhang Ziling of the Holy Land Shenzhou could also be handed over to those in Qingyan City and Mo Yu.

Those people were planted under Zhang Ziling's prohibition, and Zhang Ziling was not afraid that they could cause any trouble.

"Nothing to see, let's go."

Zhang Ziling tore through the space and did not have any memory of the Holy Land on this day, so he stepped in first.

Izanami and Xia Ning'er also hurriedly followed, leaving Su Xiaoxuan alone looking at the rift in the space that was gradually closing in front of him, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

However, just before the space rift was about to disappear, Su Xiaoxuan gritted his teeth and rushed in regardless!

Several people disappeared in place together.

After Zhang Ziling and the others left, Xie Yue walked out of the space again, and looked at the place where Zhang Ziling had left, with a sigh of relief.

"Madan, next time I'm going to spread the word... I won't do it!" Xieyue cursed with a grin, she felt chills when she thought of facing Zhang Ziling just now.

"But... I don't remember the last time I faced the Devil Emperor. I didn't feel that way. Why is this?" Soon, Xie Yue frowned, muttering to herself, and flew away.

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