Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1658: How to be born

The top of the devil's palace, Genting Temple of Heaven.

This is the highest point of the magic palace. It was once a place where Zhang Ziling used to talk to the Tao of Heaven or discuss the Tao with the sages.

Naihe stood calmly in the middle of the Yunding Temple, looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds, very calm.

Ever since Naihe arrived in Xuanxiao Continent, his strength seemed to have received some kind of catalyst, and his strength was improving every moment.

Now that Lainai has reached the realm of the Great Perfection of the Saint, it is possible to break through the Great Emperor at any time.

However, the swelling power so fast made Naihe not know how to control the almost endless spiritual power. This extremely powerful force caused Nai to run away frequently, causing considerable losses to the magic palace.

Regarding the situation of Naihe, Anbei had no choice but to arrange for Naihe to stay alone at the Temple of Heaven in Genting.

There is nothing around the Genting Temple of Heaven, even if you run wild, it will not cause any damage to the magic palace.

Although it’s a bit boring to stay at the Genting Temple of Heaven, but it’s like a blank sheet of paper. He doesn’t understand what happiness is or sadness. He doesn’t even understand human emotions, so naturally there is no such thing as boring. .

However, Xijing, compared with the vigorous magic palace, the quietness of the Genting Temple of Heaven is more suitable for Naihe.

Staying in the Genting Temple of Heaven, Naihe especially likes to watch the sunrise and the moon set. Here, he can see the most beautiful scenery.

Although he can continue to grow stronger without practicing, he doesn't feel anything about it.

For Naihe, the meaning of his birth is to become a tool of the Devil Emperor, for the Devil Emperor to drive...

But, however, he discovered that the Devil Emperor didn't need him at all, and now Izanami has broken through to the Great Emperor, and no longer needs Naihe's protection.

Suddenly there was nothing to do, which made Naihe quite confused and did not understand the value of his existence.

"Do you like the scenery here?"

Suddenly, Zhang Ziling's voice rang behind Naihe, Naihe turned around and saw Zhang Ziling walking up with two jars of wine.

"Master." But he saluted Zhang Ziling with extreme respect.

"Catch it!" Zhang Ziling threw a jug of wine at Naihe, but subconsciously caught it.

"This is?" Naihe looked at the wine jar in his hand. Although he knew it was wine, Naihe had not tasted the wine.

"The Emperor is drunk, there are not many rare wines in the palace." Zhang Ziling sat beside the Temple of Heaven and drank himself.

Naihe glanced at the wine jar in his hand, and then at Zhang Ziling's back, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"Come and sit down." Zhang Ziling didn't look back, looking at the sea of ​​clouds ahead and said lightly.

Hearing Zhang Ziling's instructions, Naihe also sat next to Zhang Ziling, holding "Emperor Drunk" in both hands, not knowing what to do.

"You have also been born in this world for a few years. It's time to learn to drink." Zhang Ziling helped open the wine jar and said with a smile.


Naihe didn't hesitate about Zhang Ziling's words, and immediately picked up "Emperor Drunk" and poured it into his stomach.

The wine was mellow and fragrant, rich and delicate, but one sip was choked, but when he thought that this was Zhang Ziling's order, he bit the bullet and drank the wine.

After a bite, he was drunk for half of the altar, and his face flushed.

"My head is a little dizzy..." Naihe said while holding the wine jar, feeling blurred.

Teijin drunk is the best immortal brew that even the emperor can be drunk. One jar of wine is enough to buy a city. Even if he is a saint, he will still be drunk even if he is a saint.

Seeing Naihe's appearance, Zhang Ziling also smiled, and then drank.

Although Naihe was created by Xie Wushuang, Naihe has been with Zhang Ziling since she was born. In the past few years, she has been guarding Yixannami with all her responsibilities and acting as a servant as a saint without complaint.

It has only been a few years since Naihe was born. Although Naihe has learned a lot, he still doesn't quite understand human emotions.

However, he only knew that what Zhang Ziling asked him to do, he would do.

This is enough.

Just like now, although Naihe doesn't like drinking very much, but because it was ordered by Zhang Ziling, even if Naihe drinks it and feels a bit spicy, he still fills it with mouthfuls.

Zhang Ziling did not speak either, so he could drink as much as he could.

After drinking one altar, Zhang Ziling took out another altar. I don't know how long it took, and the wine altar was also full of the two people, and the moon had already risen.

However, he was already drunk.

Zhang Ziling looked at Naihe, who was holding the wine jar like a child, and hesitated in his eyes.

Naihe is the purest person Zhang Ziling has ever seen. There is always only one voice in his mind:

"Listen to the master."

Naihe's thoughts, even Zhang Ziling could not change.

But even such a pure person, since his birth, he is destined to be a tragedy.

After Xieyue found Zhang Ziling, Zhang Ziling understood &

However, it was Xie Wushuang's gift to him.

Zhang Ziling sighed slightly, just sitting beside the Temple of Heaven, quietly watching the Milky Way in the starry sky.

"How to be born, how to be human... Xie Wushuang, what is the point of doing this?" Zhang Ziling muttered while looking at the starry sky.

If Zhang Ziling knew the usefulness of Naihe when he first saw Naihe, he would probably sacrifice it without hesitation.

However, Naihe has been with Zhang Ziling for several years. Now that Zhang Ziling wants to sacrifice Naihe, Zhang Ziling is also hesitant.


It's a key.

Still a one-time key.

Naihe said that the meaning of his birth is to become a tool for Zhang Ziling.

But Zhang Ziling never thought that the "tool" in his mouth was really a thorough tool...

Zhang Ziling drank alcohol on his own, but did not make sacrifices.

Now Zhang Ziling has too little information, and Xuanxiao Continent is just the tip of the iceberg in the universe. If Zhang Ziling wants to learn more about the full picture of the universe, he must learn from his ancestors to escape into the stars, wander in the universe, and spend hundreds, thousands, or even thousands of years collecting information.

But now, Zhang Ziling can't afford to wait.

Under the control of Xie Wushuang, Zi You had penetrated into the enemy camp.

Zhang Ziling needs to obtain the unknown information as soon as possible in order to catch up with Ziyou.

Xie Wushuang has a treasure house containing countless information, and Naihe is the key to open this treasure house of knowledge.

And the way to let Naihe open the treasure house was to let Naihe break through to the Great Emperor, triggering Xie Wushuang's restriction in the depths of Naihe's soul.

On the earth, when the gods troubled the world.

However, the restraint in the depths of his soul had been loosened because of a strong blow from the outside force, but Zhang Ziling had not noticed it at that time, and Naihe's resilience was also extremely strong, and the restraint was eventually discovered by no one.

Thinking about it carefully, if Zhang Ziling had forced Naihe to be promoted to the emperor at that time... Maybe Zhang Ziling had already jumped out of Xie Wushuang's layout and disrupted all of Xie Wushuang's plans.

Touching the prohibition, Zhang Ziling also didn't know what Naihe would become in the end.


Zhang Ziling drank the last altar of "Emperor Drunk", closed his eyes, and the spiritual power filled his body, and he lifted Naihe to the sky and let it be surrounded by stars.

In the end, Zhang Ziling still chose...

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