Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1659: The evil emperor's game?

However, surrounded by stars, Zhang Ziling took in the power of thousands of stars and injected it into Naihe.

However, Xie Wushuang was cast by the water of the Styx. It was Yin and had similar attributes to the starlight. Zhang Ziling could easily help Naihe break through with the power of the stars.

In fact, even if Zhang Ziling didn't help Naihe to break through, at the speed of Naihe's current progress, sooner or later he would step into the realm of the Great Emperor and trigger the prohibition under Xie Wushuang.

What Zhang Ziling is doing now is just accelerating the process of Naihe.

Zhang Ziling looked at Naihe and sighed, and said softly: "You shouldn't have come to this world."

This Yunding Temple of Heaven is the closest place to the starry sky, and can easily absorb a large amount of the power of the stars. At this moment, Zhang Ziling has already accumulated enough power for Naihe.

And Naihe itself is like a piece of white paper, like a child of heaven and earth, it is the best seed for understanding the great avenue of heaven and earth. As long as Zhang Ziling releases the origin of the great avenue, he can easily understand the law of the great avenue.

When the power accumulation was almost done, Zhang Ziling released his three thousand avenue origins, and the dazzling avenue light lit up in the sky, making the entire Qingdu city colorful.

"Look! What is that? It's beautiful!"

In Qingdu City, a few-year-old girl pulled her mother and pointed to the sky and exclaimed excitedly, her eyes gleaming.

The avenues of various colors are mixed together, making the sky extremely gorgeous, and countless monks go out one after another, looking at the sky obsessively.

"Is this?" An Bei was still in the study to modify the imperial technique for the devil's disciples, and suddenly found that colorful divine light came from outside the window, and then An Bei felt countless rich avenue breaths pervading all around.

The entire magic palace seems to be bathed in the ocean of avenues.

When An Bei walked out of the study, he saw nearly 3,000 dazzling light **** in the sky... Each of them contained infinite power.

In the middle of the origin of Three Thousand Avenue, there is a person lying.

He has long hair and a handsome face, but his figure is rather thin, and his black robe looks fat.

Seeing the person floating in the sky, An Bei couldn't help but change his expression, and subconsciously called out, "What?"

Naihe dressed quite like Zhang Ziling. Anbei once laughed at the four differences that Naihe learned from Zhang Ziling, but he only replied "The master is everything, and the clothes are naturally everything", which made Anbe speechless.

Izanami also walked out of the room and saw Zhang Ziling and the starry sky at the Yunding Temple of Heaven. He suddenly thought of something, her expression changed, and she hurriedly flew towards the Yunding Temple of Heaven.

Zhang Ziling's expression has become cold, and the surrounding avenue is surging, and thousands of stars follow.

Naihe suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes lit up with dazzling light, his limbs stretched, and the power of the surrounding stars poured into Naihe's body faster.


However, he screamed, and the price of forcibly raising his realm was to endure endless pain.

Seeing Naihe's situation, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed unbearable, but he did not stop.

Sacrificing Naihe is the only way for Zhang Ziling to catch up with Ziyou's progress. Only by knowing more information can Zhang Ziling be able to protect Ziyou.

Never let Ziyou face the ultimate!

and so……

A trace of cruelty flashed deep in Zhang Ziling's eyes.

"How is the so-called gift?"

Just when Zhang Ziling was about to force Naihe to break through to the realm of the Great Emperor, Izanami appeared behind Zhang Ziling and asked.

Zhang Ziling's body shook slightly, but he did not answer Izanami, silently manipulating the power of the surrounding Dao.

Naihe's shackles were opened little by little, and the restraints buried deep in Naihe's soul began to loosen, gradually eroding Naihe's soul.

Seeing that Zhang Ziling let Naihe break through without hesitation, Izanami couldn't help gritted his teeth, went forward to hold Zhang Ziling, and used his own power to disrupt Zhang Ziling's manipulation.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Ziling couldn't help asking when seeing Yixannami running up to make trouble.

"Are you crazy? No matter how you go on like this, you will die!" Why can't I see how the soul changes at this moment?

The restriction of the evil emperor has been fused with the soul of Naihe. Once the restriction is opened, the soul of Naihe will definitely be severely damaged, and there is a high probability of death.

"There is no other way..." Zhang Ziling sighed, his eyes gradually became firm, "I can only do this!"

To Zhang Ziling to choose between Ziyou and Naihe, Zhang Ziling had to sacrifice Naihe.


A powerful force burst out of Zhang Ziling's body, shook Izanami away.

"I'm sorry...I have no choice." Zhang Ziling whispered, flying directly into the sky, flying into space with Naihe and the origin of Three Thousand Avenue.

"This guy!" Yixie Namei looked at Zhang Ziling's back, and a hint of anger flashed through her beautiful eyes.

"Master, what's the matter with him?" At this moment, An Bei also came to the Temple of Heaven in Yunding, and asked when he looked at Zhang Ziling's back quickly.

"You came just right, come with me to stop your master, lest he make a big mistake!" Seeing Anbei appeared, Yixannami quickly pulled Anbei to chase Zhang Ziling.

"What the **** is going on here?" An Bei still looked dumbfounded, not understanding what had happened.

"Ziling he is going to kill Naihe!" Yixanamei said anxiously, her beautiful eyes filled with worry, "I am worried that after he does this, he will completely fall into the trap of the evil emperor!"

"Huh?" An Bei was more puzzled.

This happened so suddenly, An Bei still didn't know what happened.

Seeing Anbei's confused look, Yixie Namei couldn't help but glared at Anbei. While chasing after Zhang Ziling, he patiently said to Anbei: "After Ziling destroyed the three hundred holy places, A guy named Xie Yue found him and said that the evil emperor had given him a gift and asked him to accept it as soon as possible."


"Yes... I didn't expect that the gift was Naihe. I just saw Naihe's situation. Ziling wanted to kill Naihe in exchange for something. Although I don't know what Ziling wants, once Ziling After Ling killed Naihe, there is no turning back!"

Zhang Ziling was in the game, and some things couldn't be seen clearly, and Yixanamei didn’t blame Zhang Ziling. Yixanamei had been with Zhang Ziling for so long, and he knew Xie Wushuang’s methods...

Xie Wushuang is too good at layout, and he has planned countless years to take sentient beings as his son, and he can definitely break the game by relying on strength alone.

From only planning on that part of the earth, Izanami knows that Xie Wushuang is a terrifying monster!

As long as he walks in the rhythm of Xie Wushuang, Zhang Ziling will sink deeper and deeper, eventually losing to Xie Wushuang.

And this time Xie Wushuang wanted Zhang Ziling to kill Naihe, obviously he wanted to plant a hidden seed in Zhang Ziling's heart and wait for the harvest later.

Xie Wushuang is very good at controlling people's hearts, not to mention that he has mastered Zhang Ziling's lifeline, and has been controlling Zhang Ziling's fate even since Zhang Ziling grew up...

After Xie Wushuang introduced Zhang Ziling to Xuanxiao Continent, he also allowed Ziyou to grow up as his master on the earth...

The fate of Zhang Ziling's brother and sister has long been under the control of Xie Wushuang.

Xie Wushuang can be said to know himself better than Zhang Ziling... He guessed Zhang Ziling's behavior, and set up a situation for Zhang Ziling based on this. It was easy for Zhang Ziling to step into the trap step by step.

Izanami knows that if you want Zhang Ziling to get rid of the monster, you must make Zhang Ziling go against his own heart.

The previous choices of Zhang Ziling had to be done, and Izanami couldn’t stop it, but this time...

A touch of determination flashed in Yizan's beautiful eyes.

"My old lady... I definitely want to bring you back!"

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