Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1660: Star Eudemons!

"Here, no one should be able to bother me..."

Somewhere in the depths of the universe, Zhang Ziling looked at Naihe in front of him and muttered.

There are no creatures for hundreds of millions of miles, and no one will disturb them.

At this moment, half of his body turned black, and the spiritual power in his body had been completely transformed into the power of the emperor by Zhang Ziling.

After Naihe understood a supreme law, Naihe was able to break through to the emperor and open the ban in the depths of the soul.

"let's start……"

Zhang Ziling once again called out the origin of the Three Thousand Great Dao, so that Naihe was soaked in the power of the endless Dao, for his insight.

Although Naihe is a child of heaven and earth, he is countless times faster in perceiving the Great Dao than others, but it takes a certain amount of time for him to fully understand the laws of the Supreme Dao.

"Boss..." The Heaven Seeker in Zhang Ziling's body looked complicated, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only remain silent.

Tianxun also felt that Zhang Ziling was wrong in doing this, but Tianxun did not want Zhang Ziyou to have an accident. Now it seems that killing Naihe is the only way to speed up finding Zhang Ziyou...

Tian Xun Yi didn't know what to do for a while.

Only let it go.

Perhaps Zhang Ziling also hoped that someone would stop him. After Zhang Ziling escaped into the depths of the universe, he did not isolate his aura, but instead swaggered to manipulate the origin of the avenue in space.


"Where did this fellow Ziling go?"

After Izanami and An Bei chased them too fast, they lost the trace of Zhang Ziling, and the two stood in the void without a clue.

"It's not a way to go on like this. The two of us will look separately, so the probability of finding the master will be greater!" An Bei said solemnly.

Although Anbei has not yet figured out the reason for this, after listening to what Izanami said, Anbei is also aware of the seriousness of the matter...

Anyway, the master must be prevented from killing Naihe!

"That's okay, you search on the right and I search on the left. Contact immediately after you find it!" Izanami didn't hesitate, said quickly, and then the two rushed in two directions respectively.

Although the universe is boundless, Zhang Ziling will not leave too far in such a short time. Both Yizanami and Anbei are great emperors, and the scope that the spirit can cover is extremely wide.

If you are lucky enough, you can still find Zhang Ziling.

Izanami is advancing at great speed in the universe, and his soul spread out in all directions, searching for the trace of Zhang Ziling.

Before she knew it, Izanami was getting further and further away from the Xuanxiao Continent.

"Mistress, the master's breath is not easy to find, you can try to find the heavenly instrument! It is in the master's body, it should be easy to find it." The Nine Heavens Demon Orb sees that Izanami is like a headless fly in the universe , Could not help but reminded.

Hearing the reminder of the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, Izanami reacted violently and couldn't help complaining to the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I thought you knew..." The Nine Heavens Demon Orb whispered in Yixie Namei's body, with a grudge on his face.

"Are you talking back?" Izanami's voice raised a few decibels.

"No, no! I don't dare, I don't dare!" Now that the Nine Heavens Devil Orb is properly affixed by Yixie Namei, she doesn't dare to talk back to Yixie Namei, "Let’s find the master quickly, lest he It's a big mistake!"

Seeing that the Nine Heavens Demon Orb recognizes counseling, Izanami hastily changed from searching for the breath of Zhang Ziling to searching for the breath of the heaven seeker.

"found it!"

After changing the search method, it didn't take long for Izanami to sense the aura of the heaven seeker, her expression couldn't help but she hurried away in the direction of the heaven seeker.

However, before Izanami approached the aura of the heaven-seeking instrument, a black-robed man appeared in front of Izanami, blocking Izanami's path.

Izanami stopped and saw the face of the person who was blocking her path, her expression changed slightly, and she exclaimed, "Xie Yue?"

"Miss, please don't be nosy." Xie Yue said with her hands on her back, standing in the void looking at Yixannami.

After seeing Xie Yue, Yixie Namei's face completely sank, the power of the Great Emperor diffused out of her body, and she said coldly: "You shadow gate, you really are not at ease!"

"The earth is not a good person, I didn't expect to do the same thing in this Xuanxiao Continent!"

"Miss don't get me wrong, the devil emperor is the key to exploring the ultimate. But letting the devil emperor kill Naihe is the best result that the patriarch has calculated for tens of thousands of years. If you rashly destroy it, I am afraid that the future will become extremely chaotic." Xie Yue sees Izanami said lightly, as if not affected by Izanami's aura at all.

"Now the future has become chaotic, and it's not as easy to control as before, trouble will happen." Xie Yue looked at Izanami and said seriously.

"My palace can't manage so much..." Tianmao spear condensed in the hands of Izanami. She looked at Xie Yue, her eyes became extremely cold: "Are you letting it or not?"

Seeing that Izanami was about to use force, Xieyue shook her head slightly and sighed: "Why do these hard labor...I do it?"

Xieyue's voice fell, and the pupils of both eyes suddenly disappeared, and they were filled with endless black.

"Weak chicken!" Seeing Xieyue's breath still in the real martial state, Yixian couldn't help flashing a trace of contempt in his eyes, "Look at my palace spear shooting you through!"

Izanami raised the sky marsh spear, ready to directly blast Xie Yue into dregs, but before Izanami could take action, a terrifying aura swept across from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, a chilling howl came along with those breaths, and all the stars around Yizanami burst into pieces in that howl!

"What?" Hearing the oozing howl, Izanami's expression changed slightly, always feeling that those things were difficult to deal with.

"You ask for more blessings... the universe will remember your sacrifice." Xie Yue said to Izanami with no expression on her face, and her whole body was wrapped in black energy and disappeared into the universe.

"Hey! Let that guy escape..." Yixannami could no longer feel Xieyue's breath, her eyes wrinkled slightly.

"This sound...not good, mistress, run away!" The Nine Heavens Devil Orb screamed, his voice panicked.

Hearing the words of the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, Izanami didn't hesitate, and hurried to the direction of Xuntianyi, while asking: "What is that thing?"

That is to feed on the galaxy, the adult is the emperor realm, and it can be hard to shake the supreme at the peak...

At the beginning, six or seven plus a group of cubs would defeat Zhang Ziling and their ten magical soldiers, the monsters that have lost their cultivation base!

"That, that's..." The Nine Heavens Demon Orb seemed to think of the horrible memories once again, and his voice trembled, "Starry Eternal Beast!"

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