Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 1661: Kill the starry monster

The Nine Heavens Demon Orb roared out, and before Yixanamei had time to escape, a giant beast larger than the sun slowly came from a distance.

There are still many stars around that giant beast, and Izanami can even see the fragments of countless planets in its mouth!

"This guy..." Yixannami stopped, her face was so ugly, she stared at the starry fantasy beast.

It has completely blocked the way of Izanami.

There is a strong gravitational force around the Starry Eudemons, if Yixie Namei wants to break through, she will definitely be swallowed by the Starry Eudemons!

Nowadays, only by fleeing in the opposite direction can there be a ray of life.

"Let’s retreat first. Although this beast is strong, he doesn’t have any wisdom. Now there is still time to escape!" The Nine Heavens Demon Orb said anxiously. With the strength of Izanami’s just stepping into the Great Emperor, there is absolutely no way to fight this one. The starry sky Eudemons fight at the peak!

"Damn it! What about Zhang Ziling?" A hint of hesitation flashed in Yixie's eyes. If she retreats now, I'm afraid Zhang Ziling will really kill Naihe...

Therefore, no refund!

"Does this animal have any special skills?" Izanami gripped the Heavenly Marsh Spear, the divine power in his body began to flow, and the whole person's spirit was strained to the limit.

To fight!

"Oh..." Seeing that Izanami had no intention of running away, the Nine Heavens Demon Orb could not help but sighed heavily, and flew directly out of Izanami's body, releasing its magic power, and fighting for Izanami. force.

The Nine Heavens Devil Orb can increase the combat power of Izanami several times, and if you go all out, you should be able to barely fight the Starry Eudemons.

"It can crush the surrounding space, can swallow everything, and set off a space storm to wipe out one thing, besides... it has thick skin and strong vitality." Nine Heavens Demon Orb said solemnly.

"You can't fight with it for strength and endurance, you must win with one blow!"

"Understand, it's a silly big one!" Hearing the words of the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, Izan's eyes became serious and he threw the Heavenly Marsh Spear in his hand!

When the Tianmao Spear was released, it instantly became a million feet long.

The sky marsh spear, which is comparable to the size of a planet, whizzed towards the starry beast, surrounded by endless divine power.

The Starry Eudemons hadn't seen the beauty of Yixie, until the suddenly enlarged Tianmaru spear stabbed at him, the Eudemons of the Starry sky reacted and roared at the beauty of Yixie!


Izanami is similar to dust in the eyes of the starry beast, and its roar is like a storm to Izanami!

Pieces of space were shattered, and the Sky Marsh Spear was shattered by the roar of the starry beast before it even touched the starry beast. Izanami spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was blown out.

"A needless struggle."

Xie Yue stood on the head of the starry fantasy beast, and watched indifferently as Yix Nami was blasted out, without any emotion in her eyes.

In Xieyue's eyes, the most important thing is to complete the task. Besides...everything that will hinder the completion of the task, whether it is people or things, must be eliminated!

Even if Izanami is a woman from Zhang Ziling, as long as she wants to disrupt the patriarch's plan, she must die!

Xieyue's arms had blood vessels growing out, and they were connected to the starry sky Eudemons. Soon the starry sky Eudemons' eyes turned black and her mouth opened.

Before Izanami had time to stop her figure, she felt a strong suction coming, and the surrounding stars flew into the starry fantasy beast's mouth.

"Damn! This guy has started eating, don't be sucked in by it. That guy's stomach is like a black hole. Once you get in, you can't get out!" The Nine Heavens Demon Orb roared, his strength seemed to be Just don't need money, and madly supply Izanami to help her stabilize her figure.

When Zhang Ziling fought fiercely with a group of starry beasts, those starry beasts continued to use this trick, even Zhang Ziling felt extremely tricky.

"Is this beast going to swallow the sky?" Yixenami struggled to resist the suction of the starry phantom, and screamed. The body has been overloaded, and the divine power in the body is running to the extreme.

Now Izanami has tried his best to resist the engulfing of the starry beast, let alone attack the starry beast.

If the starry phantom beast is allowed to continue to swallow, sooner or later Izanami will have to be sucked in!

"This kind of guy can swallow the entire galaxy with a meal, do you think it can swallow the sky?" The Nine Heavens Demon Orb roared, the power in the body gushing crazily, providing power for Izanami.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Yixie Namei complained loudly, struggling to make fingerprints, and finally condensed eight giant gates above the starry beast and smashed it against the starry beast.

"Eight Seals!"


Eight giant doors locked the starry sky Eudemons, suppressing the starry Eudemons, and told them to shut up.

The devouring stopped immediately, and Izanami didn't waste time, and quickly let the fragments of the sky marsh spear scattered in the space recondensed, injected all of her strength into it, and hurled at the starry phantom beast!

"Death to this palace!"

Izanami roared, the sky marsh spear tore the space, with endless power, directly pierced into the body of the starry beast!

"Aw—!" The starry monster screamed in pain, and the harsh sound waves swept around, all the stars in its stomach burst!

"Blast!" Izanami gritted her teeth and directly detonated the Heavenly Marsh Spear!

The sky marsh spear glowed with a dazzling white light, and Xie Yue, who was standing on the top of the starry beast's head, felt an aura of destruction from the sky marsh spear, her complexion couldn't help changing, she broke her blood vessels quickly and escaped into the void!


The sky marsh spear suddenly exploded, the body of the starry beast, which was larger than the star, was completely swallowed by white light, and Izanami was flew out by a strong explosive bomb.

The Nine Heavens Demon Orb also lost consciousness directly, and returned to Yixannamei, losing its power.

The Heavenly Marsh Spear is injected with all the power of Izanami, plus the Heavenly Marsh Spear is Izanami's natal artifact. Such a self-destruction is enough to destroy the sky and the earth, and blow up the stars!

After the explosion, the universe collapsed, half of the body of the starry beast was blown off, dripping with blood.

The stars swallowed in its body all fell out, scattered around the space, turning into dust and dissipating.

A strong smell of blood permeated the surroundings, and the starry fantasy beast wailed, and its breath was extremely weak.

After absorbing the last trace of power provided by the Nine Heavens Demon Orb, Izanami could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when she regained consciousness when she saw that the starry Eudemon was blown to half.

Her sealing technique can't suppress the starry beast for long, and Yizan knows that once the starry beast starts to consume it again, she will have no chance to attack again.

So she can only make a desperate move.

This time she detonated her own destiny weapon, and the connection between Izanami and the Heavenly Marsh Spear was also broken, and she was not sure whether she could repair the Heavenly Marsh Spear.


Just kill this beast.

Izanami no longer stayed, barely cheering up, and fleeing directly through the starry sky Eudemon to the direction of the heaven seeker.


Before Izanami had time to cross the starry beast, she was horrified to find the half body of the starry beast that had been blown away...

It has grown back!

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